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實中園地  The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 7期                          The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 7期  實中園地

 每個年段都為進場裝扮費盡巧思  頒獎典禮

                                      HSINMUN XVIII

                 Recovering from yet another wave of COVID-19 cases, Taiwan was uncertain about returning to day-
            to-day normalities. Schools, businesses, and leisure activities were all still strictly regulated with heavy
            restrictions imposed in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic. However, in the midst of the pandemic
            chaos, this year’s Secretariat team nonetheless began planning the conference in early January. Struggling to
 雙語部趣味競賽  笑容滿面奔向終點
            determine whether HSINMUN XVIII would be digital or physical this year, we decided to host it physically
            with maximum pandemic prevention policies put in place.

                 Skipping ahead to October 16th, 2022, with over 450 participants from 18 schools attending, and endless
            POIs, speeches, and amendments recorded, HSINMUN XVIII has far exceeded expectations. HSINMUN,
            hosted annually by the International Bilingual School in Hsinchu Taiwan, is a THIMUN affiliated conference
            that prides itself on being the biggest bilingual MUN conference in Taiwan and for proving that quantity
            and quality are not mutually exclusive. The theme for this year’s conference was Passing the Torch Down:
            Meaningful Change Through Cross-generational Discourse. Our Keynote Speaker, Ms. Michelle Kuo, is an
            apt example of our theme in that she spent the early years of her career teaching troubled youth in Phillips
            County, Arkansas. Additionally, she’s participated in prison reform programs in San Quentin as well spoken
            out countless times in support of better prison conditions. Ms. Kuo spoke insightfully of her own experiences
 國小年段趣味競賽  奔跑吧!女孩們!  working around the world, and also provided us with steps to impact meaningful change in society.
                 The issues debated during HSINMUN XVIII reflected such meaningful change, and included combating
            negative effects of trade regulations, supporting resilient societies, food and water security in the Horn of
            Africa, and protecting the rights of religious minorities. As delegates engaged with these complex issues,
            they found themselves looking at these topics from different perspectives such as the political, economic, and
                 Organizing and preparing a conference is an extremely difficult task. Ensuring that the entire conference
            runs smoothly and as efficiently as possible is easier said than done. To combat against the confusion and
            chaos that usually arises during any conference, the Secretariat team did extensive research and preparation
            to prepare contingency plans for any issues that could arise during the conference. Luckily, this year we did
            not have to face some of the issues we had last year when we hosted HSINMUN XVII online. We were able
            to patrol and ensure committees were on track and running efficiently in person which made things easier and
 幼兒園趣味競賽 - 滾輪胎  幼兒園親子律動  more efficient.

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