第十四卷第二期   民國九十八年四月十五日出刊   April  2009







A Journey that Changes


撰稿人:朱宜琪老師 英文編譯:婁修于、吳允馨、林綺文




Dr. Jia-En Lian dedicated himself to helping the people in Burkina Faso during his active service in Africa. Yet in a land without proper transportation, medical aid, and even clean water, where did Lian decide to start? In his captivating "A Journey that Changes" speech, Lian talked about his ideas that helped change the lives of many in Burkina Faso. The following are some interview questions we posed to Dr. Lian about his experience, and we hope that through his answers, we will not only get a better understanding of Lian as a person, but also be further inspired by his work.




Q1:Who are the influential people to you in your life time? How did they influence you?

A:My father was dentist, and he had a generous, affable character. I remember when I was young, I saw a group of blind students line up in my father’s dental office with their arms draped across each other’s shoulders as they waited for my father to provide them with free examinations and treatment. I was extremely shaken by the scene, which is still carved in my memory today. My father also often offered voluntary treatment to orphans in remote orphanages. It was fun for us to tag along, because we got the chance to tour and to experience diverse suburban areas. My mother prohibited us from talking negatively. For example, sentences like: “I am tired to death”, “I can’t finish the homework”,or “I have no confidence in the upcoming test”, were not acceptable. She thought that negative expressions would influence our behavior. Negative tones would create negative thoughts and attitudes, and people with negative attitudes will not be able to face hard times and overcome difficulties. Inversely, talking positively will induce positive attitudes. I like to read, especially biographies of people. Through these readings, I found that all successful people share the common distinction of perseverance and passion toward the things they want to achieve. For example, a famous Japanese bacteriologist swore to himself before leaving for Europe, “I will not come back to Japan until I succeed in the field of bacteriology.”
I was influenced by my parents and the books I read; now I am able to enjoy the world from multiple perspectives, as well as to accomplish goals with fervor and optimism.



Q2:How do you find time for charitable social services through your demanding schedule?

A:Limited by manpower and time, my voluntary work towards Africa was mainly assisted by the church I belong to. Many friends, who care about Africa, provided me with their help through the church. In Taiwan, I often provide speeches, participate in award-giving ceremonies for volunteers, judge for volunteer awards, as well as attending reading activities conducted by magazines. Now that many schools encourage students to participate in community services and voluntary social activities, I am often invited to share my experiences with students at various schools, which I love to do as long as my schedule permits it.




Q3:As students, how can we help those in Africa? Can you give us some information?

A: Students can go search up World Vision or Red Cross online. If one can’t serve abroad, one can still help through making donations or “adopt” a child by sending in money regularly. The list of children includes those both in and out of Taiwan, and adopted children send cards to their adopters, so students can see the differences they’re making. Private organization and churches collect donations through different methods, as do governmental organizations. Currently I rely on the church and manpower to maintain what I’ve started in Africa. In the future, I’m considering combining resources and manpower to allow even more people help out those in Africa.



Q4: As someone just out of college, how did your trip to Africa shake you up? Did it affect your life plan in any way?

A: As a student, I was free to managing my own time however I wanted, with no work or family obligations to factor in, so I encourage students to take advantage of that freedom. The most changing thing about my journey to Africa was that it broadened my horizons greatly. As I was at a crossroads in my life, it gave me more options. Traveling to Africa, I’ve seen the importance of Infectious Disease and Travel Medicine knowledge. Right now at my job at the Centers for Disease Control, this is my number one research priority.



Q5: Please tell us some of the interesting experience you had in Africa.

A: When I first got to Africa, there was a local man who said he could help me take some valuable pictures of Africa if I would lend him my motorcycle. I was really excited, and so I lent him both my motorcycle and my Sony camcorder. At first, he did indeed take some really great pictures, but he started asking me for money constantly afterwards. Sometimes he said he needed the money for oil, sometimes he said that my camcorder was broken and that he would fix it for me (as if there were Sony stores in town!), other times he would say that his grandmother passed away and that he hoped I could help him out. I finally realized I was tricked when he used the “grandmother” trick more than just a few times--illustrating that one needs to be street smart in Burkina Faso.


我覺得實驗中學的同學很有國際觀,在Q&A的部分,很多同學問我的問題,都展現了他們的深度,例如:「他們可以為非洲做什麼?」「非洲的經濟問題有哪些解決之道?」「將西方的觀點帶入非洲是福?是禍?」目前第三世界國家需要援助的不只是醫學,農業、工業建設、教育等等方面,都需要有國際的專家協助。我希望實驗中學的同學能發揮自己的能力,將來出國闖一闖,尤其是到一些國際性的機構工作,例如:WHO, World Bank等等,多多參與國際事務,這樣我們才越有能力改善這個世界。

Q6: What impression do you have of National Experimental High School?

A: I think NEHS students have a very broad international view. Questions that came up during in the Q&A (“What can we do for the people in Africa?” or “What are some possible solutions for the economic issues in Africa?” or “Is it more positive or negative to bring western culture into Africa?”) all demonstrate the knowledge of the students. Right now, third world countries don’t just need aid in medical, agricultural, industrial, and educational fields; they also need much help from international professionals. I hope that NEHS students can fully utilize their potentials and abilities, and take up positions out of the country, especially in international organizations such as the WHO or the World Bank. We gain the ability to help improve the world by familiarizing ourselves with international issues.