藝文活動 Spirit Week 民歌大賽 幼稚園校慶 兵馬俑學習單 吉祥文物展 回首頁




第 7 題:中國人常喜歡將一些動物或植物刻在器物上取其諧音表示吉祥。比如
                說馬和猴子表示馬上封侯。 你可以再舉一些例子嗎?

★ 青菜和白菜:清清白白 蝙蝠:鴻福其天 、五福臨門 烏龜:長壽 鶴鹿: 賀祿同春(劉燕伶,洪普哲
      Gr.7; Marc, Gr.6)
★ 松:松柏長青 馬:馬到成功 橘子:大吉大利(牛駿平,Gr.5)
★ 竹子和花瓶:竹報平安 魚:年年有餘 百合和柿子:百事如意 (Amy, LarisaGr.5, Stephanie,Gr.8)
★ 龜和鶴:龜鶴延年(程子翔,Gr.7)★梅和喜雀:喜上眉梢 葫蘆:多子多孫(洪普哲Gr.7)
★ 鯉魚:鯉躍龍門

第 9 題:參觀過這次展覽,你最喜歡哪一部份?請寫下你的感想。
★ The Chinese painting, because the paintings are very spectacular. The artists respect each other by painting in the 
      background and letting the other person's painting be in the center. (If two people complete a painting) The colors 
      on the paintings are very colorful and the objects are really special. The painting may also have hidden meanings. 
      (Stephanie Yee, Gr.8)
★ The snuff bottles鼻煙壺 are my favorite because they are all pretty. (Yo-lin,Gr.6)
      The sniff bottles interested me the most, because they had many kinds of colors, shapes and sizes.(Olivia, 
      Gr . 6)
★ The clay video show was my favorite part. It made me realize how much work has gone into the Ching glaze, 
     porcelain, firing and craft. (Bryan, Marlene, Gr.6)
     I like the clay video show because I always wanted to make my own pottery. (Maggie, Gr.6)
★ The area where the <<歲朝清供圖>> was exhibited was my favorite one of all exhibitions. The paintings 
     showed a meaning to Chinese art and to show how long has art flourished across the Middle Kingdom.
★ 我喜歡文房雅趣的部份,因為都是讀書人擺在桌上有趣的、吉祥如意的藝術品。(林晴立,
★ I think my favorite part of this exhibition was 鎏金佛像 I was very inspired by the way they got fold on the 
     Guyain statures. Another part of this exhibition I like was the 如意. I learned a lot on this field trip. I didn't know  
     before that was something that they used to scratch one's back.(Jennifer Huang)
★ My favorIte part of exhibition is the Guanyin because Granyin was a man and changed into a woman. It is very 
      interesting that it can change sex. It also has tallest and shortest statues.(Frank Wu)
★ I  like  the Ruyi, because it has a lot of meanings for gook luck, or live long lives, ect.(Vincent Twu)

