第二十二卷第三期 106年5月15日出刊 May 2017


Robotics Engineering Technology Class at IBSH


105學年國中部英語唱遊比賽 客家美食動手做活動 2017年國際魯比高堡機械競賽參賽心得 榮譽榜




~Cupertino District來台短期交換計畫~

林容安老師 整理撰稿

美國加州Cupertino City(庫柏蒂諾市)與新竹市締結為姊妹市,每年並相約進行短期的學生交流互訪活動。自去(105)年起,本校也加入了這項極有意義的交流活動,由黃芳芷校長領軍,帶領實中行政團隊及中學部和雙語部共15名學生,到庫市進行交流參訪,意欲與庫市建立起長久的合作模式,期許能藉由短期交流,讓雙方學生都能從彼此身上學習。








國二3班 李皓宇Skyler Lee

To be a host

I am one of the host students of the Hsinchu-Cupertino exchange student program. It is my pleasure to host Tim Chen on his trip here in Taiwan a lot of times. So, at first, we had a tough time deciding where to take him and how to give him an extraordinary visit. But after his arrival, I noticed that although his numerous short trips to Taiwan, he hadn’t really seen the smaller sights.

We took him to Big City and cycling at Nanliao on the first day. On third day of his visitthe exchange students and host students took a trip to Taipei and visited the presidential office palace museum and Shilin night market. On Thursday, another two exchange students came to class in my classroom Sohum and Emily. Because of the classes the day, both of them couldn’t actually catch up, so they spent most of their time on their E-books.

On Friday afternoon, there was a farewell party, the food and the entertainment were excellent and I was surprised when four exchange students were called on by the host saying that they were on the newspaper. On the last two days of the exchange students’ visit, my family took him to Taichung and Lugang. We also visited the National Science Museum. During the trip, Tim was so happy to play game in the night market and got one gift that he thought it is so wonderful for him.

All in all, I believe that this is a very special experience for me. I will remember all my life, and Tim will be a friend forever.



國二4班 侯尹媗 Sharon






雙語部10B 楊景富 Wesley Yang

In April, I hosted a Cupertino exchange student at my house for a week. His name was Alex Huang, a 7th grader at Miller Middle School. I had lived in his house as an exchange student myself back in October, so now it was my turn to return the favor. It was actually an unlucky time for him to come, since I had midterm exams on the following Monday, but I tried my best to accommodate him throughout the week while maintaining my studies. Since the program set a travel schedule for the exchange students, it was my responsibility to escort him around school, make sure he was safe, and that he went to the right place at the right time. My favorite part was when we went on a trip to Taipei on Tuesday. I had a great time exploring around Taiwan with him and interacting with the other exchange students. I especially enjoyed going to the Shilin night market, which I haven’t visited in years. At home, I accompanied him around my neighborhood and helped him out with his errands, such as mailing a package that his mother asked us to send. We went out to many places together and had dinner together every day, which I always looked forward to. On Friday, we had the farewell dinner. It let me reflect on the memorable moments I had throughout the week, in addition to tasting the great food that was served. Through this experience, I learned to take responsibility of someone younger than me and not let my personal business get in the way. Later on some of his 7th grade classmates he became friends with even thanked me for bringing Alex to their class. I was really glad to hear their compliments and see that Alex had a great time during his visit to Taiwan. Although we could’ve spent more time together if it weren’t for midterms, It was still a great week for me and I hope we can meet again someday in the future. After all this, I feel like I’ve established a deep connection with our sister city Cupertino, even though I have only lived there as a baby for a few years.