
學校要聞新進老師 學聯會 人物專訪NRC研習 校園廣角鏡升學榜單活動看版


發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
National Experimental High School at Science-Based Industrial Park
發 行 人:戴禮明 Publisher : Li-Ming Tai
刊頭設計:雙語部 朴玟貞
地 址: 新竹介壽路300號
300 Chieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL : 886-3-5777011
FAX : 886-3-5781813 http://www.nehs.hc.edu.tw
設計印刷:卡蒙公司 Tel:03-5165690

: : 學校要聞 : :


  從1998年起加拿大國家研究院和國科會持續進行合作研究計劃,今年雙方於六月下旬在台灣舉行五週年慶祝會暨研究成果發表會,其中由本校每年選派四名學生於暑期赴加拿大國家研究院及渥太華大學研究的子計劃亦堂堂進入第五個年頭,成效斐然,戴校長特別應邀於六月二十五日帶領四名曾參加此項活動的校友赴會議所在地圓山飯店向大會分享活動成果。一直對此項學生研究活動全力支持的加拿大國家研究院主委卡提博士一行四人,更於六月二十八日上午蒞臨本校訪問。本校特別安排了國樂社的表演及與在校生的對談等活動,並邀集多位曾參加過該項研究計劃的畢業校友「回娘家」共襄盛舉齊聚一堂。2003 NRC暑期研習活動已開放申請,希望更多的同學把握機會,踴躍申請這項既能增進科學研究能力,又可拓展國際視野的活動。申請資料及表格已刊載於本校網站電子佈告欄,歡迎同學上網下載。申請截止日為十二月十六日。(NRC 研習分享,詳見內頁。)

中研院吳茂崑所長蒞校演講 奈米科技

  奈米國家型六年計劃中的子計劃--奈米科技人才培育計畫,選定包括本校在內之六所標竿學校,進行小學至高中階段奈米科技教育之研發、推廣工作,以培養學生研究奈米之興趣。本校特於九月十四日邀請中研院物理所吳茂崑所長來校演講,介紹奈米科技。各部老師與高中部同學反應熱烈,成果豐碩!標竿學校初步工作重點係由教師與奈米方面學者專家共同編撰相關教材。竭誠歡迎本校具有奈米專長之家長參與指導,詳情請電教務處鍾主任(分機210) 或校長室陳秘書(分機203)。

美國高中數學聯盟競賽 台灣區高中資優數學競賽 成績優異

  本校高中部吳安倫、宋彥朋、林奕辰參加美國高中數學聯盟數學競賽,榮獲A組西區團體亞軍,林奕辰更獲個人優等獎! 第四屆台灣區高中資優數學競賽中,高三4班黃全斌等,及高二4班林奕辰等各十五位參賽同學成績優異,分別榮獲團體銅牌獎及思考賽優等獎。 全國奧林匹克數學競賽中,黃全斌、游本立和宋彥朋,榮獲團體第二名,黃全斌和游本立又個別奪得個人第二名的榮譽。在此特別恭賀並感謝莊添丁、林淑真、鄭慶瑜三位指導老師!

本校木球、羽球代表隊參加國際比賽 成果輝煌


論文寫作指導研習活動 教師獲益良多


與音樂共度一夏 音樂社團辛勤獻成果


NRC President Dr. Carty Visits NEHS

  Beginning in 1998, the National Research Council of Canada and the National Science Council of Taiwan have had an ongoing collaboration. As a subproject of this collaboration, each summer four students from NEHS have been granted the opportunity to participate in research projects at NRC for six weeks. This June, the two councils met in Taiwan to celebrate the 5th anniversary of their collaboration. Accompanied by four students who had previously attended the NRC summer program, Principal Tai gave a talk on June 25th at the Grand Hotel to share her experience. On June 28th, Dr. Carty, Dr. Sadiq, and Ms. Maciel visited our school for a small celebration of the 5th anniversary of the NRC summer program where many students from the previous four years returned to NEHS for the reunion. After a traditional Chinese music performance by NEHS students, Dr. Carty then had a warm talk with students interested in the program. As before, there are four spaces available for NRC summer program this year. NEHS students are strongly encouraged to seize this opportunity to work at an excellent research institute and experience life in Ottawa. The application material for 2003 NRC summer program, due on December 16th, is now posted on NEHS website.

Academia Sinica Director Dr. Mao-Kwen Wu Gives Speech on Nanotechnology

  One of the subprojects of the National Nanotechnology Project, a six-year undertaking, is to raise the level of human resources in the field. Six elite schools, including NEHS, were selected to participate in an elementary to high school education research on nanotechnology. On September 14, our school invited Dr. Wu, the Director of the Physics Institute of Academia Sinica, to give a speech on nanotechnology. Response from teachers and students was enthusiastic. The first assignment for the six schools is to cooperate with nanotechnology professionals to create suitable teaching materials on the subject. We strongly invite the participation of parents with expertise in the field to help. For more information call Dean Chung (ext. 210) or the Principal's Secretary (ext. 203).

High School Students Bring Back Awards from ARML & TRML

  Experimental seniors Alan Wu and Yen-Peng Sone as well as junior Yi-Chen Lin participated in American Regional Mathematics League National Competition at the San Jose site in June 2002. Their team placed 2nd place among the A Division Western Site teams, and Yi-Chen Lin won an individual award. During the 4th Annual Taiwan Regional Mathematics League National Competition, senior Chuan-Pin Huang, junior Yi-Chen Lin, and fourteen other students in each of their classes showed outstanding performance, bringing back a bronze medal and other awards. Special thanks to math teachers, Mr. Juang, Ms. Lin, and Ms. Cheng for their instruction!

NEHS Wood Ball and Badminton Teams Win International Competitions

  Yih-Jin Jiang , a NEHS high school student instructed by Mr. Chan-Ming Huang, represented Taiwan as "Taipei, China" and won the Gold Medal among men's teams in the 2002 Asian City Cup Wood Ball Tournament. The tournament was held in Shen-Yang City of mainland China in August. Yih-Jin Jiang also won the individual gold medal for his outstanding performance and was referred to by the media as the "Tiger Woods of Wood Ball". Chin-Jong Liu performed admirably, winning fourth place. Also, under the professional training of their coach Shu-Hwah Chen, students Kai-Cheng Jeng and Wylie Lou were awarded third place in men's doubles. Ping-Ying Chen and Tiffany Jou won fifth place in women's doubles, and also both achieved 5th place in singles. Both teams brought glory and honor to our school as well as our country and deserve much praise from all.

Teachers Benefit From Thesis Writing Seminar

  NEHS school library hosted a thesis-writing seminar on August 27 for all teachers. Professor Chung-Shen Jung of Ching-Hwa University and Assistant Professor Bo-Shuan Shieh of National Taiwan University were invited to head this two-hour seminar. Professor Jung shared his own stories and experiences on interacting with students with a great sense of humor. He also gave some very practical tips on how to write a scientific report. Assistant Professor Shieh focused on showing the teachers how to make good use of the wealth of information available on the Internet.

Music Clubs Performance a Success

  The NEHS wind, string, and oriental instrument clubs spent the suffocating summer months in a strict regimen of practice. Spectacular performances during the new student orientation made apparent their hard work. The wind instrument group was invited by the city government to perform in the train station square for the "Heart of Hsinchu" celebration in late August. The lively audience demonstrated their heartfelt appreciation on the spot.

(English Editors: Jean Yang, Jessica Jou, Debbie Chang, Catherine Chang, Jonathan Jou)
∴採訪學生:李育萱,李凱婷,郭邦媛,廖采蘋, 胡品圭,林聖文,楊孝康,江以進,劉以霖∴
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