Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿七卷第一期
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實中園地                                                   印

                                                                The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                                   第二十七卷第一期  中華民國 111年 3月 15日出刊               March  2022
                                                   發  行  所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
                                                          National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                                   發  行  人: 李健維
                                                   總  編  輯: 林容安                                本   ● 幼兒園母語日
                                                   編輯小組:  袁子文、陳婉如
                                                   英文翻譯:  Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Anna Huang、Abigail Lin、
                                                          Guan-Jhen Wu、Karen Tsung             期   ● 資訊素養及倫理教育宣導
                                                   刊   頭  : 雙語部 4B Pratyush Harshil Raval
                                                   地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                        要   ● 風與空氣 -雙語自然課程紀錄
                                                          300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                                   TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813
                                                   設計印刷:  富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                         目   ● 圖書館自動還書機介紹
                                                   雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

                    實驗中學 39 週年校慶.祝賀校運昌隆                                NEHS  39th  School  Anniversary
                                                                       Cheers to NEHS’s Prosperity!
                                                                           This year’s 39th School Anniversary is set on
                                                                       March 16th Wednesday. Although the COVID-19
                    限制,但這並不影響全校師生及教職員工為學                               pandemic has limited certain activities, it has not limited
                    校慶生的熱情!因應防疫規定,盛大舉辦的慶                               teachers’ and students’ enthusiasm for the event! Due
                                                                       to pandemic regulations, the event unfortunately cannot
                    祝大會今年仍維持取消的狀態。原本在慶祝大                               be held grandly. Originally, Principal Lee will present
                    會上表揚在本校服務滿 5、10、15、20 及 25                         certificates to teachers who served in the school for
                                                                       5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 years in the ceremony, but now
                    年的資深教職員工,則另外透過各部集合活動                               Principal Lee will express gratitude towards their hard
                    舉行,表揚他們為實中付出的辛勞與貢獻。而                               work and to praise them for their contribution to NEHS
                                                                       throughout the years in the assembly in each department.
                                                                       Furthermore, the NEHS elementary, middle, and high
                    活動,以各式飲食、遊戲或跳蚤市場的形式,                               school department, as well as IBSH, have decided to
                    為實中帶來歡樂的熱鬧氣氛!並為了參與師生                               continue celebration activities, such as selling foods
                                                                       and playing games, similar to a flea market, to bring a
                    的健康及安全,訂有相關措施以配合全民防疫。                              lively atmosphere to the school! In order to ensure the
                    在此祝福實驗中學校運昌隆久長!                                    health and safety of participating teachers and students,
                                                                       appropriate measures have been taken. Here’s to wishing
                    國小部棒球隊.進軍硬式棒球組全國賽                                  the school’s prosperity and longevity!
                                                                       Elementary Baseball Team Enters the
                        本校國小部棒球隊由黃昱銘老師、張唯宸                             National Hardball Division
                    老師領軍,於 2 月 15 日至 2 月 18 日連續四天
                                                                           Led by Mr. Huang Yuming and Mr. Zhang
                    拚戰,奪下 110  學年度教育部國小棒球聯賽 -                          Weichen, the elementary school baseball team fought
                    硬式組全國賽門票!一連四天的預賽,棒球隊                               four consecutive days from February 15th to February
                    選手連闖七關,小組賽勝三民、東門、建功;                               18th, and won the tickets for the National Competition
                                                                       of the National Baseball League-Hard Group of the
                    四強賽勝三民、東園、關東,再勝虎林,最後                               Ministry of Education in the 110th academic year! In
                    以亞軍的成績晉級全國賽。一路比拚奮戰,非                               the four-day preliminaries, the baseball team players
                                                                       broke through seven levels in a row, winning San-Min,
                    常不容易!「四天的連戰,颳風又下雨,真的                               Tungmen and JianGong in the group stage; The semi-
                    不容易。導師們和各科任老師們一起在課業的                               finals were won by San-Min, Dong-Yuan and Guan-
                    協助、行政長官們的支援、校長親臨打氣,讓                               Dong, then won Hulin, and finally advanced to the
                                                                       national competition as runner-up. It's not easy to fight
                    我們無後顧之憂全力以赴。與全國強隊還有很                               all the way! "Four days of consecutive tournaments,
                    多要繼續努力和學習的地方,我們會繼續努力                               windy and rainy, is really not easy. With the help of
                                                                       assistants, teachers, administrators, and principal, we can
                    備戰全國賽!」指導教練黃昱銘老師說。棒球                               go all out without worries. There are still many places

                                                                                                        學校要聞       1

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