藝文活動 Spirit Week 民歌大賽 幼稚園校慶 兵馬俑學習單 吉祥文物展




◆ 你們生活太好了,我們那時都沒電腦和電視,也沒那麼好的武器。如果有的話,我們早就

◆ 這是哪一個世代啊?我從沒見過你們!我怎麼會在這裡呢?我的衣服原本是彩色的,怎麼
     變成陶土色了?我是不是被帶到另一個世界?為什麼我不能行動,你們卻可以動。 喂.喂 .
     沒事了,我想要休息了 (張哲音,Gr.5)
◆ 多學學我們忠誠的愛國態度!要立志作大事啊!(藍培麗,Gr.7)
◆ 謝謝你們把我們找出來和發現我們的存在!(李效騏,Gr.5;程子翔,Gr.7)
◆ 不要因為現代科技而忘了中國的文化。(張閔鈞,Gr.8)
◆ 哇!拜託不要再挖我的同志了啦!被很多人看著很不好意思呢!何況秦王還需要我們的保

You people have better lives than us. You people don't have emperors that go 
     around killing people. You guys and gals need to take care and appreciate or 
     cherish your lives - Your valuable lives.(Amy, Gr.5) 
I 'll tell what Emperor Qin did, and about what people did at that time.(Joel,Gr.5)
I would like to ask about the 21st century and compare both centuries.
Many  things  have  improved  since  then,  you  are  all  lucky  to  have democracy
    instead of monarchy. (Marc, Marlene, Gr.6)
I would tell how I was buried under tons of sand and dirt.
You're so short! (Evan, Gr.8 )
My master is an idiot! How is a clay figure supposed to keep him safe? (Timothy, 
What have you done to this world, It's all polluted. (Carrie,Gr.7)
Who are you? If you are one enemy, then taste my sword! (Eric, Gr. 7)
You people have an easy life compared to us. Stop complaining. (Thomas, Gr.8 )
Give us some peace and quiet when you come to examine us.(Stephanie, Gr.8)


● 你們為什麼要聽秦始皇的話?你那時候想不想反抗?可以晚上逃走呀!(徐惟恩,張哲
● 你們被埋這麼久,很痛苦嗎?(林恬卉,Gr.5)
● 哇!到底你們是怎麼被製作得這麼精細的啊?(洪普哲,Gr.7)

I feel sorry that you people in the old days have so mean people. But we have bad 
    guys here too. These bad  people kidnap children and give them back only if you 
    give  them  a  huge  amount  of  money. Also want to say you people have a very 
    nice and cool clothes. (Amy, Gr.5)
I  would  tell  them  my  opinion  of being buried in this grave for more than 2000 
    years and finally seeing sunlight and moonlight again.(Carol Lin,Gr.6)
If the terra-cotta  warrior  could  understand my language, I would tell them about 
    technology, so that they can use it in war. (Miin Lin,Gr.5)
How does it feel being buried under ground for more than 2000 years? Did you 
    really want to die for the emperor?(Cathy,Gr.6)
You guys were brave and strong. Now you guys are free from Qin Shi Huangdi 
    and can start a new life again.(Larririsa,Gr.5)
What does it feel like serving a king?(Michael, 6)
You are so tall. (Timothy,6)
You have special styles and fashions. (Stephanie,8)
Can I have that spear? (Raymond,6)
What was the most horrible event you did? (黃貝聿,7)
Let me take you on a tour in my home. I have a television and a boom box.



▲秦文化展有非常豐富的資料和寶物。可惜人太多了,否則可以好好欣賞。(藍培儷, Gr.7)
Overall, it was O.K. because the first  museum  was very good and interesting, but 
    the  second one was too  crowded.  If we have a tour guide and less visitors, more 
    spacious, more time then, it would be more organized. (Many students)
Never give us the worksheet to do! It take all the fun out of the trip and makes you 
    feel  rushed  and  tired.  Just give us the information that would be helpful.(Several 
This trip was worth it to finance. I thank all the CSS teachers who have led to make 
    such  a  wonderful  trip  for us. We should have more of these educational outings 
    within times. (Marc, Gr.6)
I  think  it  was very cool, although it was very chaotic there. I saw fascinating sites 
   that stunned and awed me. (Carol,Gr.6)
It's my first time being exciting about Chinese History. (朴玟貞, Gr.5)
I think the museum should reserve a time just for the school, so that we can learn 
   better without the busting crowd.