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The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第6期  實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十四卷第六期 中華民國108年11月15日出刊                November  2019
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安
                                            編輯小組:何美璇  何宜臻  黃寶瑩  林燕靖                        ● 幼兒園迎新活動
                                            英文翻譯:Janet Jiang、Katelyn Chen 、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Caitlyn Chuang、Karen Tsung、Mollie Cheng   ● 我們來上一堂「下半場」的課
                                            刊    頭:國中部2年5班 鄔佳穎                             ● 107學年度韓國教育旅行心得
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.   ● 108學年各部新進教師介紹
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813   ● 108學年度家長會委員名單
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號

            恭賀黃武雄先生當選本屆家長會長                                   Mr. Edward Huang Elected as President of the PTA
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS                  The first PTA representative conference for the 2019-
                 108學年度第一次家長代表大會於10月3日晚                       2020 school year was held on October 3rd. A total of 31
            上舉行並進行委員改選。共計由家長代表投票選                             new members were elected by parental representatives,
            出31名新任委員,並由委員中推選9名常委。本                            with 9 of them also serving on the standing committee.
            次改選最後由國中部家長黃武雄先生(Mr. Edward  Mr. Edward Huang, a parent from the Middle school
            Huang)榮膺本屆家長會會長。陳怡蓉女士、葉貞                          Department, was honored as the current president of the
            枝女士及陳異軍女士、詹明旖女士及王詩萍女士                             PTA, while Ms. Chen Yirong, Ms. Ye Tsenzhi, Ms. Chen
                                                              Yijun, Ms. Zhan Mingi, and Ms. Wang Shiping were
            榮膺本屆家長副會長、陳品綺女士接下財務長一                             honored as the Vice Presidents. Additionally, Ms. Pinchi
            職、黃茗芬女士擔任監察委員。新舊任會長訂於                             Chen will be serving as the treasurer and Ms. Mingfen
            11月9日校運會開幕典禮時舉行交接儀式。同時                            Huang as the supervisor. The inauguration ceremony will
            希望實中家長會在新的學年繼續家長會對學校的                             take place during the Opening Ceremony of the 2019 Field
            全力支持與協助,讓家長會與學校的互動順暢圓                             Day. We hope that the PTA will uphold its legacy and
            滿。(家長會委員名單詳見第十二頁。)                                continue to serve the students and teachers of NEHS. (See
                                                              page 12 for a list of members of the PTA.)
            雙語部得獎                                          IBSH WSC Awards
                 雙語部師生參加9月5日至9月12日,在馬尼                           Led by Seth Roberts, 30 students attended the World
            拉舉辦WSC (The World Scholar’s Cup)競賽global  Scholar’s Cup Manila Global Round from September 5th
            round,由雙語部Seth Roberts老師帶領30名學生,                  to 12th. All participants have worked extremely hard since
            從今年一月起,利用每週一和每週三練習;而暑                             January this year, sharpening their debate and writing
                                                              skills every Monday and Wednesday and spending their
            假期間,每個小組成員各自發展自己的練習計                              summer vacation studying for the competition. More than
            畫,並自主集合練習。本次比賽有來自全球1,500                          1500 students competed at the round, and IBSH came
            名學生參加,而雙語部的30名學生在此次比賽中                            out at the top. In the senior division, the team of Katelyn
            有非常好的表現!在高中年段,雙語部學生在各                             Chen, Joshua Zhao, and Janet Chen Jiang came first place
            領域都獲得該組第一,而其他各組也都獲得佳                              in the team challenge, bowl, writing, and overall, and the
            績!其中Janet Jiang榮獲大會頒發「Alpaca Scholar              team of Mark Kuo, Tim Lin, and Emily Shen came first
                                                              in team debate. Furthermore, Janet Jiang was honored
            of the Year」獎項,而Tim Lin更是獲得該global                “Alpaca Scholar of the Year” for her dedication to the
            round的高年級individual scholar殊榮!恭喜雙語部               program and contribution to the community, and Tim Lin
            師生為學校帶回豐碩的成果,也感謝指導老師Mr.  placed first in the senior division overall! Congratulations
            Seth Roberts辛苦教導!                                 to all the students, and thank you, Mr. Roberts, for your
                                                              undying dedication and hard work.

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