Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第七期
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實中園地 印
The Newsletter of NEHS 品
第二十七卷第七期 中華民國 111年 12月出刊 December 2022
發 行 所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
發 行 人: 張簡瑞璨
總 編 輯: 林容安 本 ● 111學年實中運動會剪影
編輯小組: 郭斐粧、蔡依玲、莊秋芬、孔繁妤
英文翻譯: Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Tara Kelly、 ● HSINMUN XVIII
Guan-Jhen Wu、Wei Hsi Mar、Winnie Liu 期
刊 頭 : 雙語部 5B Man-ni Ho ● 食在好滋味
地 址 : 新竹市介壽路 300號 要
300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL:886-3-5777011 FAX:886-3-5781813 ● 實中運動會 幼兒園親子
設計印刷: 富泰設計 財政部印刷廠 目 同樂動起來
雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號
高中部國際教育活動.與日本長野上田高 NEHS High School Department's
校視訊交流 Global Education Event Held Virtually
With Japan's Ueda High School
NEHS has promoted global education for many
峻之時,仍積極與國外學校保持聯繫,以線上 years, devoting itself to sustained connection with
交流形式代替實體交流。今 (111) 年雖逐漸放 international institutions, with this year being no
寬邊境管制措施,但為維護校內師生健康安全, exception. Despite the loosening of Taiwan's border
仍以線上交流形式進行國際交流活動。在 11 月 restrictions, NEHS made the decision to host the
international exchange virtually in the interest of
8 日上午由高二 1 班王貞慧老師,以及當天下 students' and teachers' health and safety. Two rounds
午由高二 3 班蔡明憲老師,分別帶領學生與日 of virtual student exchanges in the morning and in the
本長野縣上田高校進行兩次的交流活動。雖然 afternoon were led respectively by Ms. Chen-Huei Wang
of class H201 and Mr. Ming-Hsien Tsai of class H203
在課業壓力及運動會將至的雙重壓力之下,高 on November 8th. To avoid being overwhelmed by
二 1 班和高二 3 班師生仍十分認真的為此次交 academic stress and the upcoming Field Day, the students
流活動做準備。各班主持人及致詞代表在開幕 of H201 and H203 prepared diligently for the exchanges.
At the opening ceremony, the respective emcees and
式中皆展現了流利的英語能力,並感謝校長在 speech representatives of each class demonstrated fluent
百忙之中也撥空參加開幕致詞。在小組討論時 English, expressing thanks to principal Chang Chien
段,雙方學生皆以期待、興奮的心情開啟對談, for attending the ceremony. With "gourmet" as the
theme, discussions blossomed between the students of
以「美食」為交流主題的組別,準備了台灣獨 both schools, with topics revolving around Taiwanese
有的小點心「視吃」活動;或者介紹台灣高中 snacks, high school life, as well as cultural specialties
生的日常生活、或者討論台日雙方的特有文化 of Taiwan and Japan. Regardless of the brief exchange,
students of both schools were in high spirits and many
特色,雖然交流時間不長,但是雙方學生熱情 fond memories accompanied them home. We express our
高昂,笑談間都留下很好的印象及回憶。在此 utmost gratitude to the faculty and administrators whose
特別感謝協助活動進行的師長及行政人員。 hard work has made this exchange event possible.
The Endless Exchange of Taiwan and
國 際交 流 不間 斷. 台 泰文 化 Exchange Thailand Exchange GO!
Since the SIEP program application in 2016, the
國小部自 105 年申請 SIEP 計畫以來,每年 Elementary Department has been conducting international
在教務組的安排下與東南亞國家進行國際交流 exchange activities with Southeast Asian countries
annually under the arrangement of the academic affairs
活動。105 年至 108 年曾帶領學生訪問越南胡 team. From 2016 to 2019, the program led students to
志明市臺灣學校,與該校學生實際交流互動; visit Taiwanese schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,
109 年起則與泰國中華國際學校搭起友誼的橋 and actually exchanged and interacted with the students
of the school. Since 2009, it formed a friendship bridge
樑,以台、泰文化分享作為國小部辦理 SIEP 國 with the Thai-Chinese International School (TCIS) in
際交流的主軸。雖然受到疫情影響而無法實體 Thailand, with the sharing of Taiwanese and Thai
出訪,但是在雙方師長的努力下,這三年仍維 cultures as the main axis of SIEP international exchange
in elementary school. Although they were unable to visit
學校要聞 1