第六卷第五期     中華民國九十年十月十一日   NOV.2 0 0 1

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高 中 部 教 師


歐碧霞 老師 
         很高興進到實中任教, 也很樂意和大家一齊學習一齊成長。本人自民國77年畢業
於師大歷史系,十 多年來任教於新竹縣的照門、 二重國中,大部份擔任導師的職務,

劉文琪 老師
,我還騎著腳踏車在市區裡迷了路。  本來抱著忐忑的心情,來到人生地不熟的新竹,

范品慧 老師 
Hey, this is Pinga speaking.
Nice to be here for you!!

林曉萍 老師

雙 語 部 教 師


朱麗芬 老師

巫青青 老師
Hello! I am 巫青青(Vicky Wu), the new Physical Education (PE) teacher of the Bilingual Department. 
I grew up in Tai-zhong. I studied Physical Education,  Secondary    School Education at Chinese Culture
 University(1995~1999), and then further pursued Exercise Physiology, Exercise Biochemistry, Physical
 Fitness, and Sport Training at Graduate Institute of Sport Coaching Science,  C.C.U.(1999~2001) . My
 hobbies include bird-watching, traveling, picnic, cooking, and  billiards.  I  am  glad  to  work  with  the 
 students as well as the teachers at this department, and I look forward to learning from you all.

Mr. Christopher J. Bryan
Originally from the Sunflower State of Kansas, I am excited to be living in Hsinchu after teaching for
 the past two years in  Guayaquil ,  Ecuador.  I  received  my  formal  training through Emporia State
 University, where I also met my wife, Cristin, who teaches Grade 7 Humanities.
Though I first set out to become a field biologist, my enthusiasm for learning has extended to studies in
 music, chemistry, mathematics, and teaching English as a second language. I am fluent in Spanish and
 enjoy Mountaineering, Gourmet Cooking, Percussion, and Photography. I credit my curiosity and
 enthusiasm for learning to my mother who taught me to love reading at a young age.

Mrs. Cristin Bryan
Life in Taiwan has been good so far-I sincerely appreciate all those parents and teachers who put forth 
the  effort  to  make my transition easy. It has been easy, and I feel at home here. Thank you! Now, if
 anyone can teach me instant Chinese...
received  my  education  from  Emporia  State  University  in Kansas, which  houses one of  the  best 
teacher's colleges in the U.S. After marrying my husband Chris and graduating-in that order-I taught for
 three years in south-western Kansas, in a town of only 500 people. We had to drive an hour for a good
 grocery store and  a restaurant other  than  McDonalds.  We  figured  after  living  there ,  we could live
 anywhere, so we moved to Ecuador, where we taught  for  two  more  years,  did  some traveling,  and
 learned  Spanish.  It  was hard  to leave our friends there,  but  the opportunity to live  near  our  dearest
 friends, Dave and Heather McLeod, and learn about a new culture couldn't be passed up.  We signed on
 with NEHS as soon as we could, and here we are, enjoying every minute. 

Mr. Michael Henry 
Hello all. I am the new second grade teacher, and I  am  very excited  to be a part of this school. I hail on
 the outskirts of  the  thriving  metropolis  Leescreek,  Ohio.  I  attended  Miami  University  ( Ohio,  not
 Florida-arg!)) and graduated with a degree in elementary education. Still thirsting for the big city life like
 in my youth, I moved to Bangkok, Thailand and taught second grade in an international  school. Loving
 the experience of being in a different culture and country, I made my way Northeas t to  teach  here. I'm
 very much looking forward to getting  to  know the people in the school  community,  and  experiencing
Mr. Devin Kay
Mr. Kay came to NEHS from the state of Colorado. Although originally from Wisconsin, he has spent the
 last 5 years living, teaching, and playing in the Rocky Mountains. He spent most of his time there either on 
a mountain bike or a snowboard. After finishing  his  master's degree  from  the University of Colorado he
 looked  to  teach  overseas and found Taiwan and NEHS to be an exciting and challenging place to begin a
 new adventure.
Mr. Keith Eckerling
I am a native of the other windy city, Chicago. I attended the University of Colorado receiving a BA before
 returning to Chicago where I worked 16 years in the retail record business. In 1989 I went back to college,
 obtaining a Masters degree in education at DePaul University before spending the last 12 years as a History
 teacher at Hubbard High School in Chicago. I coached softball for 2 years and baseball for 7 years in addition
 to helping implement the history component of our world class International Baccalaureate Program. This is
 my first international job and I consider myself fortunate to be working with such outstanding students. My
 hobbies include exercise, reading, theater, movies, eating all kinds of food, and watching sports. My favorite
 baseball team is the Chicago White Sox.
Ms. Marci Jones
At the beginning of this year, I realized I needed to break out of my conventional "straight arrow" life and
 grow into a wider world. I was honored to be offered a teaching position in this school, a wonderful dream
 come true for me. I've been a probation officer and social worker in Southern California for 25 years and a
 high school teacher in Prescott, Arizona for the past 14 years. In addition to teaching, I love to read, travel,
 quilt, and learn. Going to museums, or the ballet, or the theater are pure pleasure to me. The opportunity to
 teach at N.E.H.S. is a "gift  from the universe," I think. I  am so  grateful for  this time of astonishing new
 students and new friends and all the possibilities in the Orient. 
Ms. Alison J. Kay 
Ms. Alison J. Kay was born and raised outside of Boston,  Massachusetts.  She holds a bachelor degree 
in English Literature, with a minor in Creative Writing from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Ms. Kay has lived in Colorado, San Francisco, Florida, Greece and Israel. She holds ESOL instructional
certification from the State of California, and carries professional teacher certification  in  Language  Arts,
grades 5-12, from the state of Florida. Ms. Kay graduated Magna Cum Laude with her Masters from the
University of South Florida, in Tampa. She has initiated and facilitated many peer circles for Creative 
Writing, both in Amherst, as well as in San Francisco, including one with emotionally disturbed teens. Ms.
Kay has had articles published in a variety of publications, and continues to  be  the  free  lance writer.  Last
year, within her Language Arts Department, she was responsible for designing and implementing a national
pilot of a portable computer lab that contained a networked  reading  software program.  During her  second
year of teaching, her colleagues nominated her  for  Teacher of the Year.  Integration of Eastern and Western
values, philosophies and lifestyles has been an  interest  of  Alison's  since  beginning  at  the  University  of
Massachusetts  at Amherst,  where  she  was  first exposed to the Eastern lifestyle. Ms. Kay has a variety of
interests that keep her busy outside of school;  she is  active   in   environmental  protection,  is  a  Certified 
Herbalist  from  an  integrated East  /  West  herbalism  program,  works  with  a  variety of natural healing
techniques ,  including as a Reiki Master. While here in Taiwan ,  she  spends  time  exploring  the  island's
magnificent  range  of  ecosystems,  as well as the temples and monasteries. She feels very privileged to be
teaching within such a unique arrangement as that of the Bilingual Department's within NEHS, for it allows
her to further her cultivation of integrating Eastern and Western ways, while guiding her students tstowards
the same, as well as high personal and academic achievement.
Ms. Kathleen Sloan
Ms. Kathleen Sloan comes from an Irish-Italian family of six children, five boys and one girl. Growing up in
 Oak Park, Illinois, just outside Chicago Ms. Sloan spent much of her time practicing gymnastics, and dance.
 Just two years after moving to Tampa,  Florida ,  she  chose  to  attend the University of Florida,Gainesville.
 During her third year she attended Univerisdad de Salamanca, Spain. According to her that was an experience
 of a lifetime. She traveled extensively through Europe, and  particularly  enjoyed  Italy ,  and Germany. After
 college Ms. Sloan moved to New Hampshire to teach Skiing and Waterville Valley. For the past seven years
 Ms. Sloan has been living in scenic South Lake Tahoe and teaching  in  Reno , Nevada.  Ms.  Sloan  has  the
 "Travel Bug", and always has her bags packed ready  for  adventure.  She enjoys bike riding, and especially
 mogul snow skiing, as well as, indoor sports such as volleyball and gymnastics. She says that teaching first
 grade students helps to keep her young.
國  小  部  教  師

洪瑩容 老師
              兩千零一年的夏天在此, 與大家因緣際會, 同切磋共成長, 真是難能的福氣! 有句話, 
 I  listen ,  I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand! 願與大家同勉於英語及其他各科的學習!
除了英語以外, 我最大的興趣是拼布創作與旅行. 帶著滿滿的好奇心和英語, 我們ㄧ同遨遊

楊佳幸 老師

李月瑛 老師

莊雅婷 老師
興趣:喝咖啡 音樂 游泳 遊山玩水
Best wishes,雅婷 9.21

范秀娟 老師

黃芷薇 老師


李家隆 老師


幼  稚  園  部  教  師

鍾冉媺 老師
