Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿六卷第六期
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實中園地 The Newsletter of NEHS 110年第 26卷第 6期
部分領域雙語教學.國小部進行自然及視 Biligual Teaching in Science and Visual
覺藝術公開觀課 Arts in Elementary Dept.
This year, the elementary school department participated
本校國小部今年參加教育部「110 補助國 in the "110 Program of Subsidizing Bilingual Teaching in
民中小學部分領域課程雙語教學計畫」,邀請 Some Areas of Primary and Secondary Schools" of the MOE,
具有雙語教學經驗的老師,以三年級自然與生 and invited teachers with bilingual teaching experience to take
活科技領域、視覺藝術領域為主軸進行辦理, the fields of Science and Technology, and Arts and Humanities
由專任教師撰寫每堂課教案,同年段英語老師 (visual arts) as the main axes, with teachers writing lesson
則根據英語課上對學生程度的認識,在課室用 plans for each class. In the same grade, English teachers
provided suggestions and assistance on the use of classroom
語、教學單字及句型使用上提供建議及協助。 language, teaching words and sentence patterns according to
從今年暑假開始,老師們就開始思考課程安排 their understanding of students’ levels in English classes. From
及教案撰寫,並參與線上 CLIL 專業研習,拓展 the summer vacation this year, teachers began to brainstorm
對雙語教學的認識與深度。開學後,兩個領域 about curriculum arrangement and participated in online CLIL
的教師與國小部行政人員和英語教師組成協同 professional study to broaden their understanding of bilingual
teaching. After school started, teachers from the two fields
小組,每月定期召開會議,就教案內容及英語 formed a collaborative group with the administrators of the
的使用進行討論。任課老師更在每個單元中選 elementary school and English teachers, and held regular
擇一堂課進行公開觀課,讓諮詢委員、校內教 monthly meetings to discuss the contents of teaching plans and
師及他校雙語教學團隊對於本校如何以雙語進 the use of English. The teachers also chose a class in each unit
行教學有更明確的瞭解。在公開觀課後,校內 to observe the class openly, so that the advisory committee
members and teachers in the school as well as teams in
協同小組也會針對本次課程內容進行討論、觀 other schools can have a more clear understanding of how to
察學生的需求、檢核教案及教學形式,透過一 conduct bilingual teaching. After the public viewing class,
次次的修正,讓本校雙語教學更進一步。(視覺 the school collaboration team will also discuss the content of
藝術領域首次公開觀課紀錄,請見第 11-12 頁) the course, observe the students' needs, check the teaching
plan, and improve the bilingual teaching in our school through
本校辦理 HsinMUN.線上討論國際議題 repeated revisions. (The observation class of visual art, please
see p.11-p.12)
本校中學雙語部在今 (110) 年 10 月 15 日 HSINMUN XVII Goes Online
週五至 10 月 17 日週日三天,辦理第十七屆新
竹模擬聯合國活動 (HSINMUN XVII),本屆主題 From October 15th to 17th, 2021, the Bilingual
為「Multicausality: A World Connected」。 今年, Department has once again hosted the 17th Hsinchu Model
雙語部改用線上會議形式以減少直接接觸,三 United Nations Conference (HSINMUN XVII) with the theme
of “Multicausality: A World Connected”. In an effort to reduce
天的會議使用 cisco webex 作為會議平台,為 physical contact between the participants as a preventative
HSINMUN 帶來新意!本屆 HSINMUN 共設有 12 measure of the pandemic, the HSINMUN working team has
個委員會,分別針對國際安全、人權、經濟、 planned a fully-online MUN conference over the course of
特別政治與非殖民化、法律、環境等議題進行 three days! HSINMUN XVII features twelve committees:
討論。今年更邀請了無國界醫師,現任高端疫 the Security Council, the Human Rights Council, Economic
and Social Committee, General Assembly 4 and 6, as well
苗生物製劑公司國際暨公共事務處處長的連加 as the Environment committee, each conducting discourse
恩醫師擔任主講人,以 multicausality( 多因性 ) on pressing international matters. This year, the conference
為主軸,將自己的人生經驗分享給與會的師生。 has had the honour to invite Dr. Allen Lien, a public health
(學生心得及照片請見第 13-14 頁) advocate and current director of Medigen Biologics Corp. to
serve as the keynote speaker, sharing his experiences regarding
國小部辦理淨灘活動.帶領學生從生活中 the theme of multicausality. (For the feedback and pictures,
please see p.13-p.14).
Elementary Department Beach Clean-up
Ever since fifth grade students from the Elementary
元-擁抱海洋,由各班導師發起,帶著學生到 department have recently started a unit in Chinese class titled
新竹市幸福沙灘進行淨灘活動(後因場地工程 “Hug the ocean,”their homeroom teachers have decided to
及漲潮因素,改至竹北新月沙灣進行)。台灣 plan a beach clean-up for them at Zhu Bei’s New Moon Beach.
四面環海,如何與海洋和諧共處、維護海洋生 Since Taiwan is surrounded by water, the teachers wanted to
態及海洋文化,是教師們透過各項活動,想要 introduce ways to interact with the ocean harmoniously and
帶給孩子們生活知識與技能。透過身體力行, protect the ocean through this actisvity as well as lectures in
class. The students began with their textbooks, then branched
這群五年級的孩子們以課文為始,對於海洋有 out to video and article sharing as well as essay writing to
了認識,再以影片、文章分享、討論等形式帶 understand the meaning of ocean education. Through the
領學生了解海洋教育的意涵。這次帶著學生淨 beach clean-up, the students were able to realize the damage
灘,他們實際看到人為垃圾對於海灘、海洋的 that human-produced trash has on the ecosystem of beaches
嚴重影響,躬行實踐,在親自動手撿拾海洋垃 and oceans. By personally removing the trash, students were
also able to learn the urgency of protecting marine resources
圾後,更能深切體會保育海洋資源的刻不容緩。 through first-hand experience.
2 學校要聞