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          發行所     :國立科學工業園區實驗中學 
                                 National  Experimental  High  School  
                                 at  Science -Based  Industrial  Park
          發行人     :戴禮明        Publisher:Li-Ming Tai
          編輯小組 :廖慧貞、鄭碧玟、陳玲慧、羅珍妮
          刊頭設計 :雙語部     許怡玟同學
          地         址 :新竹市介壽路300號
          TEL:886-3-5777011        FAX:886-3-5781813


教育部國教司劉亦權司長應本校邀請,於五月五日周六上午蒞校演講,講題是「推動九年一貫課程之指標與實施進程」,替國中部九年一貫課程系列講習揭開序幕,劉司長的演說生動風趣,內容豐富,讓老師們收穫良多。感謝國教司對此活動的支持,此次研習除了國中部的教師全部參加外,亦開放邀請鄰近學校的老師共襄盛舉, 第 二 梯次研習定於五月二十六日舉行, 歡迎大家參加。                                                                                                                



高二同學揮彩筆 幼稚園部換新裝





高中部法語選修課程為提昇同學對法國文化的興趣,並學習實用的法式餐點禮儀,使學生能夠活用知識於生活,特別舉辦一次別開生面的校外教學。在劉炳宏老師及莊添丁老師的帶領下,於五月十七日先參觀位於台北市松江路的信鴿書店,認識法國書籍與雜誌的出版情況,該店的法國主人親自出面接待,除了作簡介還帶領學生作一些活動,接著同學們到Ritz Landis Hotel用餐,現場安排法式烹調的示範說明,讓同學深入了解法國菜的特色。劉老師行前已在課堂上教授相關單字詞彙及用語,活動當天同學們將平日所學應用出來,實地印證,收穫甚為豐盛。                              


雙語部戲劇選修課的同學在柯傑茂老師的指導下,於五月二十五日晚上假活動中心演出   Stand   Centre   Stage  及  Morph   兩場劇目,約有三十多位同學參加表演,演出精采,在場觀眾報以熱烈掌聲以示鼓勵。                                                                                           




想要到李汝珍鏡花緣筆下的女人國一遊 , 見見性別顛倒的錯亂嗎 ? 或者你想穿越時空到春秋戰國時代, 見識見識火牛陣的厲害,那麼來一趟雙語部的中文展示會,您絕對不會失望。五月十八日及二十五日星期五上午十點至十二點,七至十二年級師生齊聚一堂觀賞各班的精采演出,同學們絞盡腦汁精心製作了許多道具,務求傳達劇中的精隨,就拿同心協力各具異稟的十兄弟一劇來說,飾演「銅皮四」的同學將絲襪套在手上,用手一捏提,「 銅皮四」那位兄弟皮膚拉扯不爛的特性不但表露無遺,更是「笑果」十足。活潑的國語文教學一直是雙語部努力的目標,希望透過中文展示會的表演加強學生的學習興趣,從觀眾熱烈的回應,老師同學的努力沒有白費。                                                          

國二大露營 野外求生不落人後




Dean of Primary Education Division of MOE Give Speeches at NEHS

Mr. Liou Yi - Chuan , Dean of Primary Education Division of the Ministry
 of  Education, visited  our  school on Saturday,  May 5, and spoke  on  the 
Implementation  of  the  Integrated   Curriculum.  Mr. Liou ' s  interesting 
 and lively speech made  for  an   educating experience for the participating
 teachers.  Many  thanks to  Primary  Education  Division's  support  of this
 series of activities. The second in-service training is scheduled on May 26 ;
 teachers are encouraged to attend.

NRC Finalists Announced

National Research Council , Canada  has been  providing  NEHS students
opportunities  to go  to  the  institution  and  University  of  Ottawa  for  a
 six-week summer  research during the past three  years. This year will  be 
 the   fourth  year  that   NEHS  students  will  be  attending this program.
Experimental   Department  students  Chiu-Lin  Lee ,  Hsinyu  Chen ,  and
Bilingual  Department  students  Eric  Lee  and  Jacob Jou are chosen to go.
We wish them to have a fruitful summer at Canada. Bon Voyage!
Experimental Students Paint with Flourish Kindergarten Department Gets a Makeover 
At  the  request  of  the Kindergarten  Department , Art of Living elective 
(  Experimental  Department )students,  under the instruction  of  Ms.  Hsu
Pei-Mei, spent two months, during lunch and class time to  paint  the walls
of  the  building .  After  months  of  hard work, students totally changed
the Kindergarten Department with intricate design and vivid colors.  During 
|this   time , kindergarten   teachers  specially   prepared  lunches   for the
students   to  express  their gratitude; the students were then deeply moved
by this. Why don't you  take  the  time to  walk over and admire their work.
Spend a few minutes to appreciate the time and effort spent by these students.

Carpe Diem-"Seizingthe Golden Moment"Program Begins

Following the first general academic testing, fifty-eight high school students in - training  participated  in  a  month - long  " Seize the Golden Momen t"   program  which   lasted  from  May  16 to  June 8.  The  students  were separated into two classes, with teachers Chiun-nan Hsu and  Ya-ching Yeh as  homeroom  teachers.  The  first  half  of  the  program concentrates on a review o f  the junior high courses, and the last half focuses on the materials students needed to learn to be able  to move  on to high school. Other than the usual classes, the administration  planned field trips in  which students would  visit  various  museums.  Hopefully ,  the  students  will  be  able to acquire enough knowledge to be fully armed for high school. 

French Elective in Taipei

In order to raise  students' interest  in  French  culture  , the Experiment 
all  Department    French   Elective class   held  a  rather interesting trip 
on May  17 to allow the students to have hands-on experience on both table
manners  and  daily  life  knowledge on the culture. Their  first  stop was
a  bookstore  in  Taipei  where  they  were  introduced  to  the   publishing 
process of  French  books   and magazines.  The  bookstore owner , who
was a French , personally planned various  activities for the students. Later,
students went to have lunch at the  Ritz Landis Hotel to taste and learn about
French cuisine. This experience not only increased the students' knowledge
about  French  cultures ,  but  also  gave  them  a chance to use what they
have learned in class. 

Bilingual Drama Club on Center Stage 

Under  Mr. Kehrle's  instruction , the Bilingual Drama Club performed the
two  plays  Stand  Centre  Stage  and Morph in the gym on May 25. Thirty 
some  students  participated  in  the  act,  and  their striking performance
was rewarded  by the  audience's great applause.
NEHS Brass Orchestra, String Orchestra, and Choir Give Public Performance Outside of School
Our school 's musically oriented clubs all scheduled public performances
in the month of May ,  starting  with  the  brass orchestra's annual public
performance at the Science Park's activity center on the 25th. Next was the
choir's  performance  at  the  Hsinchu High School and Vocational School
Concert  on  the  afternoon  of  the  26th.  That  night ,  the string orchestra
performed  at  the  Science  Park's  activity   center  and  received  warm 
applause.  One concert  after another has really been exciting.

Bilingual Department Chinese Presentations

Would you like to enter the women's world of Li Ru-Zhen's Flowers in the
Mirror and  see  the  confusion  caused  by  the  reversal of genders? Or
would you like to go back to the Warring States Period to see how General
Tien Tan charged the enemy encampment using oxen  with  burning tails ? 
If you  would, The  Bilingual Department  Chinese  Presentation  is where you  should  have  been.  On May  18 and 25, the 7th to 12th graders and
their Chinese teachers gathered together for two mornings of entertainment. 
 For    weeks  before  ,  students  had  been  beating  their  brains  out to
realistically  recreate  scenes  from  stories.  The  products of their creativity
were presented in  plays  such as  The  Ten  Chinese  Brothers,  a  story
about  ten  brothers  who each possessed superhuman  talents.  The student
who  played  Fourth  Brother  wore  pantyhose  on his arm  and  tugged
mercilessly  at his own " skin " effectively   recreating   the extraordinary
 elasticity of Fourth Brother's rubbery skin and giving the audience a good
laugh.  The  hard  work  of  students and teachers obviously paid off when
their presentations were met with laughter and applause. 

The Eighth Graders Go Camping

The eighth  graders  of  the  Experimental Department went camping at the Fushing Youth Activity Center in Taoyuan on April 27 and 28. In order to encourage  group  spirit , classes competed against each other in  activities  such as paint ball  and basic rock climbing. They were also tested on their abilities to  distinguish  between  different wildlife plants and their skills in using the compass, putting up tents, tying knots, and other scouting skills.
(English Editors: Jennifer Wang, Fung-chi Wu, Eva Chen, Lawrence 
Wang, Jannie Tsuei, Harmony Yang, Jean Yang, Daphne Wey)