第十卷第  101年3月15日出刊  March 2012




輔導室系列活動 國際教育交流




發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:郭怡伶 黃珍汝 楊璦禎 Marina Lin

英文翻譯:Kristen Wu Vivi Chuang Jason Tsai Michael Wu Szu Yu Liu Samuel Hsia

刊頭:燈的作品 徐韻涵


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

學測放榜 本校應屆畢業生成績斐然



本校高中部二年級同學參加小論文第1001115梯次競賽成果豐碩!其中高二3班羅芳晨、鄭育如、高二2班蔡佩璇以「水果的抗氧化性研究」及高二4班陳妤箴、李貞儀、杜俊達以「良藥苦口,菌菌逃走--探討中藥之抑菌效果」分別榮獲化學類特優;高二4班張育翔、蕭世熙、吳雨葳則以「上上下下-流體振盪之探討」榮獲物理類特優。此外,高二2班鄧昕孟以「 沼之道-沒浣沒了!」、高二2班林佳蓉與彭聖之以「泡泡公主的秘密!」及高二4班侯均頤、柯重光及劉瑀以「紅茶菇變尿布─細菌纖維素吸水性的探討」分別榮獲化學類甲等;高二4班駱為庭、黃千芸、林奕廷以「滴水成圈-探討水中的煙圈」及高三2班曹芷庭、施楷文以「誰吃了小林煎餅?!— 淺談青少年零食文化」分別榮獲物理類及健康/護理類甲等。感謝高中部周鈺禎老師、林秋月老師、游彥辰老師、謝道任老師及林安英老師的用心指導。




新加坡立化中學(River Valley High School)師生一行共43人於3月6日(星期二)蒞臨本校參訪,首先由雙語部李秀芬主任及教學組長王鳳真歡迎他們並將學生分成8組參加雙語部不同中文程度的中文課程。老師們分別以戲劇、分組報告、詩詞賞析等不同方式呈現中文課程,創意活潑的課程引人入勝。隨後立化高中師生參加高中部生物課程,首先由黃芳芷校長致歡迎詞歡迎並致贈紀念品,接著由揭維邦老師做本次課程說明,兩校學生在揭老師帶領下進行分組觀察校園鳥類觀察活動,生動有趣的課程介紹及實際觀察,讓學生驚訝學校周遭鳥類生態的豐富,也讓立化中學師生對此行印象深刻。


輔導室本學期推出精彩的家長及志工成長團體系列課程及活動。「來自底層生活的音樂」系列課程邀請IC之音廣播電台節目主持人陳韻琳老師,以書籍研討、欣賞影片、分組討論、大團體互動等方式進行讀書會,目的在強化並提昇社區家長「性別平等」及「生命教育」的概念,促進心靈成長,建構及增進和諧的親子關係。「活出美好」父母成長團體則邀請到本校退修的輔導教師駱月絹帶領,駱老師以她在台大心理所博士班主修正向心理學﹙positive psychology﹚,結合目前最新的東、西方正向心理學,及多年的諮商輔導實務經驗,幫助家長發現及利用自己的內在資源,進而提昇生活的品質。(課程及活動時間見14頁)



College Exam Scores Released. NEHS Seniors Score Remarkably.
This year's college exam's scores were released on the 13th of February. Among the hundred forty two seniors taking the college exam, nine students achieved a perfect score (seventy-five points), and ninety students achieved seventy points. Students achieving full scores include: Yo-Tsuan Lin, Jia-Luen Yeh, Qiong-Yu Chang from the regular class, Tsian-Zhi Huang, Yo-Jun Hisung, Yi-Cian Hsu from the Math Based Class, and Yuan Wang and Yen-Wei Chen, and Chang-Roan Fu from the Science Based Class. Other students also performed extremely well. As a result, the college application acceptance rate rose from last year's 44% to 63% this year! Special thanks to teachers for their efforts in caring and guiding the students, also, congratulations this year's seniors for performing outstandingly. We all wish that the graduating students succeed in applying to their dream schools.

High School Department Students Received High Honors in 1001115 “Short Essay Contest”
The High School Department Juniors had received great results from the 1001115 Short Essay Contest! “Research on Anti-oxidation of Fruits” and “Bitter Medicine Chases Bacterium Away--Exploring the Antibacterial Effects of Chinese Medicine” both received High Honors in the Chemistry Category. Another essay received High Honors in the Physics Category with “Up and Down- Investigation of Fluid Oscillations.” Furthermore, “Marshes will be gone without proper treatment (Something punny)”, “The Secret of Princess Bubbles!” , and “Black Tea Mushrooms as Diapers-Exploring the Water Absorbtion of Cellulose” each received Grade “A”s in the Chemistry Category. “Circular Water Droplets-Investigating Smoke Rings in Water” and “Who ate the Kobayashi Pancake?!-Discussion on Teenage Snacking Culture” received Grade “A”s in the categories Physics and Healthcare respectively. Special thanks to the following teachers for their help: Mr. Zhou, Ms. Lin, Mr. Yo, Mr. Hsieh, and Ms. Lin.

Famous Author Tom Wang Visits Our School for a Keynote Speech
NEHS high school department registered for “the 2011 Ministry of Education Future Imagination and Creative Talent Cultivation Plan” and hosted the “Young Dreamers” speeches. On Wednesday, February 8th, the talk was held with United Way of Taiwan's Secretary-General Chou Wen Zhen as the opening speaker on “Young at Heart” and reputable author Tom Wang as the keynote speaker on “Tom Wang's Youth and Elderly Services.” The activity lasted for two hours, and the speakers humorously discussed the elderly and their courageous and determined desire to pursue their dreams, asking the students to learn from their elders at home about life. From beginning to end, the speakers captivated their audience's attention and inspired reflection afterwards.

Singapore River Valley High School Visit NEHS
On March 6th, a total of 43 teachers and students from Singapore River Valley High School visited NEHS. IBSH teachers Ms. Helen Chou and Ms. Nancy Wang welcomed them and split them into 8 groups to participate in different levels of Chinese class. Chinese teachers used drama, group projects, poetry appreciation, and more to present their courses. Soon after, the visitors joined the Biology class at the NEHS department. Principal Huang welcomed and presented souvenirs to them, then Teacher Xie Wei Ban explained the curriculum and divided all the students into groups to observe the birds on campus. The students from Singapore were very impressed by our interesting courses and outdoor activities.

The High School Department's Guidance Office Unleashes a Series of Events for Parent and Volunteer Student Development Groups
This semester, the High School Department's Guidance Office held a series of classes and events for parents and volunteer student development groups. The “Music from the Bottom Layer” series welcomed the radio personality Ms. Chen from the IC Broadcasting Company to hold a reading club for the parents of the school. The “Live Beautifully” Parent Group, on the other hand, welcomed our school's retired guidance teacher Ms. Luoh. Using her insights from her PhD studies in the field of positive psychology at National Taiwan University, her many years of counseling experience, as well as knowledge of cutting edge developments in eastern and western positive psychology, she helped parents realize their inner potential and to utilize their inner resources to create a better quality of life for themselves.

The Elementary Department Holds Electrical Boat Speed Race
In order to let the Elementary Department students learn the basics of the electric circuit, to operate as well as to recognize the "wonderful electromagnetic world" and to encourage the students to have a deeper insight on electro magnetism, the science teachers had a "electrical toys competition" for the fourth graders and an "electrically modified boat speed race" for the sixth graders at the end of the last semester. During the day of the competition, the students of each class held in their hands a submarine produced from their hard work, hoping to win the race. The stadium for the match was a remodeled acrylic water track, and it was a timed race with each student having two chances to compete. The different electrical toys and boats, demonstrated the students' creativity and ability.