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實中園地                                                  印

                                                          The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                              第二十八卷第二期  中華民國 112年 4月 15日出刊                 April 2023
                                              發  行  所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
                                                    National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                              發  行  人: 張簡瑞璨
                                              總  編  輯: 林容安                               本
                                              編輯小組: 郭斐粧、莊雅玲、凃佳慧、戴芳煒、蔡依玲、莊秋芬、周慧蓮
                                              英文翻譯: Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Tara Kelly、  ● 為你寫詩
                                                    Guan-Jhen Wu、Wei Hsi Mar、Winnie Liu  期
                                              刊   頭  : 雙語部 3B Sophia Jeon                    ● 三年級走讀實驗闖關活動
                                              地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                       要
                                                    300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.  ● 靜心湖特色課程~荷花池
                                              TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813
                                              設計印刷: 富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                         目
                                              雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

              賀!本校高中部學生榮獲義大利科學                                   Congratulations! NEHS High
              博覽會金牌獎                                             School Students Awarded Gold at
                                                                 Italy’s I Giovani e le Scienze
                  本校數理領域人才濟濟,今年更是有高中部學                               Home to numerous talented STEM students, NEHS
              生赴義參加科學展覽會,為台灣抱回了金牌!高二                             is honored to see high school students representing Taiwan
              4 班兩位學生:陳亭儒和王允芊參加由國立臺灣科                            earn gold at this year’s Italian science exhibition! Two
                                                                 students of class H204, Ting-Ru Chen and Yun-Chien Wang
              學教育館主辦「2023 年臺灣國際科學展覽會 (TISF)」                     passed the 2023 Taiwan International Science Fair (TISF)
              選拔成為代表,於今 (112) 年 3 月 18 日至 20 日                   selection to become national representatives to participate
                                                                 in Italy’s I Giovani e le Scienze Youth Science Fair from
              遠赴義大利米蘭參加義大利科學展覽會 (I giovani                       March 18th to 20th. Presenting an investigation on the “Deep
              e le scienze)。她們「以深度學習進行心音及高血壓                     learning analysis of correlation between cardiac sounds
              關聯性之研究」作品代表台灣參展,她們提出以                              and hypertension”, the students proposed the potential
              Convolution Neural Network(CNN) 模型由受測者心音預          usage of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models to
                                                                 classify between long term hypertension and sports-induced
              測出其血壓層級,並區分長期高血壓和運動高血壓                             hypertension using patients’ cardiac acoustics. With their
              的可行性。她們的研究成果具創新思考力,獲得大                             critically innovative investigation, Chen and Wang were
                                                                 awarded gold medals by the science fair committee!
                                                                 The  Elementary  Department
              兒童節好好玩.國小部辦理闖關活動                                   Celebrates Children’s Day Through
                                                                 a Series of Exciting Games
                  近年為慶祝 4 月 4 日兒童節,國小部都會為學
              生辦理相關慶祝活動。而今年,在疫情解封的條件                                 To celebrate Children’s Day on April 4th, the NEHS
              下,國小部行政團隊決定擴大辦理,為學生留下快                             Elementary Department coordinated and executed several
                                                                 events for their students. Since the Covid-19 pandemic
              樂而充實的回憶!今年的活動於 3 月 29 日周三提前                        has become less restrictive, the Elementary Department
              辦理,將第三、第四節合併為 90 分鐘的大下課,讓                          Administration Office decided to enlarge the scale of the event
                                                                 in hopes of allowing the students create new memories with
              孩子們玩個過癮!除此之外,為了提供更多遊戲的                             their peers. The event was held on March 29th, combining
              選擇,行政團隊策畫了闖關集點換點心的活動,邀                             third and fourth periods with an accumulated event time of
                                                                 90 minutes for students to relax and enjoy the event to its
              請科任老師共同參與,設計關卡並且擔任關主,並                             fullest. In addition, to provide for diverse game choices, the
              安排了四個點心攤位:雞蛋糕、棉花糖、地瓜球和                             NEHS Elementary Department Administrative Team hosted
              爆米香進校,供學生換取獎勵。老師們設計的關卡                             a game where students collected points through a series of
              五花八門,有看照片認老師的「認人關」、樂活教                             games designed and hosted by the teachers. At the end of the
                                                                 games, students had the chance to exchange their collected
              室特有的「攀岩關」、單腳跳的「跳房子關」、甩                             points with small snacks such as egg cakes, marshmallows,
              掉便利貼的「臉部運動關」等等。學生們闖關後排                             sweet potato balls, and puffed rice. There were a wide variety
                                                                 of games, such as identifying the teacher’s faces, rock
              隊換取美味點心,「有食閣有掠」,為今年的兒童                             climbing, hopscotch, and shaking off post-its. The event was
              節畫下美好的句點!感謝行政團隊及國小部老師們                             a complete success as the students enjoyed it very much.
              的用心規劃。                                             Thank you so much to all the administrators and teachers for
                                                                 the meticulous event planning.
                                                                                                   學校要聞      1
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