Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第六期
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實中園地 印
The Newsletter of NEHS 品
第二十七卷第六期 中華民國 111年 11月 15日出刊 November 2022
發 行 所 :國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
發 行 人 :張簡瑞璨
總 編 輯 :林容安 本 ● 111學年新進教師自我介紹 (下 )
編輯小組 :郭斐粧、戴芳煒
英文翻譯 :Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Tara Kelly、 ● TEDx Report
Guan-Jhen Wu、Wei Hsi Mar、Winnie Liu 期
刊 頭 :國小部 6-4 蕭羽岑 ● 幼兒園迎新活動
地 址 :新竹市介壽路 300號 要
300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C. ● Learning English自然而然
TEL:886-3-5777011 FAX:886-3-5781813
設計印刷 :富泰設計 財政部印刷廠 目 ● 雙語部萬聖節活動
雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號
111 學年度校運會於 11 月 11 日盛大舉行 111 School Year Field Day Hosted on
November 11th
邀請家長參加的校運會,在 111 學年度終於重新 Due to the pandemic, it has been two years since
開放!有了家長們在現場加油打氣,全場學生們 parents have been invited to attend the field day. With
更是全力以赴,努力為自己和班級爭取榮譽。中 parents once again cheering on the sidelines, contestants
學年段賽程從週三 11 月 9 日就開始進行,操場 were more eager to put in their best efforts to win. Middle
and high school preliminaries were held on Wednesday,
上傳來陣陣的歡呼及加油聲,讓場上的運動員更 Nov. 9th, and the cheering coming from the field made all
加熱血沸騰!國小部與雙語部國小年段的賽程, the competing athletes excited and passionate! Elementary
則在週四 11 月 10 日舉辦,由低年級大家跑活動 students had their preliminaries hosted the following day,
開啟第一項賽事,小小朋友們在裁判哨音指示下 starting off with the hard-warming scene of the first and
奮力向前狂奔,和等在終點的校長、主任及導師 second graders’ running event, in which they ran to the
high five,畫面溫馨,可愛滿分!接著,由國小 finish line and high-fiving the principal, dean, and teachers.
年段三到六年級的各項徑賽賽事輪番上陣,田徑 Next up was the third to sixth-grade competitions, with
場上氣氛直線加溫,各種加油口號、歡呼尖叫聲 perpetual cheering and shouting creating an extremely
此起彼落,熱鬧非凡! hyped atmosphere!
11 月 11 日全校校運會正式登場,各部家長 The official NEHS field day was held on Nov. 11th,
陪著學生進入校園同樂。首先,由久違了的運動 with students, parents, and teachers all participating in
員進場揭開運動會序幕,實中五部從國小、國中、 the event on campus. Students, ranging from kindergarten
to 12th grade in all five departments, parents, teachers,
高中、雙語到最後的幼兒園部,以及教職員工、 administrators, and retired faculty all exhibited a sense of
校友及退休教職員工,每支隊伍都散發抖擻的精 exuberance during the entrance parade. During the opening
神,熱情洋溢。在開幕式中,也透過大家的掌聲 ceremony, warm applause was given to Ms. Yi-Yong Chen
感謝在過去幾年為本校熱情付出的陳怡蓉會長, for her years of service for NEHS and Ms. Mi-Mi Chen
也歡迎國小部家長陳咪咪女士接任 111 學年實中 for taking up the position of PTA chair for the 2022~2023
家長會長職務。大會舞則由中學部學生負責表演, school year. The power dance this year was performed
操場上整齊劃一的舞步氣勢十足!雙語部的啦啦 by NEHS middle and high schoolers; their dance moves
隊表演為校運會注入青春活力,將運動會的氣氛 were extremely organized and powerful. Then, the
炒到高點!接下來,則是國小部高年級 100 公尺 IBSH cheerleading team’s youthful spirit climaxed the
決賽,以及國中部、高中部與雙語部中學年段的 excitement. Following the performances were the 5th to
學生在田徑場上的競爭,當各班佼佼者在場上摩 12th grade 100m finals and the 400m relay finals. The
heated contests between the middle school, high school,
拳擦掌、健步如飛的為自己和班級爭取榮譽,更 and bilingual departments during field day are a perfect
是良性競爭的一大寫照。而實驗中學最青春可愛 representation of healthy competition and sportsmanship.
的幼兒園孩子們,在老師們精心安排下,由體能 Kindergarteners also played fun games hosted by their
課漢堡老師帶領實中寶貝與家長們在小操場上動 hard-working teachers, which, apart from allowing their
感登場,一方面讓家長們實際體驗孩子們的體能 parents to experience what classes are like, also allowed
課程,一方面透過互動與孩子們創造美好回憶。 fond memories to be created between parents and children.
本次校運會在眾人的全力以赴、齊心努力下讓校 Each and every person’s diligence and collaboration made
園再度充滿暖暖的生機,順利畫下圓滿句點。 this year's field day a blast!
學校要聞 1