Page 7 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第七期
P. 7

實中園地  The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 7期                          The Newsletter of NEHS 111年第 27卷第 7期  實中園地

 At the end of the weekend, the Secretariat team is proud
 to say that we achieved another successful HSINMUN, and
 that the spirit of Model United Nations has been upheld.
 Ultimately, MUN should be a place for middle and high
 school students to take a stance on pressing issues and use
 discourse and constructive debate by employing the real life
 ideologies of countries around the world. Extensive work   食在好滋味
 is required not just from the Secretariat, working team, and
 IBSH faculty, but also the delegates and chairs that attend,
 all of whom must do research and preparation in order to put
 forth their best in the conference.
 The HSINMUN Secretariat team (Parliamentarian
 James Lee, Secretary General Sophia Zuo, Deputy Secretary
 Generals Sheena Chiang, Anderson Liew, Cheng-Yuan, and
 Ethan Skonicki) is extremely thankful for all of the external
 support we received to make the event run so smoothly. We
 would like to thank the faculty advisors who assisted and
 played instrumental roles in the process: Ms. Fan Yu, who
                                                                                          二年六班 徐千惠老師
 handled much of the financial communication and helped
 with the organization and procedures of the conference;   發芽了 ! 發芽了 ! 小種子從土壤裡伸出長長的手臂,迫不及待地向我們招招手

            緣起 ............................................................................................................

 and Mr. Krystal and Mr. Ketcham, who helped oversee   感謝國小部如華老師、子文老師、筑筠老師⋯⋯等植栽經驗豐富的老師,熱心分享 DIYGreen 盆
 communication with other schools and assisted in the general   栽組的使用心得,又適逢已推廣食農教育 12 年的全國教師工會總聯合會再次開放有興趣的教師們申
 organizational process. Our advisors spent countless hours   請「教學種子盒」,加入設有輔導諮詢小組的食農學堂,與學生一起於校園種植雜糧,實踐從產地
 preparing our administration team and sorting the logistics   到餐桌的食農教學;於是就在這個天時地利人和的時機點,開啟了我與 206 孩子們的實驗旅程。
 of the conference and for that we are extremely thankful. We
 also would like to express our gratitude to Ms. Kuo, who
 took time off from her busy schedule to tell the HSINMUN   教學目標 ......................................................................................................
 participants her inspiring story and to share her wisdom. Her   經歷食物從栽種直到餐桌的「揮汗」的過程,進而能懂得「惜食」。
 personal experience working in underprivileged areas of the
 US shined light on what many of us take for granted and
 made us rethink the current justice system. Finally, we need   過程 ............................................................................................................
 to thank the talented students on the working team, who
 donated their time to ensure that committees, the approval   育秀教育基金會提供經費贊助的教學種子盒,內有小麥、黃豆、黑豆、紅藜、蕎麥、芝麻⋯⋯
 panel, and conference issues were smoothly handled.   等六種國產雜糧種子,經由班上共同討論以及家長的熱心贊助後,我們決定再加上蔬菜類、水果類、
 Regardless of the challenges to come next year, this year’s   樹木及花類的種子一起種植,希望能觀察這些屬性不同的植物萌芽及生長的異同。
 outcome proves that despite a shift in pace, HSINMUN’s   在合力動手鬆動舊盆土壤並加入新土後,我們 9/23 於第一區播種,親自觸碰土壤的孩子們驚呼
 stride will remain unbroken.  連連,既興奮又有點緊張 ( 因為偶有螞蟻或小蟲在土裡穿梭 ),植入種子時再三確認深度是否恰當,
            間隔距離是否足夠,再小心翼翼的灑水送祝福,希望種子寶寶們順利長大 ! 因為心繫著親手種下的

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