Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿六卷第五期
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實中園地                                                   印

                                                                The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                                   第二十六卷第五期  中華民國 110年 10月 15日出刊            October  2021
                                                   發  行  所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
                                                          National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                                   發  行  人: 李健維
                                                   總  編  輯: 林容安                                本   ● 110學年各部新進教師介紹
                                                   編輯小組:  袁子文、陳婉如
                                                   英文翻譯:  Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Anna Huang、Abigail Lin、Mollie Lin、
                                                          Karen Tsung                          期   ● Career Day (下 ) @ IBSH
                                                   刊   頭  : 幼兒園月亮班 靜心湖自然素材創作-臉
                                                   地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                        要   ● 大學 /高中升學榜單
                                                          300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                                   TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813
                                                   設計印刷:  富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                         目   ● 國小部迎新活動
                                                   雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

                    喜 迎 各 部 新 生 入 學.We're ready for                    We’re Ready for School !
                    school!                                                Through the one and a half month of online
                        自 5 月中至今,經過了一個半月的三級防                           school due to the level three lockdown and two
                    疫停課以及兩個月的暑假,一度沉靜的校園又                               months of summer vacation, the quiet campus
                                                                       is once again busy! The campus has since been
                    再次忙碌了起來!校園環境重新規劃修整、各                               refurbished, and new equipment has arrived.
                    項設備更新補充,並透過各部和全校防疫會議,                              Through various school-wide epidemic prevention
                    逐步建立起本校相關防疫規範及措施、補充防                               meetings, epidemic prevention protocols and
                    疫物資。而老師們透過這段期間各種線上研習、                              regulations have been established. With the teachers
                    開學前的共備課程、部務及校務會議,以緊湊                               during this period taking on remote learning, back
                    而精實的步伐,校園及全校教職員工都已為開                               to school preparation, and participating in faculty
                    學做好了準備! 9 月 1 日,闊別三個半月後,                           meetings, the entire campus is ready for September
                                                                       1st, the first day of new school year!
                                                                           Early in the morning, the principal and many
                        一早,校長、各部主任及相關教職員工都                             staff wore masks and waited by the school gates
                    已戴著口罩在校門口、紅門準備妥當,以溫暖                               to greet students. Due to epidemic prevention
                    的聲音和笑容歡迎回到學生的孩子們,以及新                               protocols, parents were only allowed to enter
                    來到竹科實中各部的新生。因應相關防疫規定,                              campus if they had children in kindergarten or first
                    今年的開學僅有幼兒園及國小一年級新生家長                               grade. We thank the cooperation of young students
                                                                       and parents in bravely entering the campus and
                    能夠陪伴進入校園,感謝各部學生及家長們的                               going into their classrooms on time.
                    配合,即便是年紀較小的孩子們都勇敢地自行                                   To welcome new students into NEHS, the
                    進入校區、準時到達教室。                                       elementary department has organized an orientation

                        為了歡迎新生來到竹科實中,國小部為新                             event. Through events such as “Beauty Imprint,”
                    生們辦理迎新活動,透過「美麗印記」、「過                               “Bye to the Past,” “NEHS Loves Me,” and “Get
                    去 Bye Bye」、「實驗愛我」和「認識實驗」四                          to Know NEHS,” first graders are anticipated
                    個關卡,帶領小一新生們建立好的生活習慣,                               to establish good living habits and learn more
                                                                       about the school environment, preparing for a
                    也認識國小部周遭環境,為未來快樂、充實的                               happy and fulfilling school life. The kindergarten
                    國小生活做好準備!而幼兒園也預計在中班新                               department is scheduled to have a welcoming event
                    生們對團體生活較為熟悉後,於 9 月 28 日辦理                          on September 28th, which we look forward to!
                    迎新活動,讓我們拭目以待!(國小部迎新活                               (See p.14 and p.15 for the orietation event of the
                    動報導請見第 14-15 頁)                                    Elementary Department)

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