Page 9 - 實中園地 第廿三卷第五期
P. 9

The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第5期  實中園地


                 雙語部學生於暑假期間辦理7天之「小小世                          bodies than those of moths; dragon flies don’t weave
                                                              cocoons; spiders face down for escape precautions; female
                                                              spiders are much bigger than male ones because they
            主,輔以各式遊戲及活動,藉此加強參與學童之                             mate and eat so many of the male spiders; two people
            英語能力。參與學生於學期初招募後,開始進行                             canoes are usually rowed in synchronization for it to look
                                                              satisfying and pretty.
            營前籌備培訓工作,由江函芸老師、吳宥蓉老師                                In conclusion, I will cherish everything that I have so
            陪同,透過參訪小旅行,了解當地文化與風俗民                             much more (as much as I can) and value this life that I will
                                                              use to live on and attempt to stop incessantly complaining
            情。活動結束後,營隊成員反思營隊課程與活動                             so much.
                                                                                         11B 林廷哲 Tim Lin
                營隊介紹:After several months of hard work and        一、我學到了團隊合作的重要性。
            meetings, the team of eighteen people is finally going to
            departure to our destination and executes our polished   二、我學到了如何在物資匱乏、場地簡陋的
            lesson plans. For the first two non-community service   地方生活。
            camp days, all members of the team continued to finalize
            their lesson materials and started making samples of arts   三、我學會了靈機應變的重要性
            and crafts. Countless meetings, curfews, and arts and   四、我了解做任何事都要有充分準備的道
            crafts fabricated the minutes and hours we passed there.
            During the 20 hours of camp days with the students, there   理。
            were a plentitude of different aspects of learning going on:   五、我學到各式各樣大大小小的技巧,譬如
            visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. After
            camp, we had at least a one-hour meeting of pros and   做愛玉、划獨木舟等等。
            cons and the revision of teaching materials according to   六、最後,我學到了熱心與真誠的態度是可
            the advancement of English of the students. Then, if there   貴的。
            is a scheduled activity, we advance and enjoy the culture
            around and of the school; if not, we continue our revisions
            and eat dinner afterward.
                                                                                        12A 陳之儀Jane Chen
            心得:                                                  In this camp, I learned the importance of
                                                              communication and collaboration, especially with your
                                           9B 曾韻臻Maxine  group mates/ people you are supposed to be working
                                                              together. We had many problems in the prep periods
                How lucky we are to live such good lives, especially  in school, and continued to have problems during the
            in the city receiving so many more opportunities than  camp. There was a day in which none of our classes went
            people living on the rural areas. Not only do we get the  according to the schedule. Fortunately, I also learned
            chance to enjoy the thrill of English and our other subjects,  to improvise and change lessons according to what was
            along with extracurricular have proffered us, but we even  going on. In the end, we all managed to work as a team
            benefit from the various entertainment and food choices  and finish what we set out to do. I also learned the best
            we get to decide for ourselves. Our lives are once we need  way to deal with bugs, cockroaches, and angry cats: ignore
            to treasure, not that I didn’t know that, but after having to  them, except with cats. I realized the cats are really smart,
            get used to a dirtier environment, less choices and meeting  so I used some of my biology knowledge and   “scared”
            all the people who work and live here yet still have limited  one of them. The cat learned, and it (and all the other cats)
            opportunities, I see what we should accept and what  stopped bothering me. During the camp, I also learned
            opportunities we should provide for others.       to deal with little kids in different ways, and learned
                Teamwork; something cheerleading taught me so  techniques that could calm them down. I also witnessed
            much about yet this trip has brought it up to me in so  Chloe back up a fight between two kids peacefully.
            many more ways. We have to help each other improve  Though I learned and improved a lot this summer camp, I
            and improve the lesson ways, drafting it to prevent our  think there is still much more to learn.
            loss of the students’ (children’s) attention during the 3
            hours and 50 minutes we meet them each day. By splitting
            up clean-up jobs and taking turns showering, we learned                     12A 黃晴Ching Huang
            cooperation in addition to patience.                 In this summer camp, I learned that teachers need to
                Preparing extra is definitely so much safer than under
            preparing. After we understand the student’s English   adjust their lessons according to the students’ needs. The
                                                              difference between students’ and teachers’ background can
            level, we eventually grasped their middle ground and new   really affect how the lesson goes or how well the students
            classes were much smoother.                       enjoy and take in the lessons. For us, talking about
                As a bonus, I learned that butterflies have smaller
                                                              amusement park is fun; however to some of the students,

                                                                                                  9 9  小小世界英語營
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