Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿五卷第八期
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實中園地                                                   印

                                                                The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                                   第二十五卷第八期  中華民國 110年 1月 15日出刊            January 2021
                                                   發  行  所: 國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                          National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                                   發  行  人: 李健維
                                                   總  編  輯: 林容安                                本   ● 國小部感恩活動
                                                   編輯小組:  何美璇、凃佳慧、黃寶瑩、吳思醇
                                                   英文翻譯:  Janet Jiang、Katelyn Chen 、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、  ● 我心目中的三合院
                                                          Caitlyn Chuang、Karen Tsung、Mollie Cheng  期  ● 日本線上交流活動
                                                   刊   頭  : 高一 1班 蔡晴如 虎視眈眈
                                                   地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                        要   ● Singing Carol
                                                          300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                                   TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813  ● 幼兒園鞋盒送真情活動
                                                   設計印刷:  富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                         目   ● 國小部五年級校外教學
                                                   雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

                    新校名上線.竹科實中喜迎新氣象                                    The School Welcomes New Prospects with
                                                                       a New School Name
                    在歷代校長的指導帶領之下、各部主任齊心合                                   The school was established in 1982. For more than 30
                    作、各部教師兢兢業業、腳踏實地在教育現場                               years, under the guidance and leadership of past principals,
                    上努力,讓實驗中學之名享譽全台,歷屆學生                               the directors of our various departments and teachers have
                                                                       worked together to make the name of the experimental high
                    更以身為「實中寶寶」而榮!本校位於新竹科                               school renowned throughout Taiwan, and our students are
                    學園區,園區在108年年底正式更名,今(109)                           proud of being here since 1st grade! The school is located
                    年,適逢新竹科學園區成立四十周年,本校在                               in the Hsinchu Science Park, which officially changed its
                    109 年的最後一天,舉辦了一場熱鬧溫馨的新                             name at the end of 2019. This year (2020) marks the 40th
                    校名揭牌典禮。                                            anniversary of the establishment of the Hsinchu Science
                                                                       Park. The school held a lively name reveal ceremony on
                        109 年的最後一天碰巧寒流來襲,新竹更                           the last day of 2020.
                                                                           On the last day of 109, a cold current happened to hit
                    風,暖暖登場!典禮邀請一直以來關心實中的                               Hsinchu, which was listed as a low temperature warning
                    科管局長官、歷屆校長、兄弟校-中科實中及                               area, but the unveiling ceremony took place nonetheless!
                    南科實中校長、家長會會長以及校友會會長,更                              Guests included the director of Hsinchu Science Park,
                    邀請了松鶴關懷協會的已退休教職員工來學校共                              previous principals, principals of National Experimental
                    襄盛舉,一起見證這個對學校意義非凡的時刻。                              High School at Central Taiwan Science Park and
                                                                       National Nanke International Experimental High School,
                    任主持人,表演嘉賓則邀請實中混聲合唱團以及                              the president of the PTA, the president of the alumni
                                                                       association, and retired faculty to participate in the grand
                    國小部四年一班。實中混聲合唱團於近年多次獲                              event and witness this extraordinary moment for the school.
                    得大型音樂比賽冠軍,更多次參與各大職業合唱                                  The ceremony was hosted by Ms. Juan Juan Tian
                    團聯合演出,他們以優美的音色演唱 Amazing 這                         and Mr. Jian Hao Zhu from the Elementary Departmemt.
                    首歌,為觀禮嘉賓的耳朵帶來一場音樂饗宴。國                              The School Chorus and the Class 401 of Elementary
                    小部四年一班學生則為國小部感恩歌唱活動表演                              Department both performed at the event. In recent years,
                    隊伍代表,身穿黃色亮眼班服的孩子,頭戴家長                              our Choir has won many large-scale music competition
                    親手製作精美可愛的動物頭飾,清亮童稚的歌聲                              championships and participated in joint performances with
                    與令人耳目一新的 beatbox,增添精采的畫面。                          other professional choirs. They sang the song Amazing
                                                                       for the ceremony, bringing musical delight to the ears of
                        最後,主持人邀請與會來賓移駕至校門口,                            the guests. The Class 401 of Elementary Department wore
                    由四位校長、科管局長官、家長會及校友會代                               bright yellow class uniforms and cute animal costumes
                    表、各部主任共同拉下紅幕,將全新校名展現                               made by parents. Their angelic voices and refreshing
                    在眾人眼前,完成此次揭牌典禮。而本校在                                beatboxing added to the captivating performance.
                    110 年元旦迎來全新校名「國立新竹科學園區                                 At the end of the ceremony, the host invited the guests
                    實驗高級中等學校」(簡稱「國立竹科實中」),                             to move to the gate of the school. The four principals, the
                    展望未來,祝願校運昌隆、師生共好、一同迎                               director of science and management, representatives of the
                    向璀璨未來!                                             parent and alumni associations, and the directors of each

                                                                                                        學校要聞       1

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