Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿六卷第五期
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實中園地        The Newsletter of NEHS 110年第 26卷第 3期

                    本校學生參與國際競賽.為校爭光                                    Attending International Competitions

                        本校中學部在數理方面已深耕多年,近年                                 NEHS's high school department has built a strong
                    在老師們的帶領,或是學生自主爭取下,積極                               fundamental basis in STEM subjects for many years, and
                    參加各項國際性競賽,亦獲得不少值得慶賀的                               students have succeeded with many accomplishments in
                                                                       several international competitions with their own effort
                    好成績。今年雖然部分賽事以線上方式進行,                               and teacher’s assistance. Even though most competitions
                    參賽選手們仍帶著熱情全力以赴。恭喜高三 5                              are hosted online this year, attendees still participated
                    班陳郁仁,參加第 15 屆國際地球科學奧林匹                             and thrived with enthusiasm. Congratulations to Yu-Ren
                    亞競賽榮獲金牌!高三 5 班林軒霆,參加第 53                           Chen from H305 for achieving gold medal in the 15th
                                                                       International Earth Science Olympiad, Xuan-Ting Lin
                    屆國際化學奧林匹亞競賽榮獲銀牌獎。雙語部                               from H305 for achieving silver medal in the International
                    12B 劉恩溢,榮獲 2021 年第 33 屆國際資訊奧                       Chemistry Olympiad, Elliot Liu from 12B for achieving
                    林匹亞競賽銀牌。高三 5 班俞采伶,獲得 2021                          silver medal in the 33rd International Olympiad in
                    年第 3 屆亞太語言學奧林匹亞競賽銅牌。高三                             Informatics, Tsai-Ling Yu from H305 for achieving bronze
                                                                       medal in the 3rd International Linguistics Olympiad, Shin-
                    5 班陳信睿、黃仲群,參加第 33 屆亞太數學奧                           Ruei Chen and Jung-Chiun Huang from H305 for achieving
                    林匹亞競賽,分別獲得銅牌榮譽獎。黃仲群另                               bronze medal and honor award respectively in the 33rd
                    參加 2021 亞太資訊奧林匹亞競賽獲得銅牌。                            Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad, and Jung-Chiun
                                                                       Huang again for achieving bronze medal in the 2021 Asian
                    恭喜以上得獎同學,也感謝校內各部教師指導。                              Pacific Informatics Olympiad. Congratulations to all award
                                                                       winning students, and special thanks for the teachers’
                    雙語教學啟動.竹科實中申請部分領域雙                                 support!
                                                                       Bilingual teaching Plan starts for some
                        因應 2030 雙語國家政策,本校積極參與                          fields in Hsinchu Science Park School.
                    教育部各項雙語教學計畫。「110 補助國民中
                                                                           In response to the 2030 bilingual national policy,
                    小學部分領域課程雙語教學計畫」由國中部及                               our school actively participates in various bilingual
                    國小部分別申請,國中年段將雙語教學列入音                               teaching programs of the Ministry of Education. The "
                    樂教學;國小年段則以中年級自然科學領域及                               Implementation Project of Bilingual Instruction in Some
                    視覺藝術領域列為雙語教學重點。藉由沉浸式                               Domains of Primary and Junior High School Education
                                                                       " was applied by the Middle school department and
                    的教學理念,教師在課堂中以中文和英語作為                               elementary department respectively. Bilingual teaching
                    教學語言,培養學生自然而然習慣在生活中使                               was included in music teaching in junior middle schools. In
                    用英語。學生部分,則以鼓勵但不強迫學生使                               elementary school, the fields of natural science and visual
                    用英語的方式,提高學生對英語的接受度和使                               arts in middle school are the focus of bilingual teaching.
                                                                       With the idea of immersion teaching, teachers use Chinese
                    用機會。行政端則成立英語相關教師社群,聘                               and English in class, cultivating students' natural habit of
                    請專業教師以協助和鼓勵的方式為校內教師進                               using English in their daily life. On the part of students,
                    行英語增能,提升教師的英語能力及使用英語                               students are encouraged to use English, so as to increase its
                    的意願。感謝參與計畫執行的行政人員、任課                               usage. On the administrative side, English-related teachers'
                                                                       communities are set up, and professional teachers are hired
                    老師及協同老師。                                           to help and encourage teachers in schools to enhance their
                                                                       English ability and willingness to use English. Thanks to
                    校內工程改建.帶給竹科實中更優質的學                                 the administrators, classroom teachers and cooperative
                    習環境                                                teachers who participated in the implementation of the
                    用暑假期間進行各項整修、整理計畫,包括活                               New School Facility Renovations For A
                                                                       Better Learning Environment
                    部學務大樓及學生宿舍男廁整建、國小部一樓                                   The school used the summer vacation to renovate
                    無障礙廁所暨男廁整修工程、幼兒園屋頂隔熱                               areas needed in each department—the fitness room on the
                    防水工程,以及校門前人行道及緣石改善工程。                              basement of the gym, school cafeteria, IBSH student affairs
                                                                       office and dorm boys bathrooms, elementary department
                    感謝總務處及相關處室共同合作,讓本校能夠                               first floor boys bathroom, kindergarten roof for better
                    提供全校教職員工及學生們有更好的教學與學                               insulation and drainage, as well as the front gate crosswalk
                    習環境!                                               and margin stones. Many thanks to the general affairs
                                                                       office and other related offices for improving the learning
                                                                       environment for both the students and teachers!

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