第二十二卷第三期 106年5月15日出刊 May 2017


Robotics Engineering Technology Class at IBSH


105學年國中部英語唱遊比賽 客家美食動手做活動 2017年國際魯比高堡機械競賽參賽心得 榮譽榜




雙語部 王彩齡老師整理撰稿

本校雙語部參加「以色列理工學院」主辦的2017年國際魯比高堡機械競賽(Rube Goldberg),榮獲全球第三名的佳績。以色列理工學院(Israel Institute of Technology)是一所享譽全球的理工大學,與美國麻省理工學院和英國帝國理工學院齊名。



以「世界地球日」為主題,並融入台灣童玩特色,兼具臺灣文化與創意力十足的設計,獲得國際評審青睞。學生期許透過參加魯比高堡機械競賽,宣揚環保理念,因此大部分的材料皆取材自學校資源回收室,以實際行動響應環保的決心。影片中設計的巧思更涵蓋了許多環境保護議題,諸如:空氣汙染、廢水排放、濫砍濫伐、土石流等等。進一步提倡5R的環保概念:循環利用(Recycle)、再生能源(Regrow)、物盡其用(Reuse)、減少慾望(Reduce) 、拒絕浪費(Refuse)。影片的最後,希望透過具體的實踐環保,影響越來越多不同的人投入心力,一同守護我們的美麗家園。


30 consecutive days at school. Over 200 hours spent in the Future Classroom. We as a team had achieved something that none of us would have thought of: a Rube Goldberg Machine. While we had no prior experience making such sophisticated machines, we were all determined to never give up. Sometimes we would make a small machine for a whole day and realize that it was not applicable to our project. Other times we would argue over varying methods of approaching a single step. Yet, through these efforts, we learned to improve and think in a different angle and alternative perspective and most importantly work with one another while respecting each other’s opinions. Lastly, I would truly like to thank all my teammates, teachers, and parents who spent immense effort in making this whole project possible. We truly had a blast!

Knowing how to “physics”, being creative, thinking outside the box, these were all useful throughout our experience making a Rube Goldberg Machine, but they aren’t what I personally think is the most important. As cliche as it may sound, anyone given the circumstances can pull off the intellectual part of making the machine. The true difficulty lies in working with the group. In a group where you literally spend days together cooped up in a room, everyone must not only share the same level of commitment to the project, but be able to compromise ideas and workloads. Everyone in the group must be able to proudly say “I was part of this project” by the end of the day, and trust me, that’s a lot harder than it sounds.

Initially, all of us were very excited to build our own Rube Goldberg machine for the first mine. All of us had great ideas and it seemed like it would it be a relatively easy task. Little did we know that this project would take over a month’s worth of time and would be one of the most difficult things that most of us have ever done. Before we started building the the Rube Goldberg machine, we had already seemingly planned everything out . We had a design for each step, and everything seemed like it would work out. Day by day, we started noticing all kinds of problems that we never thought of. At the end we still managed to construct a prize winning Rube Goldberg machine. Even though we faced many troubles while doing our project, we all persevered and finished it together. I think I learned a lot of valuable things from doing this project, and I feel a strengthened bond between me and all my groupmates.

What really is this Rube Goldberg project?
By definition, it is a contraption in which a series of devices that perform simple tasks are linked together to produce a domino effect.
However, what did it really mean?
To our parents, it is not being able to see their child during the weekends for a few months. To our classmates, it is just a few kids posting snapchat stories about how they are still at school at midnight. But to us?
It is growth.
At the start of this project, no one knew how things are supposed to be, because it is a project that requires 7 students to work with each other from early morning to midnight every weekend. Even though we’ve all been classmates for so long now, we never had to work with each other for such an immense amount of time. Naturally, we had our arguments and conflicts during the process. However, that is what made this project meaningful, the hardship we went through trying to combine all the different ideas and proposals into one machine made us grow.

It was about halfway done when we realized the rest might be too idealistic. Despite we manage to collect the materials we needed through different means, what we neglected was our own ability to construct the machine. The consequence reflected on the machine: a short expectancy. A few adjustments must be made each shot and nothing last overnight. LOL.

As soon as we know that we had to create a Rube Goldberg machine and how it was related to the theme of “Earth day,” our team sprang into action: using recycled goods as our machine’s basis. Of course we faced several challenges such as realizing the fragility of the materials only after we finished halfway into making the machines. Yes, it took a lot of days and nights, including national holidays, to work on this machine. Yes, it sometimes caused us to argue which way would be best to convey a concept. However, not only are we able to stand proud about our achievement, but we have also gained a lot out of this competition: enhanced creativity, better communication, and strengthening teamwork. We cannot have attained this feat without the full support of our supervisors Ms. Nini and Mrs. Casey, our parents, and all of my irreplaceable teammates!

At the beginning of the project, we all had marvelous ideas that we want to implement into this machine that would present to the world the problems of Earth and the possible solutions to resolves those problems. However, realizing ideas is extremely difficult. Some ideas that we thought could be done in an hour turned out to be almost impossible due to our limited time, money, and knowledge. THAT’S REALITY! We experienced a key lesson for future projects—create a balance between ideals and reality. However, with determination and perseverance, we overcame the setbacks and eventually completed our machine. IT FELT UNREAL.Though different from what we first imagined, our Rube Goldberg Machine became both a challenge and a lesson for our future development in life.