
學校要聞新進老師 學聯會 人物專訪NRC研習 校園廣角鏡升學榜單活動看版


發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
National Experimental High School at Science-Based Industrial Park
發 行 人:戴禮明 Publisher : Li-Ming Tai
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< NRC研習 >

  加拿大國家研究委員會National Research Council, Canada, 自1998年起,每年提供本校四名同學暑期赴該會及渥太華大學研習六週,以下為今年(2002)暑期本校參與研習四位同學之心得分享。上圖中,本校四位同學,由左至右為高中部朱品磊、楊之穎、雙語部楊清筠、卓宛蓉同學與Ms. Maciel(後排中)、Dr. Sadiq(後排左)、許榮富博士(後排右),及其他NRC研究人員合影留念。2003NRC暑期研習活動已開放申請,詳見本校網站電子佈告欄。

An Unforgettable Summer

by Michelle Yang
12A, Bilingual Department

  In the end, all our preparations were useless. Our four handy flashlights-with their bright new batteries-were left in the car. The Ziplock bag with our Band-Aids zipped but did not stay locked against the water. After a forty-minute walk from the parking lot with vague signs, we found ourselves shuffling forward in temporary blindness, the icy cave water lapping against our knees. It was one of the best experiences I had in Canada.

* * *

  For six weeks from mid-July to late August, I was a student worker at the University of Ottawa Hospital's Eye Institute. To say that it was an enjoyable and educational experience would be to make a severe understatement. Dr. May Griffith and the people in her tissue-engineering lab were kind and generous to their rookie worker from Taiwan.

  They guided me through the basic procedures involved in processing human corneas, and then helped me begin an immunohistochemistry project of my own. Dr. Carty, Dr. Sadiq, and Ms. Loreena Marciel at the National Research Institute offered much guidance and encouragement to us four high school students from the National Experimental High School. In addition to the hands-on lab experience that I had craved, I also had an extremely comfortable stay with Ms. Sylvie Couture, my Canadian hostess. It was both my first experience of actually living in a house and of living with a host family. Sylvie and her friends, the Ferriers, separately took Won-Ron Cho and I to places such as Montreal and the simply enormous Gatineau Park outside Ottawa.

  On our last weekend in Ottawa, Diane and Rick Ferrier invited us for a trip to the Lusk Caves in Gatineau Park. That day trip encapsulated the best parts of my stay at Canada: the constant display of Canadian hospitality, the natural beauty of the land around Ottawa, and the sense of discovery-in both the laboratory and in Nature. Though our miniature expedition did not begin smoothly, I confess that I enjoyed groping around in the dark, scraping my knees, and wading in chest-high water. Like my entire time at Canada, it was something new, an exciting challenge for an untested teenager.

   We went through the caves three times. The last time, the loan of a flashlight allowed us to actually see our way down a slope. It was an intimidating drop that I would never have attempted had I known how its actual steepness. However, in the darkness, it had been merely a short slide down a few large boulders. Likewise, I had lived my forty-two days in Canada one at a time; only now do I realize what an overwhelming experience the entire trip was. In a sense, crossing the Pacific Ocean for six weeks in a totally unfamiliar environment was very much like going down that drop. I will always be grateful for that unforgettable summer in Ottawa.


高三3班 / 楊之穎


  我被分配到 Institute of Biological Sciences (IBS),在指導教授 Wing Sung 的實驗室中和一位研究員 Fang Huang 和一位大學生 Patricia Liu 一起做實驗。有趣的是,實驗室中雖然有多位中國人,但是,有人講的是廣東話,有人講的是北京官話,有人不會中文,造成隔閡,英文反倒成為我們的共通語言。

  我的研究有兩大項。第一項是蛋白質工程(protein engineering)。所研究的蛋白質 糖 (xylanase)是一種應用在造紙業的酵素。 糖 能夠分解使紙呈棕色的木質素,在造紙業中可以取代用以漂白的含氯化合物,減少污染。自然界中由真菌製造的 糖 遇到高溫或鹼性環境便會變質,難以在造紙業中應用。這項研究的目的是改變原有的蛋白質,製造能夠在高溫和鹼性環境中有效工作的酵素。研究已經進行十餘年,有不少進展,實驗室甚至已經和外面的公司合作製造大量的變種 糖 ,產品被廣泛應用。指導教授說,他希望自己所做的研究都是有實用價值的,能夠對加國的環境和經濟有所貢獻。實驗由指導教授構思,其他人負責進行他所設計的實驗。我在六個禮拜中共製造了四種變種蛋白質,測試了它們的有效工作溫度和pH範圍。其中三個表現不佳,因此被淘汰,第四個表現良好,所以將在以後繼續使用。

  第二項是找出方法清理麻纖維(hemp fibers)。麻除了能夠提煉大麻之外,是一種十分有韌性的植物纖維,有很高的經濟價值。但是,加拿大的農夫目前尚未找出既不破壞纖維的韌性又能將纖維清理乾淨的方法,因此指導教授接下這項研究。在我抵達實驗室之前,這項研究還在初階,總共進行不到三十個實驗;相對於前一項研究,沒有任何已成立的步驟。因此,每天必須設計新的實驗,決定不同的變因,例如:使用不同的酵素和緩衝劑、改變清洗時間和方法。六週中總共進行了大約二十五個實驗。結果雖然並不理想,對照組和實驗組之間毫無明顯差別,難以下任何結論,但是,我很高興有這樣的機會,接觸兩個處於完全不同階段的研究-一個是已經成熟的,一個卻還在最早期的實驗階段。




  到了週末就當一下觀光客。渥太華風景宜人,貫穿其中的Rideau Canal和Ottawa River為城市帶來一種寧靜的美。城中除了政府機關,尚有許多博物館,文化氣息濃厚。六個週末中,我幾度和其他三位同學相約逛渥太華碰面。渥城不乏好去處,且公車系統發達。我們坐船遊河、騎腳踏車欣賞渥城風光、參觀博物館,並出入購物中心數次。有一個週末,寄宿家庭帶我到蒙特婁,在小木屋住了三天,在湖中游泳、泛舟,過著親近大自然的生活。

  此行十分難忘,不僅學到很多,還玩得很盡興。感謝學 校和 NRC 給我這樣難得的機會,也鼓勵學弟妹們把握機會申請。


高三2班 / 朱品磊

  首先,我在這篇遊記的開始,必須先感謝所有能讓這次旅遊成真的人,包括校長、老師、以及國家研究中心的 Dr. Carty以及駐加拿大中科院的許榮富先生。



  兩天之後,舉行了opening ceremony大家也跟著自己的指導員離去了。我的單位是跟去年李久林學長同一個單位-ICPET(Institute of Chemical Process and Environmental Technology),順帶一提,我的寄宿家庭也跟他一樣。


  實驗原理簡單,但是操作上就大有問題了。首先就是實驗裝置了,因為是氣體,所以設備裡面大概有十幾條管線,二十個氣閥吧。重點是,我每一個都要記住是用來幹什麼的。所以當一有漏氣時,壓力驟減,但是你無從得知到底是哪個地方出了問題,只有拿著一瓶肥皂水到處抹。處理氣體這種不穩定的東西有時是很瑣碎的。在我的實驗當中,最令我咬牙切齒,又恨又愛的莫過於那台GC(Gas Chromotography氣體分析儀)。沒錯,他是非常好用,只需將管線中的氣體導入,開始分析之後,就只需盯著電腦螢幕,靜待一小時後,數據出來,就可以開始計算了。但是,光等待氣體穩定就需二十分鐘,再等分析又要一小時,等於我一天只能取得五組數據。而且GC是HP做的,所以操作系統是windows,不用我說大家應該也知道windows習慣性的再系統資源不大夠時喜歡做什麼─那就是當機。

  當然在那裡的時間也不完全是在做實驗,在週末時大家會去那裡的shopping mall或是博物館。其中值得一提的就是它的世界文明博物館。我們去的時候剛好在作維京人特展,看到他們的文明程度實在是太令人驚訝了,居然在那個時代就已到過中國與印度!

  這趟旅程當中最令我驚訝的莫過於我寄宿家庭男女主人吧。因為,我要走的時候,才知道原來兩人並不是夫妻。他們兩人都不" 相信 "婚姻,因此雖然同居數年但是就是不肯結婚。



An Afternoon at Lac O'Neil

by Won Ron Cho
12B, Bilingual Dept.



   And we were off in a little oaken canoe, gliding silently out of the dock onto Lac O'Neil, one of the lakes I visited during my stay in Canada for NRC. Pale blue sky, deep clear waters, jagged white cliffs lined by pines-a change from the daily lab work around clicking lasers and deafening vacuum pumps. I slowly cut my canoe paddle into the lapping lake. The canoe jerked forward and swayed. I looked behind me and noticed that Franz, my host family's friend's father, the 70 year-old Austrian man, was dragging his paddle in the water, staring at the sky. Thanks for the help, I thought.

  "Let's get dock somewhere," he said, "I'm quiet out of breath."
I wiggled the canoe to the beach and held the canoe as Franz shakily stepped out and sat on a stranded tree stump. Smoothly worn mussel shells and yellow pine needles littered the sand, tickling and itching my feet.
I looked into the distant waters and tried in vain to look for Michelle and her red canoe. Besides a diving platform and a few buoys shaped like loony ducks, I could see nothing on the lake. Surrounding the lake stood little cottages, separated by thickets of trees. A woodland lake--seems like an ideal setting for one of Michelle's romance novels, with out the loony duck that is!

  "So what's your project about?" Franz asked.

  "Well, I'm doing lab work on the isolation and purification of single-walled carbon nanotubes with dangerous chemicals in a fume hood in a--" I stopped for breath "--in a lab filled with high energy diode and dye lasers and toxic gases kept in glass safes with three locks. In the past few weeks I have learned the names of all the equipment for the ZEKE and REMPI project. I also used 200 US dollars worth of carbon nanotubes for my experiment. And I melted some sealing wax on a hot plate, spoke French to the security guard and fixed my shoes with latex gloves. And--" Sensing digression, I stopped.

   "Yes, yes! You and your science labs," Franz said. "But sometimes you need some of this," he gestured with a sweep of his arm. "You must be happy that you made the decision to come to Canada," he continued, "you won't get the same Lac O'Neil anywhere else."

  The pine-scented breeze drifted across the lake and I saw Michelle's little red canoe emerge from around a bend. And I realized that Franz was right.

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