第二十二卷第七期 106年12月15日出刊 December 2017



幼兒園親子體能闖關 The IBSH UNICEF Carnival  秋日訪「柿」-參觀柿餅工廠  106運動會破大會紀錄 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:何 昀 郭原甫 紀鈴鈺 林燕靖

英文翻譯:Jessica Kim、Alica Lee、Alice Chen、Claire Chuang、Berry Lee、

                     Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Ching Huang

刊頭: 高一1班 姚若慈


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News



外交小尖兵出擊 再訪美國Cupertino地區

本校長期推動國際教育,與世界各地的發展互動交流。Inbound部分,每年有來自世界各地的師生團體或教育人員為主的教育參訪團蒞臨本校參訪;outbound的部分,這兩年則有由中學部國中年段及雙語部高中年段學生組成的外交小尖兵代表本校赴美國Cupertino(庫柏蒂諾)地區進行訪問。與美國Cupertino地區的緣分始於2016年4月,而今年經過校內甄選脫穎而出的小尖兵們,則於今年10月底代表實驗中學赴美,進行二度訪問。CHSCA(Cupertino and Hsinchu Sister City Associaion)安排國中年段學生到當地Kennedy Middle School上課;高中年段學生則到Fremont High School上課,體驗美國學生日常求學。並為來訪學生招募住宿家庭,並經過層層關卡篩選最恰當的人選,讓本校學生在課後能夠融入美國生活。除此之外,CHSCA也安排師生參訪Apple、Intel、Google、Portwell等科技公司及舊金山市區一日遊,讓此趟旅程收穫滿滿。而本校學生們也與在美國的接待學生約定,來年換美方來訪時,一定要帶他們好好認識實驗中學及寶島臺灣!



日本教育旅行 擴展國際視野


邀請溫美玉老師 國語教學翻轉教育


Field Day on 11th November, 2017
NEHS’s school wide field day’s grand opening began on Saturday, November 11th, 2017! On that day, the weather was pleasant, as previous days of light drizzling brought a comfortable, cool weather. Just like past opening ceremonies, this year’s field day started with the students and homeroom teachers’ thoughtful, creative marches, with the emcees’ animated introductions on the podium. Each class demonstrated their uniqueness, which made the atmosphere lively. After the marches, Principal Lee thanked the PTA President Ku for his support in school affairs and congratulated him on winning the PTA president reelection. This year’s power dance was performed by the elementary students of the elementary department. The fifth and sixth graders had rigorously practiced the choreography during their activity classes before field day, under the guidance of Mr. Chu, from the elementary department’s academic office, and Mr. Chen, from the afterschool Music Video Dance Club. On field day, these students brilliantly and coordinately performed the dance, with cheerful music backed with self-constructed instruments, and demonstrated a strong, enthusiastic, and united spirit. The dance was followed by IBSH’s Cheer team’s performance. The cheerleaders brought great energy and spirit to the field and blessed all contestants with luck and cheer. For the rest of the morning, the fifth and sixth graders ran the 100m finals; the elementary students joined the kindergarten students to participate in fun competitions, and the middle school students and high school students each participated in individual sports finals. Spectacularly, the team relay race among the representative parents team, the principal team, and the alumni team garnered all the attention from the audience. The enthusiastic cheers and screams for the athletes combined to create a massive symphony that accompanied the athletes outstanding performances. In the afternoon, the academic office teachers competed in fun competitions. This was followed by the middle school and high school’s class relay. Each class sent its best athletes out to compete and win the races for glory and honor. All the athletes did their best in their races, and their efforts marked the perfect ending for the 2017 NEHS field day. (To view new records set in the 2017 NEHS field day, please go to page 14.)

Student ambassadors once again visit Cupertino!
NEHS has continuously promoted international education, offering opportunities of exchanges with the growing world of culture and technology. The school continually welcomes students and teachers from across the globe to visit the campus and workings of our five departments. These past two years, however, progress has been significant in outbound exchanges, where middle and high schoolers from the NEHS and IBSH departments alike formed ambassador teams to Cupertino, California. Beginning formal ties with Cupertino in April 2016, the ambassadors visited the city this October to continue the cultural exchanges from October 2016. The CHSCA (Cupertino and Hsinchu Sister City Association) arranged for middle schoolers a chance to attend school at Kennedy Middle School, and high schoolers to witness the inner workings of Fremont High School. Living in Cupertino families during their stay, these ambassadors duly experienced the daily lives of an American teenager. In addition, CHSCA organized visits to Silicon companies such as Apple, Intel, Google, and Portwell, truly imparting the gems of Cupertino for a fulfilling experience. Our students promised their hosts, in the coming April when they visit Taiwan, to introduce them to the beauty and cultures of Formosa no book can adequately describe!

Middle School Equal Education Conference
IBSH has continuously participated in MOE’s equal education distribution program, and has even taken the role as the main coordinating school in Hsinchu. In order to promote the equal distribution of Taiwan’s education, strengthen the integration between middle schools and high schools, and level off the distribution of resources between city and rural education, IBSH hosted a conference on December 1st, 2017, inviting all school principals in Hsinchu City to participate and uniting them in the mission to provide students with the most suitable education. Through this event, IBSH hoped to let city-wide middle schools and high schools understand the various educational plans and curriculum across Hsinchu in 2017, and liven up their communication, cooperation, and exchange of resources. In addition, IBSH will invite the principals to sign an agreement in hopes to reinforce the distribution of work and cooperation that strengthen K-12 educational policies and raise the competitiveness of junior and senior high schools in the community, allowing students to successfully learn and develop in the educational environment.

Educational Visit to Japan Expand our international horizons
Ever since 2012, NEHS has been collaborating with various Japanese schools to facilitate annual exchange student programs. In the past, the main destinations have always been centered around Kanto, but since the Funabashi University in Chiba’s visit in 2013, NEHS has been reciprocating their efforts in promoting international education by sending students on visits to the University. This year, the visit will be centered around bringing 33 high school students to Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, and Nara. It is the greatest wish of all those within the school that through such international exchange programs, NEHS will be able to cultivate the awareness of international cultures within our students and thus, adapt to the changes globalization is sure to bring to the world.

Inviting Ms. Mei Yu Chinese “Flipped Classroom” Education
In recent years, stimulating students’ thoughts through the “Flipped Classroom” method has gradually become mainstream. But how would teaching methods that have never been introduced before be utilized skillfully in a classroom setting? The Elementary Department invited Ms. Wen Mei-Yu, an experienced teacher from the Elementary School of National University of Tainan, to run a splendid “Flipped Classroom Chinese Teaching” workshop. Ms. Yu is extremely passionate about teaching and thinks that learning of Mandarin reading comprehension, essay writing, and other skills should not require extensive information. Rather, she believes students’ in-depth exploration of the excerpt, active engagement with the text by asking apt questions, and guided literary analysis to identity components of the writing, is a better method of utilizing high-level metacognition to learn Chinese. Ms. Yu also shared efficient methods, such as “Wu Ka education” and “Six-starred essay writing,” assisting front line educators’ utilization of it in language classes. After the workshop, Ms. Yu’s splendid and vivid sharing energized the educators, allowing them to look forward to “flipping” their students’ academic world.