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實中園地        The Newsletter of NEHS 110年第 26卷第 3期

                                        Career Day @ IBSH ( 下 )

                                                                                             雙語部 吳秉純組長編輯

                         延續 110 年 5 月介紹的雙語部生涯日 (Career Day) 介紹,由連加恩醫生與另外七位專業領域

                    Undress the white coat to save more: Allen Lien, the doctor, public
                    health researcher, and a social activist

                        Reporters: 9A Randy, Ryoka, Jeffrey, Cheng-Yuan 9B Tara, Jonathan,Wei Hsi, Michelle

                        Allen Lien, a father, a doctor, a social activist, and a diplomat, spoke of his life story, personality traits that matter in the field
                    he works in, and the struggles that come with the job.  Lien was a persuasive individual, he expressed his values honestly, hoping to
                    reach and and every of the students. Lien participated in the making of the COVID vaccine and went to West Africa to help with the
                    environment and the people there. His typical job includes going to meetings concerning medical issues, writing papers, and animal
                    testing. Being a doctor and social activist means that one would have to lead a selfless lifestyle. It is even better if they are a bit
                    sensitive to things around them.
                        Lien goes on to detail many personality traits beneficial to his job, referring to a chart showing both the resilience of one to
                    internal and external struggles. Using this graph, he informs the crowd that his personality, the climber, has allowed him to resist
                    inner struggles and cave in to external struggles; this choice has allowed him to work a nonlinear career. He also informs the audience
                    that many doctors in the field also contain personality traits such as altruism and activism relating to the fact that they feel lucky
                    enough to be able to assist those less fortunate. He adds that many in the medicinal field are advocates for the tackling of the issue of
                    social injustice. In short, personality that fits for a doctor and a social health researcher is to rebel, resisting the social norm and not
                    letting close-mindedness hold back. Being curious and outgoing is very important to always try to solve new problems.
                        Lien has talked about how his job has led to the different decisions that he makes for this life all these years. He has mentioned
                    how these results could become either beneficial or hurtful on his career depending on the way he reacts to them. An example of a
                    choice he made in life was, when he decided to go overseas to complete his military training, then he was sent to Burkina Faso. This
                    decision was one of the decisions that he did not regret, and he shares about how this event has changed his life on the overview of life.
                        Of course, there were many downsides to the job. According to Lien, choosing medicine might delay people from realizing
                    what they want to do in life. Since medicine is such a big field, it is common that people might delve into more complex or specific
                    fields. It would be hard to stop and focus on one subject or opportunity because so many others might open up later on.
                        Lien mentioned many ways for high school students to prepare themselves if they want to become a doctor. First of all, it's
                    good to be aware of social problems and public health. During your time in college it’s helpful to take medical and engineering
                    courses. Lastly, the skills to cope with pressure is also very important. Dr. Allen Lien says that experiencing things out of your
                    comfort zone will lead to a more adventurous and fun life. It will lead you to unexpected places, but this type of personality will
                    ultimately lead you to a job that suits you.

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