Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第六期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 6期

              科普列車啟航.環島教做實驗                                      The STEM Train Embarks on a Journey
                                                                 Around Taiwan to Instruct and Perform
                   本校學生受邀參加由國科會與鐵路局合作辦                           Experiments
              理「2022 臺灣科普環島列車」活動。本活動自
              10月24日至10月28日串聯全台16個縣市,                                 The students from our school were invited to participate
              25 個火車站點,並集結全台各縣市 22 所高中生,                         in the 2022 Taiwan STEM Train Event hosted by The
                                                                 National Science and Technology Council and the Taiwan
              在火車上帶領國小學童進行科學實驗,真是有趣                              Railway Administration from 10/24 to 10/28. The train
              又奇特的經驗!我們邀請雙語部蔡明原主任、林                              traveled to a total of 16 cities and counties along 25 train
              燕靖老師、中學部陳其威老師帶領兩部共 10 位同                           stops. Alongside student volunteers from 22 various schools,
                                                                 they instructed elementary students on the train through
              學,準備了程式語言、物理、化學等三種不同領                              scientific experiments, bringing a fun and unique experience to
              域的小實驗,本校學生由朱宜琪秘書帶領,搭上                              everyone! We invited the teachers of bilingual department, Mr.
              了科普列車,邊環島邊帶著不同站點偏鄉國小學                              Spock Tsai, Ms. Kim Lin, and the Middle School Department’s
              生們進行實驗操作。要在狹小的車廂空間內進行                              teacher, Chi-Wei Chen, led a total of 10 students from our
                                                                 school to prepare mini experiments in the fields of computer
              實驗著實不容易,故行前特別商請國小部五、六                              science, physics, and chemistry. Secretary Ms. Yichi Chu
              年級學生實地操作,讓「老師們」汲取經驗,在                              led our students throughout the trip around Taiwan, visiting
              列車中能順利操作。這次經驗非常難得,感謝新                              several rural cities. To perform experiments in a small space
              代基金會贊助,也謝謝各部幫忙的師生熱情的協                              was quite challenging. Therefore, we invited the 5th and 6th
                                                                 grade students from the Elementary School Department to
              助。                                                 participate in the experiments to allow for the teachers and
                                                                 student volumteers to gain some experience, providing them
              HsinMUN XVIII.開啟國際論壇                               the opportunity to carry out the experiments on the actual train.
                                                                 Since doing experiments on a slightly cramped train is slightly
                   本校雙語部在今 (111) 年 10 月 14 日週五                   difficult, our student volunteers have already tested out these
              至 10 月 16 日週日三天,辦理第十八屆新竹模擬                         experiments with our fifth and sixth grade students to ensure
                                                                 a safe and successful process on the train. Thanks so much to
              聯合國活動。經過去年的線上模聯活動,今年回                              the Syntec Education Foundation for sponsoring us and  all
              歸實體辦理,來自全台 18 校的高中學生共計約                            teachers who made this trip possible and successful.
              420 人更是摩拳擦掌,要在會議場上大展身手。                            HsinMUN XVIII bringing Global
              本屆主題為「Passing the Torch Down: Meaningful           Discussions In
              Change Through Cross-generational Discourse」, 邀
              請了來自美國的台裔教育者- Michelle Kuo 擔任本                          From October 14th to 16th, 2022, the NEHS bilingual
              次會議的主講人。Michelle 為雙語部畢業校友,現                        department hosted HsinMUN XVIII . After last year’s online
              在任教於台灣大學,也具有律師、作家等多重身                              HsinMUN, this year, HsinMUN returned to be hosted in
                                                                 person with 420 high school students coming from 18 different
              分,她分享她曾在社會正義層面上的經驗和想法                              high schools preparing as hard as they can to do their best
              並分享他在跨世代(inter-generation)改變上的想                    during the conferences. This year’s topic is “Passing the
              法,讓現場與會師生獲益良多。                                     Torch Down: Meaningful Change Through Cross-generational
                                                                 Discourse,” as we invited a Taiwanese American educator,
                                                                 Michelle Kuo, as the HsinMUN’s keynote speaker. Michelle
              造訪香山濕地.國小部自然領域課程走出                                 graduated from IBSH and is now teaching at National Taiwan
              校園 走讀新竹                                            University, while living as a lawyer, writer, and many other
                                                                 roles. She shared about her experiences and thoughts on social
                   國小部四年級自然與生活科技領域課程在進                           justice and changes in mindsets through inter-generation,
              行到第二單元「水生動物的運動與呼吸」時,都                              allowing both students and teachers to be greatly nurtured with
                                                                 new knowledge during the event.
              的特殊地域性及生態環境。為了配合潮汐,四年                              V isiting  XiangShan  W etland-
              級自然領域教師-郭婉容老師將四年級各班分三                              Elementary Science Class Field Trip
              批帶往鄰近的香山濕地進行活動,師生及隨行家                                   In order to actively immerse the 4th grade students into
              長們全副武裝,穿著防風外套、戴上毛帽防風或                              Nature Science and Life Technology course’s second unit, “The
              鴨舌帽防曬,再搭配一雙雨鞋,帶著興奮的心情                              Respiratory Movements of Aquatic Animals,” Ms. Wan-Rong
              出發!在香山濕地,解說員為學生們說明濕地的                              Guo organized all fourth grade students into three groups to
                                                                 visit the nearby Xiangshan Wetland. Well equipped with their
              特色,以及在這樣的特殊環境中所孕育出來的豐                              windbreakers, caps, and rainboots, the students, teachers, and
              富生態,讓課本中的知識鮮活地跳躍在眼前。幸                              parents set out their field trip with great enthusiasm! There,
              運一點遇到好天氣的班級,還能親自踏進濕地觀                              the tour guides informed the students of the characteristics
              察招潮蟹、彈塗魚、蛤蜊呢!下午則帶學生前進                              and various life forms of the wetland to vividly portray
                                                                 learned knowledge inside the classroom. Some classes who
              康樂社區,搭乘 ? 榔驛古輕便車飽覽鄉村風光,                            were lucky enough to have had suitable weather on their field
              還能品嘗現做的古早味米苔目呢!豐富的行程帶                              trip were able to step into the wetlands to observe fiddler
              給學生愉快的體驗!                                          crabs, mudskippers, and a variety of clams! In the afternoon,
                                                                 the students visited the Cong-Le community, gazed at the
                                                                 beautiful sceneries whilst riding the Old Railway of Kanglang
                                                                 Station, and tried out delicious rice noodles. It brought a great
                                                                 experience to all the students.
               2   學校要聞
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