Page 3 - 實中園地 第廿六卷第八期
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實中園地  The Newsletter of NEHS 110年第 26卷第 8期                              The Newsletter of NEHS 110年第 26卷第 8期  實中園地

 師、南方芝老師、陳志傑老師、鄭維欣老師、  school designated a joint team of the High school dept.
 溫予彤老師、蕭郁璇老師、蔡明憲老師、李政  and the IBSH to compete in the high school 2000-meter
 諺老師、張家銘老師、曾妙玲老師、陳湘菱老  relay category, yielding results of fourth place in the
 師及雷秀萍老師的指導。  boys division and second place in the girls division. We
 express our gratitude to teachers Liang-Ho Zhou, Yu-
 Ren Lin, Fang-Zhi Nan, Zhi-Jie Chen, Jess Cheng, Yu-
 國際交流不間斷.實中學生與日本高校進  Tong Wen, Yu-Xuan Xiao , Ming-Xian Tsai, Zheng-
 行交流  Yan Li, Jia-Ming Chang, Miao-Ling Tseng, Xiang-Ling
 Chen, and Xiu-Ping Lei for their guidance and support.
 在疫情之前,數所日本高校每年固定來台  NEHS and Japanese Students Online
 與本校高二學生進行實體交流。近兩年雖然受  Exchange Program
 到疫情影響,交流的頻率上較為不固定,但經                                   實中附幼
 過一年的適應與調整,今年日方各校一一與本  Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese
 校進行合作討論,在十二月及一月開啟線上交  student exchanges with NEHS juniors have not occurred
 流活動。12 月 8 日及 9 日由日本長野縣上田高  periodically. After discussion between the administrators                  鞋盒送真情
 校與本校高二 2 班與高二 3 班開場,由兩班學  from NEHS and the Japanese school, they have decided
 that they would host an online exchange program in
 生與日方學生互相介紹學校、分享校內特色課  December of 2021 and January of 2022. On December
 程。因交流時間較短,學生們非常用心的拍攝  8th and 9th, H202 and H203 had an exchange with Ueda
 學校介紹影片,展現校園特色景點及校園生活。  High School—they introduced their schools to each
 12月14日和12月15日兩天,則由高二1班  other and discussed the differences between how their
 與德島 ? 町高校進行線上交流活動。往年 ? 町  schools operate. Since the time of exchange was limited,
 高校與本校的交流時間皆為一天半,今年採線  the students filmed in-depth videos introducing different
 aspects of school lives. On December 14th and 15th,
 上交流則維持兩天的形式,唯時間較實體交流  H201 had an exchange with Wakimachi High School. In
 短。高二 1 班為此次活動拍攝一段影片作為開  the past, Wakimachi High School would send students
 幕式表演,雙方學生準備了文化及特色課程的  to NEHS for one and half a day. However, as it is online
 簡介,互相交流。第二天則是透過事前小組討  this year, the exchange has been split into two days for
 論,挑選 SDGs 六項較貼近學生生活的議題,進  shorter periods of time. On the first day, H201 showed   12 月底有著孩子們最愛的聖誕節,除了生活週遭充滿了聖誕節相關的佈置以及歡樂氣氛,這個
 a film as the opening ceremony performance and both
 行意見交流和討論,集思廣益找出雙方都同意  schools prepared introductions on their country’s culture   月份對於實中附幼而言也是一個充滿「愛與感恩」的溫馨月份。孩子們平日受到家長、師長、同儕
 的最佳解決辦法。透過與日本高校學生的互相  and special programs. On the next day, students were   的照顧,我們透過討論以及生活經驗的分享,希望孩子能夠在生活中接受愛的同時也能夠對於生週
 交流,臺日雙方學生透過線上會議平台,從文  assigned into break-out rooms, where they used six
 化分享、學校生活、課程介紹及議題討論等面  categories that related more to theirdaily lives from   遭的美好抱持感恩的心,同時反思自己能夠如何幫助他人;這樣充滿感恩與愛的氣氛下,也將實中
 向進行交流活動,不論交流時間長短,對雙方  SDGs to exchange their differing opinions. Through   附幼行之有年的「鞋盒送真情」活動融入其中。
 學生來說,都是一次擴展國際觀的體驗。感謝  sharing about culture, student life, academic courses,
 and differing opinions, students from Japan and NEHS
 行政端及班級導師在活動前後的協助與帶領。   were able to broaden their world view. Lastly, we would
 ( 活動照片請見第 6-7 頁 )  like to thank all the administrators and teachers who
 have made this exchange opportunity possible! (For the
 公開授課 社群研習.國小部教師持續精進  pictures of the online exchange program, please see p.6
 教學技能  and p.7)
 Open  Teaching Learning Community:
 開授課及觀課 (Observation) 活動,透過事前的  Elementary Department Teachers Continuously
 Improve Teaching Skills
 說課會議 (Lesson Preparation),各領域或年段
 所選定的年度授課教師提出授課當天的活動目  At the end of each year, the elementary department
 標及教案進行討論、釐清學生學習盲點,共同  hosts open teachings and observation events for teachers   透過討論與生活經驗分享、繪畫,記錄孩子們在生活中對於他人的「感謝」
 商討較適當的教學活動和引導語。今 (110) 年  of every subject and grade to discuss and improve their
 的公開授課活動訂於 12 月 7 日早修進行,同  teaching strategies. The annual instructors outline the
 plan and goal, facilitating discussions about a suitable
 年段教師則需在 12 月 7 日前後一周內完成自  plan for other teachers to follow. In this year’s open
 己的公開授課活動,並邀請同年段教師進班觀  teaching event, teachers of the same grade were invited
 課。在公開觀課後,教師們再度進行議課會議  to observe student’s participation during class. After the
 (Briefing),透由觀課日觀察學生的學習表現,  open teaching and observation event, teachers will enter
 老師們能夠將教案修正為更適合學生的學習方  a briefing to discuss their observations in order to better
 式,精進學習效果。除了例行的公開觀課活動  improve their teaching strategies and increase lecture
 efficiency. In addition, every semester, teachers from the
 外,國小部每學期開放數個教師學習社群,以  elementary department also utilize technology to increase
 多元的領域主題為教師們在不同領域學習上加  diversity and complexity in student's education. For
 深加廣,以期回饋到學習活動的安排,讓更多  the effort and time put in, we would like to give special   孩子們的感謝卡展示於幼兒園接送區的「星星班感謝樹」
 學生受惠。感謝行政人員的費心安排,更要謝  thanks to administrators’ hard work in organizing and,
 謝老師們在教學上展現的熱忱!  most importantly, showing their passion in education!

 2  學校要聞                                                                                  幼兒園鞋盒送真情活動            3
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