第八卷第四期     中華民國九十二年六月十一日     Jun.  2003




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《 國中部畢業專刊 》中部畢業特刊》雙語部畢業專刊》《國部畢業專刊》幼稚部畢業專刊》

Our Last Chapter at NEHS     Class of 2003, Bilingual Dept.

Graduation has always seemed to creep up much so sooner than anyone is ever prepared for. As the reality of graduation settles in, the memories of high school are picked up like toys at the end of the day and carefully stored away into the treasure chest of the heart. The time spent familiarizing with a life started anew provides gilt and glitter for those precious moments, which are never to be relived. Mirthful talk of trifling matters echoes through the gilded memory as azure skies and marshmallow clouds remain throughout the high school years. Granted, innumerable minutes have been vainly spent in counting for the end of classes, and hours have been utterly wasted lamenting the current afflictions and anticipating the future excitements. These times, however, blur into a hazy fog while graduation advances ever closer and the scattered memories are hurriedly collected. As graduation provides a whirlwind of novelty and change, the treasured high school memories
will be cherished as a source of comfort and achievement.

∼Joann Chan


Hhmmmm, I don't know really what I'm supposed to write, but I was thinking about Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" so if what I write sounds like it, you know why....

Walking down the second floor hallway of the Bilingual Department of NEHS after school has ended, I think back to all the times when I ran through this corridor to get to my next class before the melodious bells pealed to its end, or when I rushed up that stairway to get my lunch right after the bells stopped singing. The hallways and staircases are the same, but what I think, who I am, who I've become as I passed along them have constantly changed and are still changing, for better or worse. I am going to travel beyond this stop called NEHS soon, but the paths that led me to where I stand today will always be a part of me, not forgotten.

∼Catherine Chang


Well, seems like this part of our journey has ended. only to find that it's just the beginning of something far greater than what we had all been used to; the sheltered environment, friendly people, scheduled lifestyle, and sense of innocence. It has been great knowing all these different people here at N.E.H.S.

Hanging out was the most fun and the concerts were amazing. Maybe we might meet again, maybe we might not. But for now, let's just remember what wonderful memories we  have shared.

∼Grace Lo


NEHS is just like an old shoe. It smells a bit (the bleach from anti-SARS measures) and is a bit worn-torn but comfortable and useful. Your toe knows every crook and cranny, and the parts that used to stick out or rub irritatingly against your sole, are smoothed from usage and age. You can recognize it at a distance cause it's the only shoe missing three loops on the side or the only one that has students who speak fluently in Chinglish. NEHS is a special, comfortable, smelly, and custom-made ratty old shoe. But old shoes are embarrassing in college so we all have to get new ones with flashy brand-names', funny spring thing, and arbon rubber outsole with duralon blown rubber in forefoot for additional cushioning. The new shoes will be uncomfortable at first, but we can't have old shoes  without having new shoes first. At least our feet will look darn good.

∼Tracy Tsai


I walked into my first grade classroom not thinking much about the twelve years ahead of me nor did I have any idea about the people whom I would encounter and eventually become friends with. After all, how much could a first grader worry about on her very first day of elementary school? All I remember was that I set my backpack down, and a horde of my excited classmates crowded around my desk. I was more bewildered than happy with such a pleasant welcome. The last day of my senior year rolled around with me trying to make my classmates cry out of sentimentality, but my efforts failed. Perhaps the wave of nostalgia has not set in yet. However, it has most certainly hit me. I came to this yellow building holding no expectations of the future, but I'm leaving with friendships that will last lifetime. Who would have known that my twelve years at NEHS would pass by like twelve minutes? I sure did not know, and now I'm here.

∼Jennifer Cheng


These nine years have been awesome. While the typhoons, earthquakes, epidemics (fine, just singular: epidemic), and Chinese tests went on, I learned a lot of good stuff, ate a lot of good food, and made some really good friends. Have fun, seniors! Ice cream sandwiches, big oily pizzas, and Gatorade, here we come!

∼Kevin Jiang


The past few years here at NEHS have been truly memorable. We've shared memories that none of us will ever forget. We've shared so much that has made us who we are today. But the greatest memory of all is crossing paths here at NEHS.

∼Wanshu Wu


During these eleven years at NEHS, I have made friends that have become family. I have gained countless memories from my time at NEHS—through field days, charades, Shakespeare plays, dodgeball, late night AIM chats, or simply through last minute cramming for tests. Thank you, Class of 2003, for the good times I've had at this school. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. In the words of Henry David Thoreau, “Hitch  your wagon to a star.”

∼Jennifer Chu


Together we've laughed and cried, shared sunshine and storms. We've celebrated carefree days, along with stressed-filled days. we've helped each other through the long and troubled nights. Your support has made my triumphs more meaningful and my losses easier to bear. Lots of memories were formed this past year, and they'll be memories that will stay with me. Grad trip, all those concerts, hanging out after school ended, coloring, ... so many memories. Whether or not we keep in touch in the future doesn't matter because I'm glad I got the opportunity to know all you wonderful people. Remember and don't forget the times  we've shared these past years. Yay! We've made it through high school in one piece!!!

∼Lisa Chang


I entered high school unsure about myself. Now we re going to college, and I don't know about you, but I'm still unsure about myself. I don't know what life is going to throw at me or where I'm going to be in ten years. But I'm sure about one thing. More sure than I've ever been in my whole life that right now, at this moment, there is nowhere else I'd  rather be than here, with the greatest friends and family anyone could ask for.

∼Alex Wu


Four years seemed like a very long time. When I first came to NEHS, the 9A classroom was cluttered and dark. But everything around me was exciting and new. Friendly faces and smiles accompanied me through the four years as I learned to pronounce asparagus, ran on field day, and dressed up (or dressed down) for spirit week. When I laughed, cried, sulked, and tried, the Class of 2003 was always there for me. Four years did seem like a long time. But now, four years have passed so quickly. I can only wish that high school wouldn't end so soon. In a few days, we will graduate and be on our way to become doctors and musicians, senators and artists, movers and shakers of this earth. But before we move on, I  want to thank you, Class of 2003, for these unforgettable four years.

∼Won Ron Cho


Spending more than seven hours a day at school for the past ten years, I think I've spent more than half my life at NEHS. In all this time, NEHS—the place and its people—has molded me into the person I am today. I have also found my secure spot in this school, where there are people on whom I can always depend. After graduation, however, I will be essentially striped of this security, but I know that the friendships I have made in NEHS and the impact NEHS has had on me will last me a lifetime. Thanks for all the wonderful  memories!

∼Carlyn Tan


NEHS has definitely been a worthwhile experience, and I wish to tell other NEHS students that they cherish the times they have here. The Bilingual Department has been like family, complete with bickering and sacrificing. I've learned some of the most invaluable lessons that I'll probably ever learn in my life here, as sheltered as this community seems. Most importantly, I'd like to thank the teachers and students here at NEHS for making it  what it has been to me.

∼Cassie Chou



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College Attendance–Class of 2003

Bilingual Department

Student Name
Giulio Wan
Kevin Jiang
Jennifer Chu
Andrew Chuang
Wanshu Wu
Victor Lin
Jennifer Cheng
Jiann Chyng Tu
Jenny Hwang
Michelle Yang
Cassie Chou
Eric Lee
Jenny Chu
Picker Chen
Grace Lo
Won Ron Cho
Roger Wu
Carlyn Tan
Kevin Chen
Tracy Tsai
Catherine Chang
Felicia Chou
Lisa Chang
Howard Luo
Eric Yen
Ching-Shi Yang
Kevin Yang
Jean Madden
Alexander Wu
Isabel Chen
Jonathan Chin
Joann Chan
Boswell Hwang
Victor Su
College Attending
University of Carleton at Ottawa, Canada
Boston University, U.S.A.
Brown University
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University
Clark University
Emory University
George Washington University
Hampshire College
Harvard College
Harvey Mudd College, California
Johns Hopkins University
Knox College
Knox College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Northwestern University
Northwestern University
Oberlin College, Ohio
Rice University
Rice University
Ursinus College, Pennsylvania
University of California-Los Angeles
University of Illinois-Champaign
University of Illinois-Champaign
University of Michigan
University of Southern California
University of Texas-Austin
University of Virginia
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wyoming
Wesleyan University

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