第二十二卷第八期 107年1月15日出刊 December 2018

The World Scholar 2017 at Yale University


社區服務學習活動 日本東京都立大泉高校參訪  秋 親善大使再出擊  2017國小部外交小尖兵 榮譽榜


The World Scholar 2017 at Yale University

The World Scholar 2017 at Yale University


雙語部學生是在暑假WSC全球競賽(Global Round)中表現優異的學生中,有四名學生參加在耶魯大學舉辦的冠軍錦標賽Tournament of Champions。(共有來自50多國2000名參賽者)

The World Scholar’s Cup 2017

(Mr. Seth Roberts)
The IBSH World Scholar's Cup team represented the school very well at the Tournament of Champions held at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Our students competed with 2,000 other respected scholars from 50 different countries who earned the right to compete there through strong performances at the global rounds over the summer. IBSH brought 4 students: Joshua Zhao, Dana Chiueh, Alex Ku, and Claire Kuo. These 4 students came home with 56 medals and 2 trophies for their efforts. They won medals in every area of competition. The highest honors were the team of Alex, Claire, and Joshua winning 10th place for writing, Dana Chiueh won 9th place overall individual scholar, and Claire Kuo was recognized as third place student int he special area of mythology. These students showed the world that IBSH has not just great scholars, but wonderful human beings as well by making connections to others from all over the world.


(12B Alex Ku辜惟亮)
As a senior, World Scholar’s Cup has been an integral part of my time at IBSH and will be something I will cherish forever. I have been fortunate to participate in this competition since 7th grade and met some of my closest friends across the world which I still frequently Skype with! While our team did quite well and came home with a trophy, what was more important was the knowledge and memories I obtained because of WSC. Not only did I listen to music from the older generation like Ironic and Space Oddity, I was able to meet real-life alpacas and travel to countries I haven’t been before like Vietnam and Thailand. This year at Tournament of Champions, I was able to explore Yale University and even hear from some of their most renowned professors and eat in their Harry-Potter like dining halls. In addition, WSC also hosted its own cultural fair which allowed me to try out different Turkish delights, Vietnamese Spring rolls, and even see people in Ottoman attire. While IBSH has provided me a great education and environment, WSC allowed me to expand my horizons and meet scholars from different cultures that are all interested in the pursuit of knowledge and friendly interaction to make our world a better place.

(12B Claire Kuo郭晴)
Tournament of Champions had rolled around again and while the location was, as always, gorgeous, no amount of sweaters could have prepared us for a New Haven November. We froze our way through the Scholar's Scavenge (even the alpaca Painted Warrior shivered) and huddled in T-Mobile for warmth. Then came the Scholar's Challenge, where we guessed answers to best of our abilities, and the Collaborative Writing. The trauma (just kidding) was slightly alleviated by mashed potato pizza waiting outside. Next was the formidable event of Debate and, lastly, the Scholar's Bowl. After those ended, events focused on the more cultural aspect where one could interact with the other scholars. Scholars showcased their talent with a "hyped" rendition of Havana and the ever memorable Japan delegation with Spiderman in tow. This trip of challenges, endless burgers, thrift shopping was filled with amazing, UNLIKELY events and despite the Mt. Everest of homework currently waiting for me, I'm so glad I went.

(11 Dana Chiueh闕崧芝)
This year was my first year completing a full 'season' of World Scholar's Cup, participating in a regional and a global round prior to the Tournament of Champions. Throughout this year, I was blessed to be able to compete with three entirely different teams, allowing me to work together extensively with teammates from our school, as well as students from the U.S., Thailand, Korea, and China. One of my favorite things about World Scholar's Cup remains its progressive levels of competition, which point to the once-yearly gathering of all top scholars at Yale. It was an immense joy to not only meet new scholars at the Tournament of Champions, but also to reconnect with those I had met in previous rounds or interacted with online in the months before the competition. Throughout the process of training, with frequent practice debates and extracurricular essays, I was definitely able to improve my own skills in debate and essay-writing, as well as learn facts about interesting topics that I likely would not have picked up on my own. I'm super grateful to Mr. Roberts for taking us on this trip and supporting us with countless after-school practices through the year, as well as my family for allowing me to go on this freezing winter Yale experience. It's going to be hard to forget."

(10A Joshua Zhao趙英儀 )
World Scholar’s Cup was a truly enlightening experience, exposing me to their wonderful community and allowing me to participate among the best scholars in the world.
Being my first time to TOC, I found the encounter inspiring and exciting. I met interesting people from all around the world that I normally would have never interacted with, and I developed skills that will aid me in the years to come. Yes, there were academics involved, but overall I found it to be a genuinely fun and carefree trip. I am truly thankful for being able to have partaken in this wonderful event.