Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第七期
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實中園地        The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 7期                                                                                                                                  The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 7期  實中園地

                持以線上交流形式讓兩校學生互相分享雙方的                               due to the pandemic, thanks to the efforts of the teachers
                文化。今年,在教務組朱建豪老師、實研組陳                               on both sides, online communication has been maintained
                                                                   for the past three years, where students shared their
                羿伶老師及泰國中華國際學校的蕭老師努力之                               cultures with each other. This year, with the efforts of
                下,國小部六個班學生,在各班老師利用時間                               Ms. James Chu, the coordinator teacher from the academic
                引道認識主題、準備資料後,依據「傳統美食」                              administration team, Ms. Irene Chen, the teacher from
                                                                   the research team, and Mr. Xiao, the leading teacher
                和「夢想」兩大主題製作圖文並茂的投影片並                               fromTCIS, students from six classes of elementary schools
                互相分享。而在分享完的空檔,學生們則開始                               used their time to introduce topics and prepare slides
                自由交流,針對對方的報告或是國家特殊文化                               based on the two themes of "traditional food" and "dreams"
                                                                   to  share  with  each  other.  In  between  the  sessions,
                發問,場面輕鬆而熱絡。在此感謝國小部行政                               students communicated freely amongst themselves, asking
                人員及六年級導師湯傳智老師、朱志青老師、                               questions about presentations or the special culture of
                蘇純慧老師、姚宛柔老師、張翠芬老師及王念                               the country. We would like to thank the administrative
                                                                   staff of the elementary school department and the sixth-
                晤老師的大力支持及協助,讓此次的交流活動                               grade tutors, including Mr. Tang ChuanZhi, Mr. Chu
                圓滿成功!。                                             ChiQing, Mr. Su ChunHui, Mr. Yao WanRou, Mr. Chang
                                                                   CuiFen, and Mr. Wang NianWu, for their strong support
                雙語部歲末感恩活動.暖心登場                                     and assistance, making this exchange a heartwarming
                    歲末年終之際,本校雙語部辦理年度                               The  Bilingual  Department's  Heart-
                UNICEF 系列活動,邀請全校師生在年底的感恩                           Warming,  Year-End  Thanksgiving
                月攜手募款做愛心。11 月 24 日周四,雙語部                           Events
                                                                       As we approach the end of the year, IBSH hosted
                同學們這一年來的互相照顧,並一同期許未來                               a series of UNICEF-related events, inviting all students
                一年能夠繼續攜手前行。緊接著,由扶輪社在                               and staff to participate in assisting with the coordination
                11 月 25 周五放學後於本校辦理 walkathon 慈善                    of details. On Thursday, November 24th, each class
                健走活動。Walkthon 結合運動與慈善募款,讓                          held its own thanksgiving parties, showing gratitude to
                                                                   each other for their support over the years and hoping
                學生在運動強身之餘,還能將自己的努力化為                               for the best in the coming years. The following day,
                愛心,以一己之力幫助他人。UNICEF 系列活動                           Interact  hosted  Walkathon.  Combining  exercise  and
                                                                   charity, this event encouraged students to lead a healthy
                所募得款項將會捐助 UNICEF,讓大家的愛心都                           lifestyle while donating to charity at the same time. The           頒獎典禮                                             親師組大隊接力由校長壓軸登場
                能有更好的去處。感謝辦理活動的社團,以及                               donations received from these events will be donated
                從旁協助的教師、家長,更謝謝熱心參與的同                               to the charities, ensuring that we can give back to our
                                                                   community. Great thanks to all the students, parents, and
                學們!                                                teachers who helped out and participated in these events!
                國際教育從小扎根.帶入日、菲文化特色                                 Developing  a  globalized  education
                課程                                                 through Japanese and Filipino courses

                    國小部除了國際交流相關視訊交流活動                                  Other than international virtual exchanges, the
                外,也考量到低年級的學生們需求,配合「探                               elementary department teachers have considered the needs
                                                                   of lower grades, prompting them to create a curriculum
                索文化」課程,邀請今年度來學校服務的合作                               that allows their students to explore foreign cultures. The
                計畫教師,入班分享國家特色文化。來自東京                               elementary department invited teachers who served as
                                                                   collaborators for other projects to teach the students about
                的日本交流夥伴-大田沙織老師自 11/18  至                           foreign cultures. Teacher Ota Saori, an exchange instructor
                12/30  於每週五安排進行低年級日本文化與童                           from Tokyo, taught the students Japanese culture and                學生進場,活力十足                                        創意無限的進場造型
                玩 Ko Ma(陀螺)分享活動,低年級的孩子們                            Ko Ma activities every Friday from November 18th to
                                                                   December 30th. She led the students to use colored pencils
                運用色筆和圓點貼紙裝飾自己的陀螺後剪下,                               and circular stickers to create their individual Ko Ma.
                在老師的協助下完成陀螺的製作。看著孩子們                               Watching the students decorating their Ko Ma cleverly
                仔細、有創意的裝飾,重複嘗試找出讓陀螺順                               and creatively as well as investigating ways to make their
                                                                   Ko Ma spin brought the administrators and teachers a
                利轉動的方法,這種認真的神情令人喜悅!而                               great deal of joy! Similarly, Miss Mikai curated different
                菲籍的 Miss Mic 則為不同年段的學生設計多元                         lessons for every age group; she taught various Filipino
                的課程,介紹菲律賓特色,如:國旗設計、國花、                             cultures, such as the national flag, national flower, national
                                                                   bird, three-dimensional jeepney production, and traditional
                國鳥、立體 jeepney 製作、傳統竹竿舞 Tinikling                   bamboo dance Tinikling lessons. Every lesson with Miss
                教學,讓學生親身感受文化的特殊之美,進入                               Mikai was filled with surprises, allowing the students to
                Miss Mic 的教室,總有許多驚喜!謝謝國小部                          appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of Filipino culture!
                                                                   Big thanks to the Elementary Department for organizing
                協助安排文化課程,拓展學生的國際視野及文                               these courses, and expanding the students' worldview and
                化觀。                                                cultural awareness!
                                                                                                                                       在加油區也要展現活力及團結喔!                                  自製海報為參賽同學加油
                2   學校要聞                                                                                                                                                                                       111 學年實中運動會剪影          3
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