第六卷第五期     中華民國九十年十月十一日   NOV.2 0 0 1

回 首 頁 人 物 專 訪 新 進 教 師 N R C  研 究 童 詩 童 心 升 學 榜 單 學 聯 會 活 動 看 板 校園廣角鏡



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ilingual Department Student Council  Year 2001


            Established in 1994, the Bilingual Student Council has served the students of the Bilingual
Department over the past six years. A student government, BDSC focuses on dealing with student
issues  and  organizing  student  activities.  This  year's  newly  elected  officers  are : James Yang,
President; Eric Lee, Vice President; Amy Wang, Secretary; and Alex Wu, Treasurer. Meanwhile, a
total  of 24  Executive Council members were elected to represent  and  voice  the opinions of their
own classes. With many new faces, BDSC nevertheless concerns itself with the same issues. Despite
a delay caused by typhoon Nari, this year's BDSC has already begun  work, establishing a Student
Affairs Committee dedicated to dealing with student issues. Already on  the  committee agenda are
refilling soap dispensers, checking quality of water supply, installing  bathroom air fresheners, and
improving the drainage in stairways. In the meantime, BDSC has already organized a new student's
orientation, where BDSC officers and Honor Council members took new students on a tour around
the school and downtown Hsinchu. Activities in progress include  a Movie  Night  on  October  5th
and a dance after the midterms. Tentative plans also include a week- long  sports Superbowl, Spirit
Week, Career Day, Airband, raffle, basketball competitions,  and,  of course, the annual Christmas
Concert. Ultimately, whether in organizing activities or dealing with student issues, BDSC one and
only  goal  is  to  serve  the  students  of  the  Bilingual  Department.   Typhoon Nari or not, BDSC
promises everyone an exciting new school year.

                                                                            九十學年度     高國中部學聯會
