Page 6 - 實中園地 第廿五卷第八期
P. 6

實中園地        The Newsletter of NEHS 110年第 25卷第 8期

                                                                                                          4B 許芯瑜

                        The traditional housig of Taiwan is a project that our class made. When I it I had to think a
                    lot of my decorations and the shapes of the three section compound. First, I used paper. I also
                    used the paper model the teacher gave me I made the size the exact same size. After I tried I
                    failed so I decided to use a different material to make my house, my mom drove out to buy the
                    materials that I needed. Then I copied the size of the paper nodel and cut it out and then I started
                    to put the materials all together. Little by little everything started to make a result. I also used some
                    materials left over to make tree trunks and I also used cotton to make the palf part of the tree, with
                    markers the cotton turned green so it looks more like a tree. Lastly, my sister helped me make the
                    decorations indside the house. I used cardboard and toothpicks to make my indide. Mostly I failed
                    and failed, I tried and tried, but in the end it was a huge success! I was so proud of myself. I was also
                    feeling very lucky that I have a family who helped me with things that I couldn’t do.
                                                                                                         4A Ellyott

                        So one day the teacher asked us to do a 3D Three Section Compound which is a
                    traditional housing of Taiwan. I told my mom, she said that she had been to it before. I thought I
                    underestimated my mom because I thought she only been to a few plules. My mom thought of
                    my supplies for the Three Section Copound. I found some old boxes from America, I decided to be
                    eco-friendly so I made the Three Section Compound with cardboard. My mom said to go to the
                    art supples store to buy paint. The line was so long. “Was it worthwhile?” I said to myself. But at last
                    somehow we had paint. We bought brown, white, gray, and red. We started to cut cardboard afer
                    we came back home. While I didi my homework, my mom helped me use the knife. Then we used
                    the pizza lid to be the floor. Most of it was ardboard but if you observe, there is 2 poles made from
                    chopsticks. Plus, the inside items are all made from cardboard, too! After we were done we painted
                    it. I said to make it more interesting we added some lego’s. I think it was pretty attractive now. The
                    result was pretty good but it took a lot of hard work. It was a minor project. It turned out at last it
                    was okay. After we pot it in the library, my mom took me to the library and took a picture. I felt that
                    my heavy rock in my body just flew away. But now the teacher is going to put it somewhere, the
                    heavy rock came back. It had just been replaced. But I was happy with my project.


                    6   我心目中的三合院

          ྼʕ෤ή         JOEE                                                                                                     ɨʹ
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