Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿六卷第六期
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實中園地 印
The Newsletter of NEHS 品
第二十六卷第六期 中華民國 110年 11月 15日出刊 November 2021
發 行 所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
發 行 人: 李健維
總 編 輯: 林容安 本 ● 110學年各部新進教師介紹 (下 )
編輯小組: 袁子文、陳婉如
英文翻譯: Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Anna Huang、Abigail Lin、 ● 實中之光訪談 -劉恩溢
Guan-Jhen Wu、Karen Tsung 期
刊 頭 : 國小部二年一班 陳禹彤 撕貼畫 石虎 ● 幼兒園迎新活動
地 址 : 新竹市介壽路 300號 要
300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C. ● 色彩好好玩
TEL:886-3-5777011 FAX:886-3-5781813
設計印刷: 富泰設計 財政部印刷廠 目 ● 第十七屆 HSINMUN紀錄
雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號
110 學年度校運會於十一月十二日舉行 2021 Annual Field Day
本校 110 學年度的全校運動會,在疫情的 Due to the pandemic, the 110th year school
影響下改在 11 月 12 日週五舉辦!當日活動 field day has been rescheduled to November 12th.
雖未開放家長入校觀賽,但不減全校師生的熱 Even though parents will not be allowed to enter the
情與活力,眾人仍蓄勢待發、全力以赴,要在 school, all students and teachers are still energetically
這一年一度的運動大會上奪取佳績。國小部與 working hard and looking forward to giving their best
雙語部國小年段的賽程,仍維持在運動會週的 performance in this annual field day. The Elementary
週四—11 月 11 日舉辦,由低年級大家跑活動 Department and elementary students from the Bilingual
開啟全校各項運動賽事的序幕,小小孩們在裁 Department will compete on the original date of January
判哨音指示下奮力向前狂奔,和等在終點的校 11th to start the event. It is such a warm scene to see
長、主任及導師 high five,畫面十分溫馨活潑! little children run forwards after the referee blows the
whistle, and get a high five at the finish line with the
接著,由國小三到六年級的各項徑賽賽事輪番 principal, dean, and homeroom teachers. Next off,
上陣,田徑場的氣氛直線升溫,加油聲、歡呼 students from third to sixth grade attend the track and
聲、尖叫聲此起彼落,熱鬧非凡! 11 月 12 日 field competitions, and the atmosphere intensifies as
則由全校運動會正式上場。雖然取消了開幕式 students cheer for one another. Even though the opening
及進場活動,但是雙語部仍精心準備了活力四 ceremony has been cancelled, on November 12th, the
射的大會舞及啦啦隊表演,用熱情的音樂舞蹈 Cheer team from the Bilingual Department will perform
為校運會注入青春活力!而接下來,則是國中 to show their school spirit. Then, students from the
部、高中部與雙語部中學年段的學生在田徑場 middle school department, high school department,
上的競爭,當各班佼佼者在場上摩拳擦掌、健 and bilingual department will compete in track and
步如飛的為自己和班級爭取榮譽,更是良性競 field events to fight for their class’ honor. The human
爭的一大寫照。而人事室則為本校教職員工則 resources department also designed a fun game, softball
辦理趣味競賽「壘球九宮格」,利用運動會週 in a nine square grid, for teachers to attend during lunch
的兩天中午,於新改建完成的桌球教室(活動 time of field day at the newly constructed table tennis
中心地下室)舉辦,燈光明亮的新場地讓人耳 court (old gym basement). The Kindergarden department
目一新!而幼兒園部則利用週間時間,邀請專 will invite a professional kindergarten physical fitness
業幼兒體能老師-漢堡老師,帶領幼兒園部的 teacher, Teacher Hamburger, to sing and dance around
大小朋友唱唱跳跳、進行體能活動,也讓孩子 with them in order to also let these children enjoy the
們感受運動會的熱絡氣氛。本次運動會雖然因 energetic atmosphere of our annual field day. Though
應疫情而稍微更動辦理方式,但仍本著初衷, this year’s field day has been different due to the
希望透過這項每年一次的運動賽事,帶給每個 pandemic, we still hope that through every event, all
階段的孩子們爭取榮譽的機會,讓求學生活不 students will have the opportunity to fight for honor, and
留遺憾。 not leave any regrets.
學校要聞 1