
學校要聞新進老師 學聯會 人物專訪NRC研習 校園廣角鏡升學榜單活動看版


發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
National Experimental High School at Science-Based Industrial Park
發 行 人:戴禮明 Publisher : Li-Ming Tai
刊頭設計:雙語部 朴玟貞
地 址: 新竹介壽路300號
300 Chieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL : 886-3-5777011
FAX : 886-3-5781813 http://www.nehs.hc.edu.tw
設計印刷:卡蒙公司 Tel:03-5165690

< 新進老師 >
──────── / 高國中部 / 雙語部 / 國小部 / ───────
---------------------------------------------- + + 徐世紋 + + ----------------------------------------------

  大家好,我是國中部英語科的新進老師,同時也是國二1班的導師,很 榮幸可以進入這樣一個溫馨的環境與大家一同工作,也懇請各位先進可以給予世 紋在教學上或帶班上的指導,謝謝。

---------------------------------------------- + + 陳燕秋 + + ----------------------------------------------
  大家好:我是國中部國文科老師 陳燕秋。很高興今年來到實驗中學這個大家庭,希望在實中的日子,能與各位優秀的師長,以及活潑可愛的同學們相處融洽,請
---------------------------------------------- + + 曾妙玲 + + ----------------------------------------------

  各位實中的夥伴們:大家好,我是國二5班的導師曾妙玲,今年第一年來到實 驗中學任教。能來到實驗中學這個人人稱羨的學校,是我從事教職以來,最感榮 幸的一件事。接下來的幾年,還希望各位實驗的『前輩們』(老師、同學)多多 照顧,期待和實驗一起完成我的人生日記。最後,我想以『認真、負責、成長』 這六個字來勉勵國二5班-我的寶貝們,在未來的兩年,我很期待看到你們的成 長;以及國二5班不同凡響的表現。加油唷!

---------------------------------------------- + + 張修豪 + + ----------------------------------------------

  我來自古都-台南,因緣際會讓我來到實中任教,目前擔任國二2班導 師兼理化老師。在未來的一年裡,希望能有機會目睹品學兼優的實中學生。

---------------------------------------------- + + 余大忠 + + ----------------------------------------------

  大家好:我是今年新進的國中體育教師 余大中,畢業於輔仁大學體育系,專長 是足球。過去六年來都在台南任教,今年取得合格教師後,很慶幸能考上實驗中 學,雖然對於實中還相當陌生,但是對於將來還是充滿了信心與期待!相信大家對於剛結束的世界杯足球賽還意猶未盡,就是因為足球的魅力讓我在學習成長的路永不放棄,過去當選手參加過國內大大小小的比賽,深深覺得一個好的人材如果沒有遇到好的老師、好的教練,絕對不會有出人頭地的一天,因此立志成為一個優秀的體育老師;希望未來的日子裡,我能將我過去的寶貴經驗與大家分享,和大家共同學習、成長。

---------------------------------------------- + + 陳國良 + + ----------------------------------------------


  大家好,很高興能到實中這一個優秀的學校任教,在未來的日子裡,能與所有的 實中人,一起成長。

--------------------------------------- + + Ms. Evelyn Bendick + + ---------------------------------------

  Hello! I am the new seventh grade humanities teacher. I am from Crystal Falls, which is located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I come from a family of teachers. My mother is teaching upper level mathematics in Torreon, Mexico. This is her first experience working internationally also! My sister, Emily, is teaching music courses for Kindergarten through the twelfth grade in Upper Michigan.

  I attended Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. There I earned my Bachelor's Degree with Honors in English, along with my teacher certification. I have taught for the pat six years in both Wisconsin and Michigan. During that time, I have also coached and judged Forensics (Public Speaking competitions). In addition to teaching, I love to read, knit, cross-stitch, walk, watch movies and performances, travel and learn. This is my first international teaching position, and I consider myself very honored to be working with such fantastic students.

  I look forward to having a great teaching experience here at NEHS. I also would like to thank the entire NEHS Bilingual Department Community (parents, fellow teachers, administrators, and students) for being so helpful and considerate. I appreciate all of your help and kindness.

----------------------------------- + + Ms. Andrea Fischer-Jenssen + + ---------------------------------

  Greetings from one of three Canadians on staff! I have traveled to Hsinchu from Markham, Ontario, located just northeast of Toronto. Upon graduating from Brock University, I went straight to work as an outdoor educator at Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve. After a few years, I decided it would be in my best interest to obtain my teaching degree and become a classroom teacher. Back to school I went, and received my Education Degree at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. I am quite happy with the decision I made, and I am truly enjoying teaching students. However, I still love the outdoors and have a great passion for outdoor activities. Some hobbies of mine include baking, cooking, traveling, canoeing, kayaking, skiing, and rollerblading. While living here in Taiwan, I hope to add some new hobbies to my list. For instance, I would love to learn how to make Asain cuisine. Even though I will miss seeing the snow this year, I am excited about getting to know the students, staff and parents of the school and look forward to discovering Hsinchu and the surrounding area!

------------------------------------------ + + Ms. Ellyn Lee + + ----------------------------------------

  I have lived several places and hope to continue my learning about cultures and places by living in Taiwan.

   When I was growing up in Prescott, Arizona I would look forward to snowy days and the fourth of July. I loved my ballet class and to play the drums.During high school, I lived in a small, conservative town in Texas and witnessed the division of cultures that I once believed only existed in my history books.

   I then moved to California, which exposed me to a variety of cultures and ideas. I earned my degree in Child Art and Development from the University of California at Santa Cruz. Two research offers by psychology professors proved to be my most valuabe learning experiences. I stayed in Santa Cruz to completet the education progam because the community and the college were theoretically liberal.

  Wanting to experience a larger city and a more diverse population, I moved to Oakland, California. I taught there for three years and still have a large community of friends in the Bay Area.
Wanting to learn Spanish and see more of South America, I taught in an international school in Cochabamba, Bolivia. I was enamored with the varied landscapes and Native people. I took classes in Art and Archeology, Ceramics and Capoiera during my after school time.

  Still traveling with just a couple suitcases last year, I visited my sister in Girdwood, Alaska. I was enchanted with the small, ski resort town of 1,000 people and stayed to teach in Anchorage. I enjoyed hiking, camping, snowboarding, skiing and ice fishing. Seeing a moose or bear daily now seems normal.

  I look forward to the new life lessons I will learn teaching at NEHS in the coming years.

------------------------------------------ + + Ms. Jane George + + ----------------------------------------

  I am a native Kansan and have taught for 13 years. I graduated from St. Mary of the Plains College in Dodge City, KS with a bachelor degree in history. I worked for Continental Airlines for 12 years. My education degrees (bachelor in elementary education and masters in special education) are from Washburn University in Topeka, KS.

   Most of my family lives in Topeka. My daughter, Leah, and her husband, Frank, have 2 little boys named Cole and Cade. My son, Steven, and his wife, Nicole, are newly weds.

   My teaching experience has been with excellent teachers and I am happy to be working with NEHS's first rate staff.

   I want to thank the second grade students and their parents for such a gracious and helpful welcome.

------------------------------------------ + + Mr. Bob Powers + + ----------------------------------------

  Originally I was born and raised in New England, or as the natives of Maine like to say, ''The Northern Kingdom.'' New England is a magical land where in spring mud-stomping is an Olympic sport; during summer, sunflowers grow to the size of yellow basketballs and whisper mystical nothings into the ears of those willing to listen. The autumn foliage in Maine richly resonates a dazzling spectrum of yellows and oranges from all but the evergreen trees. And then there is winter; An ice-sailors paradise.

  I attended Berklee College of Music where I received a BA in Film Composition. I also have a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Literature from Columbia University. My wife was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Tashkent too has magic in its seasons. But I will let Nica tell you all about that. She is a bicyclist and she is currently learning to play tennis. When I'm not working I like to play my saxophone and write prose poems. This is my 3rd overseas teaching assignment. My wife and I are quite happy to be in Hsinchu, and we are looking forward to many exciting experiences.

------------------------------------------ + + Mr. Johnny Robert + + ----------------------------------------

  Shortridge Originally from the Blue Grass State of Kentucky, I have lived the last 30 plus years in Alexandria, Virginia, which is located along the Potomac River 10 miles outside of Washington, D.C. I received my Master's Degree from the University of Virginia and I am a retired teacher from the Fairfax County Virginia School System (10th largest in the nation). My interest in Taiwan came primarily from a former high school chemistry student (Andrew Wo) who is a professor at the University in Taipei. Andrew and his twin sister grew up and lived on my street when they attended high school. Their father still loves there. My wife is a published writer/journalist and she is from Singapore.

  I had always wanted to travel overseas, but was never able to do so. This teaching position has provided me the opportunity to help fulfill some of my dreams. I have traveled to Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Japan. I hope to add to this list while I am living on this part of the planet. I have found the people to be friendly and courteous. My biggest challenge has been getting around and trying to learn the language. This is occurring at a slow pace. I am determined to do so because I believe a person should try to learn the language of the nation in which they reside. My favorite football teams are the Washington Redskins and The New England Patriots. I enjoy power boating and collecting antique pottery.

------------------------------------------ + + Mr. Kenneth Flynn+ + ----------------------------------------

  I worked as a Physiscist in Industrial research before going into teaching. My first appoinment was in Mexico City, Mexico, where I taught for six years. Then I worked in Bangkok, Thailand for three years. After that I worked in Istanbul, Turkey for a year, after which I came to work here in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  I have taught: AP Physics, IB Physics, Regular Physics, Electronics, AP Calculus, IB Math Methods, MYP Math, Chemistry, Physical Science. I have helped to shape the programs of the schools in which I have worked to fit in with: Outcome Based Curricula, as well as International Bacalaureate Curriculum. A major theme through all my experience is setting clear goals for students as well as making assessment transparent.

   My hobbies are: foreign languages ( I speak Spanish and Thai fluently, basic Turkish, and I hope to learn Chinese too ) Singing, playing the Guitar, Running, Drama, and Theatre.

------------------------------------------ + + Mr. Norman Lin + + ----------------------------------------

  Hello all, I am Norman Lin, the new P.E. instructor of Bilingual Department. I was born and raised in Keelung and I received my Master Degree of Sport Science - Sport Coaching from United States Sport Academy. It is my pleasure to be here with you all. My specialty is at all events of Track and Field. Hence, you are very welcome to discuss with me any of your opinion about Track & Field. Before I came to NEHS I had spent two years coaching Track in a middle high school in Keelung. What I like most is to play basketball, jogging, etc., because I am a sportsman.

------------------------------------------ + + Mr. Norman Lin + + ----------------------------------------

 Hi, I am Spock Tsai. It's my honor to be a member of the NEHS big family. I got my Bachelor and Master Degree of Information and Computer Education from National Taiwan Normal University. This year other than teaching computer courses, I am also the coordinator of equipment and teaching resource of Bilingual Department. That's a heavy job, but I take it as a challenge. I will do my best to accomplish my work and I am sure that it will be a wonderful year to come with you all.

---------------------------------------------- + + 劉蕙蘭 + + ----------------------------------------------


---------------------------------------------- + + 李建美 + + ----------------------------------------------


---------------------------------------------- + + 劉秀麗 + + ----------------------------------------------


---------------------------------------------- + + 李沛玲 + + ----------------------------------------------

  嗨!大家好,我是國小部三年2班的老師 李沛玲。平日喜歡看書、聽音樂、接觸大自然。很高興來到這個大家庭,希望在這大家庭中和大家一起學習、一起歡笑、一起努力。讓我們彼此期許吧!!

---------------------------------------------- + + 張淑君 + + ----------------------------------------------



---------------------------------------------- + + 陳正棻 + + ----------------------------------------------


---------------------------------------------- + + 邱沛文 + + ----------------------------------------------

三年一班導師 邱沛文

--------------------------------------- + + Ms. Lorrie Patterson + + --------------------------------------

  Hello! I am the new fourth, fifth, and sixth grade English teacher. Until three weeks ago, I was living in Vancouver working for a biotech company. I obtained a BSC from the University of British Columbia in biology. My hobbies include training for triathlons, skiing (in winter), and reading. I am very excited about this opportunity to live in Hsinchu and teach. So far I have felt very welcomed here, and look forward to the year ahead!

---------------------------------------------- + + 廖曜呈 + + ----------------------------------------------

  大家好,我的姓名是 廖曜呈,很榮幸成為科學工業園區實驗中學國小部老師,願在這個大家庭中和每位老師與學生一起學習與成長。

---------------------------------------------- + + 蕭兆舜+ + ----------------------------------------------

  大家好,我是 蕭兆舜!畢業於台中師範學院數學系,現在最大的興趣是游泳,希望在實驗中學的這段時間裡能和大家相處愉快!

---------------------------------------------- + + Mr. Marty Chow + + ----------------------------------------------

  Mr. Marty Chow ......but please call me Marty.

  I was born and raised in British Columbia, Canada (Vancouver to be exact). Life in BC can be quite wet, since it rains pretty much all year round but living minutes away from the mountains and the beaches makes it all worthwhile.

  After 3 weeks in Hsinchu I can already see the similarities ( not including 7-11's and McDonalds).

  I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor's of Science in Chemistry and worked a couple years for the Canadian government before deciding to make the grand voyage to Taiwan. I am teaching Grade 3 English and looking forward to introduce a little bit of Canada to my students. If you get the chance, ask me what Gore-tex, Ultimate, or a Loonie is. I'll probably be asking you what you're eating, and how to pronounce it.

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