第十卷第  101年3月15日出刊  March 2012




輔導室系列活動 國際教育交流






撰稿:高二1班 羅盤針

高二2班 林穎秀

指導老師:高中部 陳冠華老師、徐孟芳老師











A.任何事都會碰到挫折。從你考試、到推廣樂活。很多人會往負面看,比如說:我在用環保杯,別人還在用紙杯!可是我覺得不要因為那些負面的狀況,而影響到你的意願或是熱情。永遠要想,有更多的人,因為你的推廣而改變他們的行為。我從來不會說任何事情是沒有用的,今天來這裡,接觸到大概五百位同學。我覺得有用啊!因為你不曉得將來,這些同學會變成誰。也許有人(指向Vivian)會當總統啊!當她變成那個地位之後,能給這個世界帶來改變是無法想像的;縱使她「不變成什麼」,只是一個平凡的媽媽,她也會用不一樣的方式來照顧孩子,也許我們這個世代沒有辦法改變,但是五個世代之後,就更美好!也許沒辦法立刻改變他們的想法,但是可以讓他們開始思考。這就是我們今天做的事情:讓他們開始想!我們不敢說改變了誰,很多同學回去還是不跟阿公阿嬤說話… …都沒有關係!重要的是,如果有了今天下午,使得這些同學,已經跟昨天有點不一樣、一點點不一樣,那今天在這裡就沒有白費。我想我會繼續用我的寫作,來傳播這個概念;另外我成立了一個「夢想學校」,你們可以上網去看一看。




王文華老師:我說我不用老了才跳… …我現在就跳!


王文華老師:我覺得都不要講到那麼老!(叩桌子三下)生命就是現在。很多人都說:『我退休之後再做公益』、『我退休之後再去環遊世界』、『我退休之後再去實現夢想』… …不要這樣想。第一個,你可能活不到退休之後;第二個,人生就是現在,你所有想做的事情:現在去做!對你們來講可能並非如此,因為你們還有別的責任,你們要唸書、要升學,但是至少可以「局部」地去完成你的夢想:我高中的時候也要考大學啊!我就開始編校刊,局部地完成寫作的夢想。不要給自己太多的藉口,也不要有任何的埋怨,我,我們,活在一個天下太平的時代,把握它。



翻譯: 12B Kristen Wu 吳允馨

Vivi Chuang 莊子薇

On February 8, NEHS was honored to invite Teacher Wen-Hua Wang as a speaker on elderly service, which involved participating in creative and fun activities with elders. Before Teacher Wang started his presentation, we found him leaning against the wall, looking very friendly and cheerful. The frequent interaction and vivid conversation with his audience during his speech immediately overturned the stereotype of the romantic yet sometimes mocking image of the poet. Wang began with talking about several characteristics of our school, giving the audience a brilliant and thoughtful lecture.

After the presentation and book signing, we had the honor to personally interview Teacher Wang. We asked several questions from the student’s perspective. The following is the Q&A of the interview.

Q. Teacher Wang, what is your first impression of the students here? What is your opinion of co-ed schooling, small classes, and the casual attire?

A: Haha, I strongly agree with the idea of learning in a co-ed environment, my high school (Jianguo) is a boys’ school. I believe that students should have normal interaction with the opposite gender because that way they will learn to respect each other. It is great that students are not required to wear uniforms so that everyone can be creative. (Points at the student who is wearing a scarf). The connection between students will be stronger and deeper in a small school. These characteristics should be appreciated. When you meet with people from different schools, you will realize how unique you are. It is our fortune to have differences because after awhile we will get used to it.

Q: Teacher Wang went to National Taiwan University and changed his major from history to foreign language. Then he went to study MBA in graduate school. (To Teacher Wang) Why did you choose to do those things? Have you ever had a dream in high school? What is your opinion on Taiwan’s educational system?

A. I knew that I was interested in literature when I was still a high school student. And like you, there are definitely some expectations from your parents, society, and teachers. I didn’t know that I wanted to study literature until I entered college. I tried different majors just to explore different parts of myself. It is actually better to not know what you want to do this early because with some uncertainties, you will feel driven to explore yourself. In high school, I had a dream of writing articles and novels. But it was not until I tried to accomplish it step by step that I learned how hard it is. However, the process of making my dreams come true was very sweet.
As for the whole educational system, this is something that I can’t change or comment on, what we can do is to educate ourselves. Because we received our education in Taiwan, we have to think about ways that we can educate ourselves. Like the book on Steve Jobs I gifted that student during the presentation, there are things inside the book that schools don’t teach, but if you are willing to open the book and read it, your perspectives and thinking will be different. One piece of advice: dedicate your time and passion to self-education...along with the country’s arrangements for education, the combination should make a good ending. And this is exactly how I came through. I studied in Taiwan without any complaint, I held onto the things the system provided me, and I tried super hard to pursue my own goals at the same time.

Q. How did you develop your optimistic character and point of view? What core values brought you to devote yourself to public welfare?

A. My character came from my genes, but were also influenced by the many places that I visited. When met with setbacks, one may feel like falling into a bottomless abyss without any way out. This is due to his/her limited access to the vast world. With more exposure, one will find out that there are many people who suffer more and will appreciate more. Therefore, I encourage you to “expand your world” not only by physically visiting more places but also through reading books and getting to know more people. The wider the world you encounter, more optimistic you will become.
As for my passion towards public welfare, it all started with a simple conviction. Because of the conviction that you love a person, you will be willing to help this person; because of the conviction in environmental protection, you will be willing to contribute. A simple conviction, turns into passion, and actions follow. Whether chasing a girlfriend, running a campaign, or applying for college, everything follows these three steps of occurrence: conviction, passion, and action. I benefit from this three-step process and would like to pass it on to you.

Q. Did you encounter obstacles when popularizing and promoting public welfare?

A. Obstacle is part of life, including taking tests and promoting public welfare. People tends to think negatively; for example, why this guy is still using paper cups, instead of environmental cups? I think it is important not to let the negatives to influence your conviction and passion. Your efforts may change the behavior of many. While I am here today and talking to roughly five hundred students, I feel my time is worth spent. One of you may become the President of this country and will bring changes that one now can never imagine. Many of you will become parents who will adopt a better way to raise their kids. The little improvements made in one generation will turn the world into a better place in five generations for sure. I may not be able to change your mind today, but at least I can make you start to think differently. This what we are doing these days. If you start thinking differently after listening to my talk, my time is well spent. I will continue to write to spread this concept of mine. You can also check the website for the “Dream School” that I established.
We also raised some questions in regard to the earlier presentation:

Q: You showed us the clip of the elderly doing cheerleader dances. Would you do that when you get old?

A: I will not wait till then, I will start doing it now!

Q: That’s not what I was asking. I meant, would you do it even when you are unable to keep up with the pace?

A: I do not feel like talking about being old --- life is here now. People said: “I will conduct public welfare after my retirement”, “I will travel around the world after my retirement”, “I will go after my dream after my retirement”. They are wrong. First of all, you may not live that long. Second, life is now, pursue your dream now. As a student, you have the responsibility to study and to go for higher education. Nonetheless, when I was at your age, I started writing articles for school publications to fulfill my dream. Do not give yourself the excuse not to start. Stop complaining. Time is precious.

At the end of the interview, Teacher Wang stood up and knocked a few times on the world map that hung on the wall and remarked, “I did not notice this hanging here until now. Next time when I see you, I hope that you will have visited many places on this map.”