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The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第7期  實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十三卷第七期 中華民國107年12月15日出刊                December 2018
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安                                      ● 2018接待福島高校
                                            編輯小組:何  昀  何宜臻  陳婉如  林燕靖
                                            英文翻譯:Alica Lee、Claire Chuang、Ching Huang、Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Janet Jiang  ●  實中幼兒園寶貝們的親子運
                                            刊    頭:國小部3年6班 陳佑寧                                動會
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號                              ● 讓我來幫你-國小部護蛙活動
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813   ● 107日本國際教育旅行
                                            設計印刷:陳俊杉先生及財政部印刷廠                              ● 走進畫面裡 人物走出來
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號

            學年度校運會於十一月十日盛大舉行                               36th NEHS Field Day
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS                  The 36th annual NEHS Field Day commenced earlier
                 實驗中學107學年度的全校運動會,在11月10日                     this school year on Saturday, November 10th. Fortunately
            週六盛大展開!當日天氣舒適宜人,好天氣為活動帶                           for the athletes and spectators, the weather was fair, which
            來滿場人潮,並為運動員充滿盈盈能量,準備在運動                           established a lighthearted and encouraging spirit to the
            會上大放異彩。開幕式由各部具有創意及巧思的進場                           event as a whole. The opening ceremony was crafted
            為開場,依國小部、國中部、高中部、雙語部及幼兒                           meticulously and reflected on the creativity and intellectual
                                                              abilities of the kindergarten, elementary, middle school,
            園的順序,在各班活潑有創意的介紹詞中,全校師生                           high school, and bilingual department. Each class
            無不使出渾身解數,表現最具有班級或學年特色的樣                           expressed their unique styles, and their displays of class
            貌,使整個運動場上熱鬧非凡!接著由李健維校長感                           spirit served as an exemplary beginning to the 2018 Field
            謝本校家長會辜存信會長對學校校務推廣的協助,並                           Day. Once all 5 departments finished marching onto the
                                                              field, Principal Mr. Roger Lee thanked the previous PTA
            恭賀黃武雄會長榮任107學年家長會會長。運動會進                          chair Mr. Ku for his hard work with a few words and
            場結束後,由雙語部擔綱今年的大會舞表演,活力十                           conducted the inauguration of Mr. Huang, the current PTA
            足的國高中學生整齊劃一的舞步,搭配熱力四射的樂                           chair. Said inauguration marked the end of the opening
            曲,炒熱現場氣氛。緊接著是雙語部啦啦隊表演,啦                           ceremony, and the bilingual department (IBSH) high
                                                              schoolers and the IBSH cheerleading team respectively
            啦隊員們為了此次表演認真排練、專注演出,預祝今                           performed the power-dance and cheer routines, both of
            日的運動會順利成功。當天上午並進行了國小部五、                           which were extremely successful as the result of their
            六年級的100公尺決賽,國小部、雙語部1-6年級和幼                        collective hard work. The 5th and 6th grade 100 meter
            兒園部的趣味競賽,及中學部及雙語部7到12年級各項                         finals and the middle and high school track finals, along
                                                              with the kindergarten and elementary fun games, soon
            徑賽決賽。而各部教職員、家長代表、校友隊等的大                           also took place following the IBSH performances. NEHS
            隊接力競賽,更是吸引所有人的目光,選手們竭盡全                           faculty, parent representatives, and alumni ran the 1900
            力向前飛奔、爭取榮耀,現場歡呼聲、驚嘆聲與加油                           meter relay during lunch, and their combined efforts were
            聲共譜出一場聲勢浩大的交響曲,與參賽選手們的全                           noted by all spectators. Excited applause and cheering
                                                              could be heard from miles away. Immediately after was
            力以赴交織成精彩的演出。下午首先登場的是教職員                           the staff games, and then the highlight of the day: the
            工的趣味競賽,最後是中學部、雙語部的大隊接力比                           middle and high school 2000m and 2400m class relays.
            賽,各班派出頂尖選手參賽,選手們奮力為班級爭取                           Each class was represented well, with all athletes giving it
            榮譽,為運動會劃下精彩的句點!                                   their all, and such marked a perfect conclusion to the 36th
                                                              annual field day!
            輔導室親職教育講座 給父母的三堂課                                 Guidance Office Parental Education Lectures
                 國高中部輔導室近年來在與家長互動時,發現很                           Recent years, middle and high school guidance
            多家長在如何與小孩談感情談、談身體界限及如何適                           counselors have found that many parents have trouble
            度規範小孩使用3C跟溝通技巧上的都有共同的困擾。                          communicating with their children about relationships,
                                                              the boundaries of physical contacts, and the limiting
            因此在本學期為校內外的家長辦了三場的講座,將溝                           use of electronic devices. In order to address these
            通技巧跟觀念帶回家,來增進親子間的良好互動跟關                           problems, the guidance office has hosted three lectures
            係。第一場邀請到的是台北士林地方法院少年吉靜如                           this semester, providing concepts and advices in regards
                                                              to communication, hoping that they can promote good

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