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The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第3期  實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十四卷第三期 中華民國108年5月15日出刊                 May  2019
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安                                      ● 國小部比舞大會紀錄
                                            編輯小組:何  昀  何宜臻  陳婉如  林燕靖
                                            英文翻譯:Claire Chuang、Alica Lee、Sunni Lin、Karen Tseng、Ching Huang、Janet Jiang  ● 風之軒
                                            刊    頭:雙語部 12B 劉述恩 Gloria                      ● 畫你所言-四年級國語
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號                                「蝶之生」課程活動
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.   ● 幼兒園校外教學活動
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813
                                            設計印刷:陳俊杉先生及正伸創意設計                              ● 藝遊新竹學
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號

            輔導室致力於教師增能 舉辦親職教育研習
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS               Guidance Office Hosts Parent Education NLP Workshop
                 實中致力於培養全方面發展的學子們,在目前世                        to Increase Teachers’ Abilities
            界快速的變化中,為了符合時代變遷,教師的進修研                              In order to keep up with the ever-changing society, it is
            習也相當重要。每年實中規劃教師輔導相關研習主題                           important for not only students but also teachers to increase
            有:特殊教育、性別平等、家庭教育、親職教育以及                           and enhance their abilities. Every year, NEHS organizes
            輔導管教等。107學年輔導室特別規劃辦理親職教育教                         workshops in various topics for teachers, including special
            師NLP研習,NLP神經-語言程式學(NEURO-LINGUISTIC               education, gender equality, family education, parenting
                                                              education, and guidance and discipline. In the 2018 academic
            PROGRAMMING)是一門結合心理學、生理學、神經                       year, the guidance office hosted a special parenting education
            學、語言學的應用心理科學,自1970年代迄今盛行於                         NLP workshop. NLP, also known as Neuro-Linguistic
            美國,廣泛運用於個人成長、心理治療、人際關係、                           Programming, is a therapy that combines the knowledge of
            企業管理、教育…等多元領域。參加教師透過NLP研                          psychology, physiology, neurology, and linguistics. Since the
                                                              1970s, it has been widely used in the US for multiple areas,
                                                              such as personal development, psychotherapy, interpersonal
                                                              relationships, and business management. Throughout the
            潛能,並且在思考、情緒和行為上朝向更好的改變。                           workshop, teachers hope to find resources and ways to
                                                              improve themselves, enabling them to have a better interaction
            再訪台灣 建立長期交流機會                            with parents and students and to enhance students to discover
                 本校與美國加州Cupertino地區學校進行雙方互訪                   and unleash their potential.
            交流活動,今年已經邁入第四年。去(107)年十月份,                        Cupertino students visit once again
            由國中部及高中部甄選出7名親善大使,以代表實驗                              NEHS has had a close relationship with high schools in
            中學的身分出訪Cupertino地區。今(108)年4月14日,由                 Cupertino, California for many years through the Cupertino
            美國Cupertino地區CHSCA協會(Cupertino Hsinchu Sister     Hsinchu Sister City Association (CHSCA)--a relationship
            City Association)五名協會成員,同時也是Cupertino地            that has gradually progressed through numerous years of
            區學校教師,帶領25名學生來到新竹進行國際交流活                          exchange student programs. This year was no different. A
                                                              total of 25 American students visited Hsinchu in April through
            動。這25名學生來到新竹後,便分別由各接待家庭接                          the help of the CHSCA, all of who were scattered around
            回,其中本校學生共接待了7名美國朋友。4月17日到4                        various students’ homes for a total of three days. Seven
            月19日三天,這七位美方學生來到實驗中學,加入了接                         NEHS students partook in this exchange student program,
            待學生的班級。感謝各班導師及科任老師的協助,讓                           and voluntarily hosted 7 of these 25 students for the 3 days
            美方學生們充分感受到實驗中學多元而充滿挑戰的課                           not only to get to know these American students better but
                                                              also to introduce the Taiwanese way of life to them. These
            程安排。當中有些是去年拜訪美國時接待本校學生的                           exchange students were all welcomed, enthusiastically, in
            老朋友;當然也有今年加入交流活動的新朋友。不論                           their temporary classes by teachers and students alike. This
            是何種身分,本校的接待家庭都使出渾身解數,費心                           proves for once and for all that even in the face of the world’s
            安排週末及課後家庭活動,希望讓來自遠方的客人感                           rapidly-growing isolationism, we as adolescents wield the
            到賓至如歸。也希望這項交流活動能夠持續進行,帶                           ability to bridge together diverse peoples through mutual
            給本校師生不同的國際視野。                                     respect and open-mindedness.

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