第二十二卷第三期 106年5月15日出刊 May 2017


Robotics Engineering Technology Class at IBSH


105學年國中部英語唱遊比賽 客家美食動手做活動 2017年國際魯比高堡機械競賽參賽心得 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:何 昀 郭原甫 劉芷瑩 Nini Wang

英文翻譯:Annabel Chang、Alica Lee、Alice Chen、Claire Chuang、

                      Christine Lin、Jessica Kim、Judy Chiang

刊頭:雙語部11A Alice 陳思昀 砂畫Sun- Kissed Melody


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

全國淨灘日 為環保盡一份心力


賀!雙語部Lily Luan榮獲National Merit Scholarship獎學金!

雙語部再傳佳績!雙語部學生Lily Luan榮獲美國國家卓越學生獎學金(National Merit Scholarship)殊榮!此獎學金由美國國家卓越獎學金機構(American Scholar Group)所提供。此機構致力於提升研究機會及在美國的跨文化教育,每年從全世界參加PSAT考試約三百多萬名考生中,擇優篩選出前百分之一的優秀學生,再經過提供自傳、撰寫論文等重重關卡,最終僅有7,400位學生能脫穎而出獲得此獎學金。雖然獎學金的金額不高,但是獲此獎項實屬不易,其實質意義更為難能可貴。恭喜獲獎同學!

「搞鬼趣」 圖書館主題書展嚇破你的膽!


Cupertino District學校短期交流活動

美國加州Cupertino City(庫柏蒂諾市)與新竹市締結為姊妹市,每年並相約進行短期的學生交流互訪活動。從4月12起,7名由本校學生接待的庫生就來到本校分別進入中學部及雙語部上課。每個接待庫生的班級都指派了一位接待大使,負責帶領遠道而來的朋友認識實中環境、跑班上課,並協助他們在課堂及生活上遭遇到的問題。4月13日當天,庫市全體參訪師生一行31人都來到實驗中學,體驗不同於一般市屬國中的「實中生活」。25名庫生分別被分配到不同班級,其中已經是第二天來到實中的「老鳥」Tim熟門熟路,由於也通曉中文,所以很快就能融入班級,甚至還能帶著來自光武國中的「菜鳥」Ben一同參與課程呢!下午再由本校行政同仁與家長會成員陪同帶領來訪師生參觀「台積創新館」,藉此認識臺灣積體電路發展先鋒的歷史、現況與願景。特別感謝家長會和黃校長的熱情接待。此次訪問行程雖然短暫,但不啻為台美雙方未來科技人脈交流奠定長遠而穩固的基礎,也期待這段交流活動能夠長久走下去!

魯比高堡機械競賽 雙語部學生奪下世界第三!

2017年國際魯比高堡機械競賽(Rube Goldberg)由享譽全球、與美國麻省理工學院和英國帝國理工學院齊名的以色列理工學院(Israel Institute of Technology)舉辦。魯比高堡機械是一種經過設計的機械組合,機器設計由繁雜的零件所組成,用繁複的操作方式將零件的功能一環一環連結起來,而機器的目的則是完成一個或數個簡單的功能。不僅需活用物理、化學觀念與機械運作原理,還可以訓練系統思考與解決問題的能力,更重要的是創意思考與創造力的培養。本校雙語部11年級學生李先勇(Alan)、辜惟亮(Alex)、陳家慶(Anthony)、馮琛原(Brian)、黃紘(Hong)、洪子凡(Hubert)、金亨鎮(Thomas)等七位同學耗時一個月的時間,課後及連續假期不斷趕工,歷經屢次失敗後,共同討論及修正錯誤,完成艱鉅的任務,榮獲全球第三名!他們以「世界地球日」為主題,大部分的材料皆取自學校資源回收室,以實際行動響應環保的決心。並融入台灣童玩特色,兼具臺灣文化與創意力十足的設計,獲得國際評審青睞。

National Earth Day: Do it for the Environment
Every year on April 22, people from all around the world host a series of activities to celebrate in the spirit of National Earth Day. This year, several teachers from NEHS brought students who wanted to preserve our Earth's environment to Hsin-fuBeach (near the Nanliao Fish Port) to clean up litter. Nanliao Fish Port is one of Hsinchu’s oldest fish port, and it yields the largest production of fish in northern Taiwan. Today, Nanliao Fish Port is a well known recreational area, which, unfortunately, has also led to a massive increase in human litter. A group of environmentally conscious NEHS students were willing to put aside school work to attend this cleansing event on April 22. Picking up trash was only one part of the work the students had done; they also sorted all the trash into different categories of paper, trash, lunch boxes...etc. Furthermore, these students investigated the source of the litter: humans. They have learned that the environment needs everyone’s protection, not only them. Humans have made a huge impact on pollution, both positively and negatively; the best way to decrease the amount of litter is to start on our own daily habits.

Congrats! IBSH’s Lily Luan Wins the National Merit Scholarship!
IBSH does it again! 12A student Lily Luan wins the honorary National Merit Scholarship, which is awarded by the American Scholar Group every year. The organization seeks to promote research opportunities and intercultural education in the United States by selecting the top one percent among the 3 million PSAT examinees that is then evaluated by autobiographies and essays, before finally granting only 7400 distinguished students the highly coveted scholarship. While the financial award isn't particularly significant, the award truly isn't easy to win, and therein lies the value. Once again, congratulations to the student!

The Boo!-ks are Here: Ghost-Themed Exhibition at the Library!
Ms. Wen Wen Yang of the elementary department organized a “Boo!-ks” exhibition that will be at the library throughout April! With the help of the librarians, all of the books about “ghosts” have been selected and are displayed among drapes and paper decorations with patterns, large spiders, and monsters for a creepy atmosphere with an element of fun! Additionally, the library also hosted a “Missed the Ghost” event, inviting students to find books about “ghosts” that haven’t already been found by the librarians for the exhibit. Because of the heightened interest in “ghost” books, the library was filled with participating students every day after school! This exhibition enabled students to come into contact with lots of interesting books, such as “Leo: a Ghost Story,” “My Friend the Ghost in the Library,” “Monster Museum,” and “The Dark,” diversifying students’ reading experiences!

Exchange Program with the Cupertino District
Cupertino City, California is a sister city of Hsinchu; the two meet up every year to hold a student exchange program. On April 12th, NEHS welcomed seven students from Cupertino to join the middle school department as well as the bilingual department. Each Cupertino student had a guiding friend who led them around campus to be familiarized with the environment and attend different classes. The next day, all 31 students and teachers from Cupertino came to Taiwan to experience the “NEHS life.” 25 Cupertino students were assigned to different classes; among them, a student named Tim was already familiar with our school, so he adjusted into his new school lifestyle immediately and even brought along Ben, a student from Guang Wu Junior High School, to have class together! In the afternoon, NEHS administrators and PTA memebers led our guests on a visit to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), introducing Taiwan’s history of semiconductor advancements. Special thanks to PTA and Principal Huang’s warm reception. Even though their stay wasn’t long, we hope that not only did the next generation scientists of Taiwan and America engage in a fruitful technology exchange but also that this international exchange program will thrive well into the future.

2017 International Rube Goldberg Competition: IBSH Students Win Third
The 2017 International Rube Goldberg Competition was hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Imperial College London, and the Israel Institute of Technology. A Rube Goldberg project is one that involves one simple machine that triggers the activation of the next machine, and so on, cascading into a great chain reaction. Not only does it test the students’ knowledge in physics and chemistry, it also develops their critical thinking skills and imagination. IBSH junior students, Alan Lee, Alex Ku, Brian Feng, Hong Huang, Hubert Hung, and Thomas Kim invested a month’s worth of time to this project, working on it during after school sessions and even during the long break. As a result of their hard work, they have earned third place in the worldwide competition. Following the theme of “Earth Day,” the students collected trash and recycling materials from the recycling house, promoting an eco-friendly lifestyle. With hints of Taiwanese culture peeking through, the project echoed of singularity, further attracting the judge’s attention.