
學校要聞新進老師 學聯會 人物專訪NRC研習 校園廣角鏡升學榜單活動看版


發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
National Experimental High School at Science-Based Industrial Park
發 行 人:戴禮明 Publisher : Li-Ming Tai
刊頭設計:雙語部 朴玟貞
地 址: 新竹介壽路300號
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設計印刷:卡蒙公司 Tel:03-5165690

< 學聯會 >
九十一學年度 高國中部 學聯會


  以高票當選的會長王啟恩(mp3),真是一表人才的好人,始終默默地秉持著自己的原則,很愛衝,很會衝,渾身是勁(難道會長是某電池?),而「衝阿!寶貝!」也成了學聯會的精神象徵,副會長鄭遠祥(猴子),搞笑一流熱力十足吃苦耐勞,然後......居心不良(just kidding)。活動組長周瑋祺(IBM),可是我們會裡響鐺鐺的人物,據她所說,自己是一個青春洋溢熱情活潑可愛大方活力十足動靜皆宜陽光青春美少女大腿不粗活動組長(?值得商榷?),不僅愛笑,更愛哭。副活動組長游知澔(幼稚澔),認真負責,才華洋溢,說話有時帶點軍官口氣,常常扮黑臉。不能忘記我們的幽靈副會林奕辰(火星怪物),常會提出一些奇怪的怪點子,是個有想法有行動,很有趣的火星人。公關組長張登舜(real fox),交際能力強,人好又親切,而且很有個人特色,一年要跑幾十場茶會,任勞任怨且享受其中。文宣組的絕佳拍檔是蘇尚昱(鐵支)和陳秋瑜(斯比)兩位美工天才,創意十足,細心滿分,學聯會的宣傳海報和紀念品可都是她們的心血結晶唷。庶務組是由嚴中健負責,他的一手好字,將學聯會帳目寫得一絲不茍,令人放心。最後支撐著整個學聯會的我們,雖是不起眼的小兵,卻十分重要,所有的活動都需要我們高度的配合,才能發揮到完美的極致。我們中不乏優秀的人才,個個都是聰明熱心又活潑的好孩子,還有許多許多默默的功臣跟偉大的人物,族繁不及備載,總之是史上超強的陣容。


Bilingual Department Student Council Year 2002

  Formed in 1994, the Bilingual Department Student Council's (BDSC) main purpose is to represent the student body, address school affairs, fulfill the needs of the students, and improve the general welfare of the students. The BDSC officers of this year are Alex Wu, President; Fung-Lin Wu, Vice President; Christine Teng, Secretary; and Charlene Chow, Treasurer. The Bilingual Department Student Council leads activities such as dances and spirit week; at the same time, the student council enhances the environment of the school with new air fresheners and soap. This year, the student council plans to focus adequate amount on both student affairs and student activities. Student Council desires to arrange new activities such as football and soccer games and other new activities that the student body wishes for. Furthermore, Student Council hopes to deal with more student issues proposed by the student body. Within the Student Council are three branches: Honor Council, Executive Council, and Activity Council. The officers and all three branches of the Student Council wish to improve the students' life and the school's environment. The Bilingual Department Student Council looks forward to satisfying the student body's needs.

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